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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. I love that Micheal Bolton got number one.
  2. I was talking to anyone who will listen to me ramble aimlessly. I doubt that they have a relationship, but I wouldn't be surprised if they went public with one. It may be that they just have that natural chemistry, and it comes off that way even if it's not.
  3. I totally understand your reasoning. I may get flamed for this, but the more I look at those pictures the more I think there could be more than music in the relationship. I don't mean that there is definatly something there, for all I know Alison is married. I'm just making conversation, so don't get mad.
  4. It depends on how you think they are on a relationship basis on how you take it. It does sound better than saying grandfather though.
  5. It's great. He's really funny, not like telling jokes, but in a personality. You're quite welcome. I know you meant that in a good way, but the whole granddaughter thing is wrong on so many levels.
  6. I went on the 20s and they were great. Don't have time to review it but I will later.
  7. I don't know if I posted this or not before, and I meant to mention it. He looks a lot younger in person than he does in pictures. Either way he looks great though.
  8. I didn't hear about a screening of that. It sounds like a great time. Maybe they'll do that here, but I doubt it.
  9. This is it for tonight, but more will come later. And finally a larger version of this picture:
  10. I am getting them from my concert program from the Raising Sand Tour.
  11. One More: I'm posting these as I get them.
  12. Here are some: I have more but they are upside down so I'll have to fix thm first.
  13. Photobucket is being dumb right now, but I am scanning pictures from my concert program for you guys.
  14. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    I went to a concert last night and people there were drunk and loud. That is my new pet peeve. Security came down a few times and finally the people left. It was Robert () and my first concert so that made me a little bit mad. It was a lot of fun though.
  15. Yeah. I ignore the Rober bashing, he's entitled to freewill just like everyone else. Just because we give him our money doens't mean we can control his life. I don't have a problem with alison either. I think there's more to Robert not reuniting that her. It's okay, I get to see him tomorrow. () I avpid all the fighting I can and just stick to talking to people who I get along with. Edited: I have to go someone needs the computer. Hope to see you around soon!
  16. Mine is a Pioneer, it's very basic. It plays 45s too. It has a play button, stop button, and arm elevation. It also has a strobe light so you can control the pitch by sliding a little nob thing. It's fairly inexpensive for a turntable. It isn't a cheaply made one, just inexpensive. I really like it, it sounds great. http://shopping.msn.com/Prices/shp/?itemId=24089595"" target="_blank">Pioneer PL 990
  17. Aww. That's cute. Keep listening to it around her, maybe it will wear off on her. Especially if she's just 6.
  18. Does your 6 year old not like Zep?
  19. I learned to keep my mouth shut, not everyone wants my opinion. Some arguments aren't even worth it.
  20. It's supossed to be about music. This place reminds of my high school sometimes, full of drama. Problems sprout up everywhere. Even the younger people have problems, even if they're established members.
  21. Threads never stay on track. If you want to talk there are plenty of places here where people don't care. Glad you are doing well.
  22. Yes, there are lots of members here under different names. Most of them banned for other things. If you want more info on that pm and I'll give it.
  23. How are you? (In case you forgot, I'm Alicia.)
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