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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. OH, I see, it is. Wow, had me worried about them for a little bit.
  2. Never met any of them, yet. I will though, hopefully. There are a few people around here who met Bonzo.
  3. I don't think that Robert could destroy a hotelroom now if he wanted to. The energy is gone, and I don't think his body could handle it. Nothing against Robert, but he isn't a kid anymore. Alison is too laid back and calm to do something like that,
  4. lzfan715

    Robert's Hair

    Your very welcome. Another picture(s): The mullet: Every time I get into my photobucket for one picture I always post as many as I can on accident. (Well, maybe not on accident.)
  5. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    They are really nasty. The ones here smell terrible. I won't use them. The trash cans are overflowing, no one flushes the toilet, etc.
  6. It does look like that, probably some sort of joke.
  7. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    It's not. I've known that for a long time. Things that are infected don't bother me at all. I don't like insides either. I had to disect a piglet in 8th grade and when they cut it open I had to leave the room.
  8. Man everyone is leaving. Well, don't stay away if you want visit us.
  9. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    I don't think I could handle any of that. For instance, seeing vomit or smelling it makes me vomit. Sorry if you think that's grotesque.
  10. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    I couldn't be a nurse. Too much blood involved and you have to stick people. I can't handle seeing a needle stick out of my arm let alone someone elses while I'm holding it.
  11. 1. Have you done research of any form on led zeppelin? If not tell how you obtained your information on Led Zeppelin. I did some research. I read a lot of books, essays, interviews etc. 2. Would you consider Led Zeppelin to be a versatile band? If so, why? Yes, look at the wide range of music. Tangerine to Whole Lotta Love. 3. To your knowledge what genres has Led Zeppelin covered in their music? Folk, Classic Rock, Blues, I guess you could psychadelic 4. Of those genres, which would you consider Led Zeppelin strongest in? That is a really hard question, but I'm going to say classic Rock 5. What song by Led Zeppelin do you consider to be the most unique? Carouselambra 6. Do you think Led Zeppelin's versatility helped them gain fans? (more then if they were not as versatile) Yes, because the versatility of their most brings fans of all different types of fans. 7. Which Led Zeppelin album covered the widest range of genres? 3 or Physical Graffiti 8. Kashmir is one of Led Zeppelin's more popular songs, what genre would you classify it as? I consider Zeppelin a genre so Zeppelin. 9. In your opinion, which genre was Led Zeppelin strongest at? Not sure. 10. In your opinion, would Led Zeppelin been as succesful if all their songs were rock-hard rock? No. 11. Whats your name? (for citation purposes) Alicia
  12. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    That's not the point of my post. He said we were lazy because we didn't put the seat down, but men are guilty of the same thing. I also hate when people in the sentence in woman. Like "Move woman." or "Turn in this paper for me, woman."
  13. First off, I love the curl that hangs on his forehead. I have one and it drives me nuts, but I like his. Second, I have to agree with MrZoSo.
  14. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    Spats, if women are lazy for not putting the seat after a guy used the bathroom, wouldn't that make the guy just as lazy for not putting the seat down?
  15. I want a '65-'70 (any year, doesn't matter.) VW bug in chrome blue. I also want a red and white '67 VW Microbus.
  16. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    That is a brilliant idea. Maybe it will catch on. I heard that in places like Japan the toilet is just a hole in the floor and you squat over it. I think that people who don't put the lid down should use those then they could fall in.
  17. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    People who don't take the hint that you don't want anything to do with them. .No, spats, that was not meant towards you.
  18. That is a wonderful picture.
  19. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    I can't say I hate goody two shoes, because I can be one. I'm not all the time, but I'm not a rebel.
  20. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    I know a girl like that. When she was little she was diagnosed with Graves Disease, they treated it and she is now fine. Her mom says she is fine and her mom is a nurse. The doctors say she is fine. She tells everyone almost day that she is going to die. Everyone has something wrong with them so it isn't a big deal. No matter who you are or what's wrong with you she has to be more sick. It's like a competetion. We're both friends with a girl who's heart has a leaking valve. So when the sack around her heart fills up if she doesn't get her inhaler she could die. But still the other girl, who I repeat, it just fine says she is worse. Rant over. Sorry, but it really bothers me she's like that.
  21. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    Me too, and I hope that wasn't directed at me.
  22. Injuring yourt back constitutes a health problem. So all of a sudden you've decided to stay out of there personal lives because this place is public. For SAJ: I'm just curious, how did Jimmy hurt his finger before the O2?
  23. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    That's a terribly mean thing to say, Forsaken. I know a really thin girl who always has food in her purse. Not all overweight people don't care about the ways things look, that is a nasty stereotype.
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