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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    I have a quick question for spats since I never see him talk about it: Do you even like Zep?
  2. I TOUCHED the amber coloured Vistalite drum when it was in DC. I was thrilled I have a picture of it somewhere. There was a framed Earl's Court '75 poster and a few signed framed photos.
  3. I'm postive that it's all out of print. I made a thread about it awhile ago. If I can find it I'll send it to you. I think that's why the newer pressing are going up in price.
  4. There's not one. I just think most people are upset because they didn't get to go to the reunion. I almost did recognize you with the new avatar, but I like it!
  5. Zep vinyl is out of print now. It went out of print a few months back. Try ebay though, you can usually find some great deals.
  6. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    That's because women remember Valentine's Day. No offense to guys or anything, but they just usually don't rememeber those things. Society does not cater to women though spats. That is all in your head.
  7. I don't think I could've said it better myself.
  8. I have another example, I was out in the kitchen cleaning up from family poker night and had on my cd copy of Physical Graffiti. I always listen to the vinyl, but that night the cd was already there and so was the cd player, so it was easier and I was tired. My brother, who isn't much into music let alone how you listen to it, pointed out how dry and cold the cd sounded. There is a difference, and it comes from how things are made. CDs are hollow and vinyl isn't. Vinyl is also analog and cds are of coursde digital. There is a difference and you can hear it.
  9. Yes, he will do some Zep songs. Most of them will sound totally different, except for the Battle Of Evermore or if he does them alone. I wouldn't bellow out Zeppelin anything during the concert for two reasons. It's disrespectful to the other members on stage and the set list is already made, no matter how much you yell for Zep stuff if it wasn't on the list it won't happen.
  10. Ihave to agree, where I live I'm about as non conformist as they come. So it being "trendy" isn't really true here, but that's okay because I'm not much for trends.
  11. I don't think so. He doesn't appear to have done them , and if he did he came out on the other end really well.
  12. I'd like to see him in concert. He looks really got and has aged well. How old is he?
  13. I'm not naive, I'm just using what I know. And that's that Zep should have reformed. You just seem upset about the ordeal, and my guess is that's it's because you didn't get to go. I didn't get to go, but I'm not bitter.
  14. Thanks for the article. I love her dress, I don't think I've seen her in clothes that I don't like. I'd like to raid her closet.
  15. He plays guitar really well. As for his professional side it's another story or at least used to be. He was known for throwing fits, missing practises and gigs, etc. Like I said, I don't know if that's still true but it was at one point in time.
  16. Yeah, that's why I want to listen to vinyl, because I constantly worry about what everyone things of me and because I am a youngster. I listen to vinyl because I like the way it sounds. I'm not out to impress anyone or show anyone up. It's about the music and how it sounds, not how people think of me. I'm may be young, but that doesn't mean anything. Vinyl is for anyone who wants to listen to, my grandma listens to vinyl and so does my dad along with all sorts of "older" people I know so I guess that ruins your theory.
  17. I live in a small town so there is hardly any selection at the record store for used vinyl. However sometimes we go and find all sorts of thins, it's usually one way or the other. We either find a lot or don't find anything.
  18. Absolutely. I'll go get the info, but it may be later today or tommorrow before I send the info because someone else needs the computer but I will get it to you soon.
  19. Yes, we got it the day it arrived at the record store. If you want the type of things I got, I can go get the numbers on them. I think the turntable is a Pioneer 990 but I'm not sure.
  20. No, sorry, I guess I didn't quite make that clear. My entire stereo is Pioneer and I love it. It sounds great. I got it 2 Christmases ago. I think I accidently put a year ago in another post.
  21. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    I most definatly would have gone inside. That's way too hot, it could've caused health problems. Wasn't it painful for your skin to crackle?
  22. Live And Let Die- Paul McCartney or Guns N Roses also covered it.
  23. You can learn it, but it's eadier to lose if you have to teach it to yourself. I used to have it but not anymore it's something that if you learn takes lots of practice all the time.
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