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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. It was going to be on the next album that unfortunatly never came out.
  2. From my opinion, he just got overwhelmed. Peter Grant talked him out of it. I don't think it was ever brought to the table, and taken all too seriously within the band. JPJ may have seriously contemplated it, but not with the band.
  3. Exactly, failure and achievement aren't possible without the other. It's like good and bad, you can't have good without bad.
  4. I didn't copy and paste all my favourite ones, just some. Paul McCartney: "Somebody said to me, But the Beatles were anti-materialistic. That's a huge myth. John and I literally used to sit down and say, Now, let's write a swimming pool." Angus Young: "I'm sick to death of people saying we've made 11 albums that sounds exactly the same. In fact, we've made 12 albums that sound exactly the same." ( :hysterical) Janis Joplin: "I always wanted to be an artist, whatever that was, like other chicks want to be stewardesses...Being an intellectual creates a lot of questions and no answers. You can fill your life up with ideas and still go home lonely. All you really have that really matters are feelings. That's what music is to me." Grace Slick: "Through literacy you can begin to see the universe. Through music you can reach anybody. Between the two there is you, unstoppable." For the people just interested in the Zep ones: Jimmy Page: "My vocation is more in composition really than anything else--building up harmonies using the guitar, orchestrating the guitar like an army, a guitar army." Robert Plant: "We are trying to communicate a fulfilled ideal...I am a reflection of what I sing. Sometimes I have to get serious because the things I've been through are serious...The way I see it, rock n' roll is folk music."
  5. 42. (If you don't get it, read the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.) You will also need a bath towel. On a more serious note, I don't know. For me, as of now anyway, it's to achieve what you want, and to be as happy as possible with what you have.
  6. That was beautiful. I never have listened to a lot of her music, but Alison has a wonderful voice. I didn't think Raising Sand was going to be all that great, but I was totally wrong. I love it. I have it on cd and on vinyl, I listened to both, and it sounds much better on vinyl. It adds to the warmth of the album. I wanted to see the concerts too, I expect it to sound just like the album and be done. I didn't expect Robert to put on the show with the music constantly changing like it did in Zep. Once again, I was wrong. The music moved, and evolved. There were more songs than on the album, and the show was great.
  7. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    I was with my family the other day in Wal Mart. We were shopping for some food when here comes a lady with her phone. "Why'd they break up?" First off it isn't your buisness why they broke up and no on in Wal Mart wants to hear about it. There was a 10 minute converstaion about why two people broke up. That kind of conversation should happen at home, not at Wal Mart.
  8. I'm not even old enough to drive and it makes me mad. It's about $3.65 here. I walk places now so my mom doesn't have to take me places and we've cut down on the amount of places we go.
  9. I'm sorry I didn't start this thread Rabia. Does that make me a bad cyber-friend? Anyway Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day!
  10. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    I have a crazy neighbor. She rakes leaves off a cement driveway at 12 at night. She also comes into OUR yard and picks it up. She's only there for one night a week, I don't see why it matter. Thye have this huge bug light that's right by the window in my room so I have a blanket over my window. If they aren't there why do they need that light? All it does is keep me from getting sleep.
  11. I have that poster, but he has the cigarette. I don't smoke, and don't like it but it's people's choice to smoke. Why don't they edit out the drink too? People behave worse do to drinking than they when they smoke.
  12. It would be. I don't really care for the bangs he had, it reminds me of a pre-mullet, but his hair is very pretty.
  13. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    I hate those commercials so much!
  14. Of course Coda counts a as Zeppelin album. All the material was recorded while Zep was still a band. Does Mothership count as a Zep album? Yes, because it's all Zep material. What's the difference?
  15. Mine isn't hardback, they didn't have them. It isn't really paperback either though.
  16. As you all know, I second that motion.
  17. When I got it I was expecting a bunch of head songs like White Rabbit that I could sing at the top of my lungs with my stereo turned up as high as my dad will let me have them. (Not that he's against loud music, but it can be disturbing to have pictures fall os walls, which I have done before.) I was disappointed but I listen to it all the time because after I got over that and really listened I loved it.
  18. Pearl is amazingly GROOVY!!!! Half Moon is probably my favourite. I'm singin' it right down and danceing. My dad makes fun of me when I listen to it on my stereo because I really get into and start jumping and dancing around. But isn't that what she wanted the fans to do?
  19. A bulletin that Vannis posted.
  20. Hi! Glad to see you again, my screen name is the same though.
  21. I forgot about that; thy are! Happy Mother Day to all the mothers! You deserve a day of rest and peace. Not that it's what my mom got, but she deserves it.
  22. Outside of a few kids here in America are the same. I count as a kid, so it isn't like I'm an adult talknig down on peolpe. Our parents have no idea what they're in for when we become adults. I'm glad it's in my plans to move to Wales.
  23. Vannis you do look like Jimmy Page, I don't mean that in a bad way. Don't think I'm saying you look like a man. Rabia, from what I've seen of your pictures, you can't complain. You have such a beautiful heritage and it shows in your looks.
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