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Everything posted by redrum

  1. I don't know if anyone has posted this.
  2. First going to Taco Time and then going to see these guys tonight.
  3. RRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrainnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn................................:(
  4. 'The Decent One'-----Bio of Heinrich Himmler
  5. Last night after Thanksgiving dinner we watched 'The King's Speech' again. It's a 'watch again-er' for sure.
  6. redrum

    Va Va Voom!

    She'll be forever beautiful.
  7. 1:33 PM on the west coast of America.
  8. Love those heavenly bodies.
  9. We watched 'Dorfman In Love' with Elliot Gould. Good movie.
  10. I wanna see the new 'Peanuts' movie. Good grief!! http://www.tmz.com/2015/06/06/charlie-brown-actor-peter-robbins-court-screaming-video-judge/
  11. Oy vey! http://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2015/oct/06/he-is-back-trailer-films-asks-what-happens-if-hitler-appears-in-2015-video
  12. redrum


    Thanks for posting that. I always liked The Firm. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaQ1gL_zgGQ
  13. I haven't seen Straight Outta Compton. Tupac was great in 'Gang Related' with Jim Belushi. Tupac died because of that life style. I loved this scene from 'CRASH' with Ludacris as Anthony. Anthony: You wanna listen to music of the oppressor, you go right ahead.Peter: How in the lunacy of your mind is hip-hop music of the oppressor.Anthony: Listen to it, man. Nigger this, nigger that! You think people go around calling each other honkies all day? "Hey, honkie! How's business?" "Going great, cracker! We're diversifying!"Peter: [changes the station] How about this, huh? How about that? You like that? Man's singing about lynching niggers!Anthony: And you think there's a diffference, don't you?Peter: [singing] "Gonna buy me a rope, and lynch me a nigger!"Anthony: You've got absolutely no idea where hip-hop comes from, do you?Peter: [singing] "I shoot 'em dead first, but I done broke my trigger!"Anthony: You see, back in the '60s, we had smart black articulate black men. Like Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, Eldridge Cleaver, Fred Hampton. These brothers were speaking out, and people were listening. And then, the FBI said, "Oh, no! We can't have that! I know! Let's give the niggers some music by a bunch of mumbling idiots, and sooner or later they'll all copy it, and nobody'll be able to understand a fucking word they say! End of problem."
  14. 'LIFE' Keith Richards 'ROLLING WITH THE STONES' Bill Wyman
  15. Melanie Laurent of 'Inglourious Basterds' fame.
  16. Yes. Here's a pic he signed to me. I was really sad to hear he passed.
  17. I see the old bastard did time on Alcatraz. #AZ1428. I used to write to Whitey Thompson who also did time there, #AZ1465. He was a real hard ass and a 'collector' but he turned his life around and had true remorse for his crimes. He passed away in 2005 in Fiddletown, CA where he raised hybrid wolves.
  18. We've been watching 'An Idiot Abroad' and 'Still Game.' Both hilarious shows.
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