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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. I thought you were 20 until someone took me otherwise.
  2. The Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough kind. Favourite icing flavor?
  3. Hermione. Favourite neon colour?
  4. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    It is an extremely speical school. I hate that. We only have one world, we should be nice to it.
  5. I guess you were right, this time. And sometimes, eyes don't open because it's better when they stay shut.
  6. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    I have to agree with that Spats. I hate when people do that.
  7. I've Just Seen A Face- The Beatles
  8. Keith Richards will never die, he's a like a cochroach.
  9. Protecting yourself on the internet has nothing to do censoring music.
  10. lzfan715


    No there isn't. I won't hold my breath unless I wanted to cut my oxygen supply permantly and die.
  11. Try ebay, I know the one you're talking about, and I have it but it's vintage and probably out of print.
  12. So what does that have to do with internet safety?
  13. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    I'm not a teacher, I'm a student. I just happen to attend school with really dumb people.
  14. That is crazy. Creative idea though.
  15. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    My algebra teachers has us use binders to keep track of our papers and it's wonderful. I love them, it keeps me organized. My newest pet peeve is the stupidity of teenagers today. They really are just plain dumb sometimes. For instance, the ones in my French class don't know where Liverpool is. So I thought to be nice and not completely give the answer away I said it's where the Bealtes are from. They didn't know who the Bealtes were. So I explained that it's the band with John Lennon. Low and behold they didn't know who John Lennon was. Then the girl behinds me goes did they sing "You ain't nothing but a hound dog."? At this point I didn't care I just told them it was in England. Then they asked me if Madrid was in America. (For those who don't know it's in Spain.)
  16. I'd go to the Smithsonians. In the Air and Space on they have a planetarium and it's really cool. They are all really cool though.
  17. Oh wow. That's all I can say, except I'm going to make sure I miss it.
  18. J.R.R. Tolkien or Edgar Allan Poe favourite Poem
  19. That made me spit my orange juice out.
  20. As a teenager, I'd say it is very important to be careful on the internet. You never know who you are talking too.
  21. a Zep reunion requires all remaining members of Zep to be there. No Robert, no Zep reunion.
  22. I was in a bridal fashion show, I love doing that. Now that you reminded me of it I'm going to get a few girly friends and that's what I'm going to do. It's so much fun. You feel like a princess. No Matt, it just means she think you have good taste.
  23. "Don't compromise yourself, it's all you've got"- Janis Joplin Favourite word?
  24. busy as a bee flat as a board hard as nail sly as a fox quick as bird fits like a glove happy as a jaybird poor as hungry as a horse slow as turtle old as dirt dull as drink like work like a horse live like there's no tomorrow sing like fight like swim like cool as a cucumber pleased as pickle? quite as neat as pin sharp as pin strong as an ox sober as clean as stubborn as donkey good as it gets blind as a bat fat as sleep like a baby eat like pig laugh like run like the wind shake like a leaf in a tree watch (someone) like a hawk. Hope I helped. I didn't know all of them sorry.
  25. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    Not meaning to butt in but it's pronounced: Elect-ro-file. And it means that she likes things that are electric.
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