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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. I love the part about riding upfront. I'd do that too for the same reason. I want to know what's going on. I also love the water skiing part.
  2. lzfan715

    Most Beautiful

    I think that Janis had a beautiful smile. I'm a chick, so I don't mean it that way. I just think she had a pretty smile.
  3. I'd imagine that they had a fun. I mean she and Jim Morrison hated each other but from what I hear they more than got along. So it isn't like she wouldn't talk to anyone.
  4. I will. And I"m so mad. In some other thread someone suggested that I don't appreciete my music because of my age and that I should listen to Lez Zeppelin because I'd like them more. I live and breathe the music that I listen to. It's like a lifestyle.
  5. Thanks. She so hard to get. I had to get some smiley ones of her though. She had such a pretty smile.
  6. So this is what it's like to get cheated on. Just kidding. Leaves you with so many questions.
  7. I got more screencaps! I'd like to have spent an afternoon with her. She seems like so much fun.
  8. Yeah, there's a bit of an age difference. I bet Rebecca has an accent.
  9. He does need that. She doesn't have an accent though. So we may have something on her.
  10. Yeah, I think he left us for a little kid.
  11. SAT preparation. Have fun. I took one already. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but SATs are no fun and they suck. Otherwise how are you?
  12. That's the show they came from. I agree she seems so sweet and gentle. Janis strikes me as a very kind caring person.
  13. Rabia, are you on msn? Random fact about me: I have on pick pj pants that have have peace signs on them and say love.
  14. I think Richard Coleslaw is the most original name I've heard.
  15. JethroTull, if you don't like her why did you even wonder into this thread? Just to cause problems? Hendrix is great. So is Jefferson Airplane. While we're at it how do you feel about the Doors? I seem to recall Jim Morrison getting arrested once. I know Janis was once. I'm not sure about Hendrix. I'll look it up though. (On the ever so useful internet)
  16. Glad you all liked it, cause I did.
  17. I found a picture that says it hasn't ever been released.
  18. Use ice to remove gum after you've sat in it. It will harden and peel off. I never thought of it for choclate but that's a very good idea. Mix Mr. Clean with water to remove pop stains from carpet.
  19. lzfan715


    I like to sleep in. I want to be up by 9 30 though. Except this weekend I'm going shopping.
  20. I heard they're doing Kashmir. On Crossroads they did Black Dog and When The Levee Breaks. It will be great. It is Robert Plant we're talking about.
  21. I don't think she was nsaty. She was just outgoing, you could say. I can't say she didn't do drugs. I did hear that she had been clean for quite some time before her death though.
  22. You'll love her she's great! She's one of my top favorites right after Zep.
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