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Everything posted by SteveAJones

  1. This is a safety hazard that should be removed immediately. It's a public roadway, not a campsite.
  2. There is no evidence whatsoever, anecdotal or otherwise, that suggests any of them did attend.
  3. Some calculations show the average settlement will be $7.00. Not worth the effort.
  4. Amen. Government should never grow so large that it cannot be drowned in a bathtub.
  5. Oh, plenty of water, not enough firemen, hoses and equipment. Now it's revealed the Fire Chief wasn't even on the island at the time, nor the head County Emergency Manager. County and state authorities still refuse to say if an evacuation order was ever given, which means NO, one wasn't. Anyone who has ever visited Hawaii knows they issue surf advisories like the fate of humanity relies upon them, but a whole fucking city burning to the ground not so much.
  6. The most famous concert held at this venue is Elvis - Aloha From Hawaii Via Satellite performed live on January 14, 1973 and telecast April 4, 1973. It is estimated that between 1 to 1.5 BILLION people across 40 nations around the world watched this telecast. There is an Elvis statue outside the arena that commemorates the event. The arena itself is to undergo extensive renovations to modernize it.
  7. Once again, Hawaiian Emergency Management is proven to be Third World. Despite boasting a 400 siren system across the islands, authorities failed to disseminate a siren alert across the ONE county affected by an unprecedented, catastrophic fire. For many residents, their first indication of imminent danger was being trapped inside a burning, smoke filled home. Let that sink in. Of course the corrupt media merely focuses on the fate of the banyan tree in Lahaina town square, and the corrupt White House attributes it all to climate change.
  8. As a rule of thumb, taking selfies indoors with sunglasses on is a psychopath.
  9. This has nothing whatsoever to do with the riots in New York.
  10. This interview was recorded June 22, 1988 as Rockline was a nationally syndicated radio program which aired live.
  11. Grant was among the hardest working men in Led Zep fandom. I attended ZepFest '98 in Cleveland and something like a half-dozen Page/Plant concerts within two weeks of it, to include the Toronto concert. I remember missing one my flights because I could not make it to the gate in time -- I was overloaded with hand-carried Led Zeppelin treasures. 😄 What golden days those were.
  12. Seriously? THE Dave Taylor? How in the world did you find him?! I own all but two issues of Zoso. I was living in California at the time it was published. Great memories of bicycling across town to Tower Records for each issue. His writing was always thoughtful and interesting.
  13. New York's Union Square Riots "Over one and a half centuries since emancipation, trillions of dollars of free stuff, and over half a century of unconstitutional Affirmative Action = the most expensive experiment in history is a complete and utter failure. No matter how long and how hard we pound, the square peg is not going to fit into the round hole. Affirmative Action was sold as a ten-year diversion from our constitution; it’s now been sixty years. We do not have a race problem. We have a problem with a race. We also have a problem with the deceitful political party enabling, promoting, and even importing more Third World chaos and anarchy."
  14. Sandwell Evening Mail (September 18, 1987)
  15. I think he's a middle-aged white guy. As for me, I'm black as coal and I think that's well established. That said, let me say that an argument can be made that slavery was the greatest thing to ever happen to Africans. Yessir -- free cruises to guarenteed jobs in safe neighborhoods! Ultimately, this led to a full free ride -- cradle to grave social welfare. For the relatively few of us who have chosen to to be employed since 1865 we enjoy preferential hiring and advancement. I'd be hard pressed to take my black ass anywhere else on the face of this planet to have it so good. I think that honkey Alfred E. Neumann said it best when he said, "What, me worry"?
  16. He must be joking. Millennials were born and raised in the computer age. Ask one...anything...and be astonished by their ignorance. I can't imagine how much further we'll devolve in thousands of years.
  17. Could NYC be more of a third world shit hole? I'm sure we'll find out. Charles Bronson, where have you gone? NYC cabbie viciously beaten by 5 brutes on busy street (nypost.com)
  18. Of course they're guilty. Biden insisting that the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden be fired or he would withold foreign aid establishes that beyond a reasonable doubt in my mind. Note also Biden's narrative has changed from having "no knowledge" whatsoever of Hunter's foreign business dealings to having "no involvement" in them. They both sold this country out to the highest bidders. Here's a couple more corrupt geriatrics insisting upon ruining this country until their dying breaths (the sooner the better).
  19. Getting into heaven? He did some questionable things in life but I'm not aware of anything so wicked or unrepetent that he would be kept out.
  20. He'll never serve a day in prison because Daddy will just issue a Presidential pardon if it ever came to that. Perhaps he'll die of an overdose soon.
  21. I have to applaud the effort.
  22. No, for a number of reasons. First and formost, it's political suicide. Secondly, the armed forces themselves do NOT want nor need a bunch of draftees. Third, it would take an Act of Congress (see point one). It is disgusting that by Executive Order he has placed reservists in standby to be called up in defense of Ukraine.
  23. President Carter stopped all treatment for terminal cancer two months ago. He'd turn 99 this October but it seems it would be a long shot that he'll make it. I'm diametrically opposed to him politically, but there's not a doubt in my mind he's going to heaven.
  24. I think we can agree all must exist, they're just not circulating. Page/Plant coming to Croatia was historic. There must be at least one person who taped.
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