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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. They didn't do Black Country Woman or In The Mood when I saw them. In The Mood is one of my favourite Plant songs. It is really a great show to see, and I'd reccomend it to anyone, even if they aren't a fan. My mom didn't like the music at all, but she took me to the show. The other day she was downloading stuff onto her mp3 player and I saw she was downloading Raising Sand.
  2. about the album: The album has no "official" name. The reason way is because they were tired of being critized for things like that. It's also the reason for the cover having no writing on it. As for the first day they performed as Led Zeppelin you'll have to check with someone else because I'm not really sure.
  3. Peep, I just read the Page/Plant quote in your sig and it's great.
  4. I used to look forward to getting my car, but I don't think I'll be able to afford it. I want an old VW Bug, I think they get around 28 miles per gallon. Is that good? I try to walk more places or ride my bike, so my parents don't have to take me. It's just even though I live in a small town it's really spread out.
  5. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    Sorry about the wait, we lost power. That's crazy, if it's a family atmosphere then nothing is wrong with that. Those kids are losing an important part of their childhood, being social. Is there any way to get a hold of the owners and talk to them and see if it can be changed?
  6. Gnik Nus- The Beatles. I love the Beatles, but I hate this song. It's just Because backwards. I also have Rock And Roll (the Zep version) done by Stevie Nicks. Neither are lame artist, I just don't like the songs.
  7. I don't have fuse. I know someone who does though. Will they show Robert and Alison?
  8. All of my vinyl has the orginal inner sleeve, most of it was given to me by my father. He kept them in great shape, and I do my very best to keep them in the condition that they were given to me in. I wasn't trying to play the free country card, I was just saying that you have expressed your opinion so I can express mine. My dad got me into this music, so even though they started in '68, I learned about them from him. I never claimed I was going out on a ledge. I really don't think I do. Granted I wear clothes that could be classified as "hippie" clothes, I don't try to go out on a ledge. No, I live in a very small town. Everyone here is into new music and me being into the older stuff is really strange. People yell names like pothead at me when I'm at school because of the music I listen to. If I was really into what others thought of me, I wouldn't be the way I am.
  9. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    That's ridiculous. Something should be done about that. Not one thing you've mentioned sounds even the slightest bit destructive. If everyone joins in, why are the managers complaining since all the tenants are happy? That makes me mad and I'm not even there.
  10. You can think whatever you'd like to about me. If vinyl is "in", so be it there's more for me to enjoy. I never said vinyl is practical, besides the fact I can get it used for 5 bucks an album, but I like it a lot more than I do cd's. I'm allowed an opinion, just like you are. I'm not going to force my opinion on anyone though, and that's were we differ. I know my opinion is not fact, maybe it's time for you to accept the difference between fact and opinion. And jsut to clear something up for you, besides people I've met here and two people I know, I'm the only "youngster" who listens to older music and people think I'm strange for listening to it. It isn't as in as you'd think.
  11. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    I agree, that sounds like prison. Do the managers not care at all what anyone else thinks? The kids should be allowed to play outside. I can kind of see why they wouldn't want lots of alcohol around the pool, espeacially around kids but I think if it was just one or two and you weren't drunk it'd be okay. I can only see that if a bunch of drunks were aruond with kids and I don't see you doing that. What are the kids supposed to do? It's no wonder that society is getting the way it is. When the people who do this are being taken care of by these kids who are then adults they'd better not complain because it'll be their fault.
  12. It looks earlier, around '70-'73 maybe. I'm not very good at guessing though. It isn't '71 because that's when Robert had the viking look.
  13. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    Itunes and Ipods are driving me nuts! Mine won't work and I want to put my new Doors cd in and it isn't working.
  14. I have no idea, but I've never seen that photo before. Robert's shoes look painful to wear for too long.
  15. I laid out in the sun, and got a little burnt but it's starting to turn to a tan. I'm really really white, so to me a tan is a big deal. I can't even get a spray tan because it turns orange. I don't mean orangeish tan, I mean orange like you sprayed the spray tan on paper orange.
  16. Sick Again was the second song of the show. They don't sound too bad, just a little slur.
  17. Well, I'm glad to hear that they have given Robert the freedom to do both. It does give some hope, but it's totally his choice. I'm just glad that he is still making music. I also can wait to hear Jimmy's new stuff. Didn't know T-Bone did Break Like The Wind either, I've got that on cd.
  18. I went to Buaffalo Wild Wings today, it was really good.
  19. Thanks for that link. It was great to hear him talk so fondly of her.
  20. First off, welcome to the forum! Glad to see you here. I got mine from a local record store. I'll check ebay and amazon for you and if you don't know how to use them I can help with ebay. I haven't ordered anything from Amazon, but I'm sure someone here has and would help you. Right now, I can't find anything from either place, but you should check regularly. I hope you can find it, it's a great show.
  21. It does sound like fun! I'll have to hunt some down. Is this just Zep or any artisit?
  22. I really wish I could, but I'm not from that part of the States. Sorry.
  23. I think it's a load of bull. There is no message there and anyone who thinks it is there is guillible. Can we please have one of these threads pinned and have it be part of the registration that you haev to read it? Nothing against you Biggus but everyone asks that question.
  24. I believe in aliens, I don't think we are the only intellegent race out there, the universe is huge. I marked your vote doesn't count, but I don't know if it means what I think it does. If it means that even if you do vote, your vote doesn't actually count because of the electorial college then, yes, I believe it. I also marked Bigfoot, I think that there is a creature out there, but I don't think it's what everyone makes it. It's just another animal, not something that is out to kill humans, etc. I said Loch Ness too, for the same reasons as Bigfoot. I think there is an animal there, just not what people have it all made up to be. And last but not least, time travel. I believe it's possible. Then again, I'm told a have a big imagination, it's probably the part of me who wants to attend Woodstock and live in the Haight Ashbury when it was the place to be. I don't know what a few things are on the list so I didn't check them.
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