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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. First off, hi Ev, it's nice to see you again. Second, I have no idea.
  2. It's that Taylor Swift girl. I didn't know who she was until I saw her on the awards. My mom told me she sings that song about pick up trucks and how they ruined her relationship. It's annoying and I think she sings the one Our Song or something like that. When I first saw Robert come on I was in a bit of shock. One, because it was country music, second I'm so used to seeing pictures of him from the 70s that I guess I kinda forgot that he too is mortal and ages. After seeing these pictures, I changed my mind though, he looks great.
  3. I am going to see Robert Plant tomorrow at 8:00.
  4. ^That was really funny. Obviously your music teacher has no idea what he's talking about. Bonzo is an amazing drummer.
  5. The Rover by Zep, if that wasn't obvious
  6. I have never like Ted Nugent. This really pushed me over the edge. Wait, forget never liked, I hate him. Jimmy Page's snot and boogers can play better than he can. Jimmy has played so many types of songs and Ted Nugent plays 1 kind. He is so conceited. Did he ever think that maybe someone can teach him something and he isn't the all knowing guitar god he thinks he is.
  7. The middle one is new to me. I like it. thanks for the pics.
  8. Can someone tell me what Jimmy believes in? I think it's the Order of something. He is maybe a wizard in it. Thanks in advance.
  9. Where did that come from? For me, probably Robert. He's funny, and is (or used to be) into generally the same things as me, like LOTR, mythology, etc. I"d love to be friend with any of them they all have really good points and seem highly intellegent.
  10. If we leave we let the bad guys win. What happen to the ones with a lightsabers?
  11. Yes, they felt it was needed. They should've broken up, and they did. They couldn't go on. They broke up because John Bonham died.
  12. I never said he was old and decrepit. You make it sound like I said he was unable to take care of himself.
  13. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    I have no idea. I'd love to know though. Some things are a few cents cheaper. The food usually is, considering that the local grocery store owner rolls in money. He raises prices when he wants something. For instance, last time prices were raised he put a bowling alley in his house. I live in a typical small town, you can't tell me that isn't excess.
  14. Alright. Thanks for the help. I'll start trying to find someone who can help me.
  15. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    I hate Wal Mart make up. It's always dried out. I go to CVS to buy mine, it may be more expensive but it works. I don't get clothes at Wal Mart because they don't fit me right.
  16. I know you aren't trying to cause problems, didn't take it that way. I don't buy them to steal from them either. I don't want to steal from them. I don't have many bootlegs but I really like the ones I have. I'd like to learn how but I haven't talked to anyone who knows how. Any ideas on who may be able to help me?
  17. Yes, it is from the O2 show. It was $20 and my dad bought it for me. I don't download songs from botolegs because I don't know how. I also get bootlegs because some of them have pictures I haven't seen before.
  18. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    1. Thank you for sharing your side respectfully. It's needed around here. 2. I think you've just been lucky because our Wal Mart is bad and the Super Wal Mart in a larger town that's close is bad too. I'm sure that some people take better care of the store than others. Just the ones I usually use the bathroom have human waste on the walls and etc.
  19. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    I have to agree. Wal Mart is a bad place to shop. It isn't really cheaper with some things either. In the small town that I live in though it's the only place to buy things like shampoo unless you go to the pharmacy and pay twice as much.
  20. Those are great pictures, thanks. I love the expression on his face in the last one.
  21. I got a Janis Joplin poster, Procal Harom album (on vinyl), Rolling Stones Some Girls (vinyl), Whole Lotta Reunion CD, and my cousin sent me a whole bunch of cds.
  22. I just found a song that was one of her first recordings: Video Hopefully someone will here will enjoy it.
  23. I don't know if I count as an oldbie but I plan on staying Bonnie.
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