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Everything posted by Melanie_72

  1. I love both Jimmy and Jimi. Hendrix was innovative and groundbreaking while Page was all of that and more!! His creativity and vision with Zeppelin just amazes me.
  2. Well it is obvious that they are fond of one another and admire each other alot and have great chemistry. If it were anything romantic, they would never tell because they aren't the types that would say that publicly anyways since it would take away the attention that has been given to the CD and upcoming tour. We will never know since we don't know them personally or are around them 24/7 and they are private people. All I know is that I love the CD and glad he is having so much fun in his new musical endeavor. I am also looking forward to see what the future holds for Zeppelin. Wow, 2008 is going to be a great year for the RP and AK tour and all Zep fans alike!!!!
  3. I like these Sunray!! The top one is just awe and the second one Jimmy in a cowboy hat, yeehaw!!
  4. Great pics tyedye! I love the second one, the look on Robert's face, LOL.
  5. Aw, that is such a cute picture!! He is a big teddy bear. Too bad the media wanted to portray him as a hellraiser all the time, but he did have his wild side.
  6. Welcome aboard Cerisaye! You have certainly come to the right place!! I love the pic with his German Shepherd, so cute!!
  7. Hey I love the 80's music!! I thought it was fun. Anyways, I think they would have sounded like they did on ITTOD with the blues thrown in of course, but still kicking everyone's ass!!!!!
  8. Now if Johnny Depp had been there, I would have fainted!! Him in the same room as Zeppelin, I couldn't handle it!! I would't have known who to look at first! LOL
  9. Yes, I love the different take they did on WLL at Knebworth and Atlantic records.
  10. ^^ Glad to hear that sales are going well, so have all the shows sold out? I am still hoping and praying they come to my area but Knoxville is only 3 hrs south from me but it is on a weeknight. I would definetly have to be off of work the next day, but it would certainly be worth it! The Crossroads special has gotten me wanting more!
  11. Exactly! Looks like Robert just stepped off the set of "Miami Vice" as Sonny Crockett's brother and Jimmy forgot to zip his pants! I am sure if they saw that pic now, they'd be like "what were we wearing/thinking?" I like this one though.
  12. I would like to see the pic of him in the fedora too. The Nazi outfit sure raised eyebrows! Haha Jimmy has been sporting the scarf for years, I love it, he is so fashionable and adorable!!
  13. I think it is natural too and wavy like it was back in the 70's. I just wanna run my fingers through it, LOL!!
  14. ^^Agreed myledzep! I am so sick of people criticising his current project with Alison! Whether you like it or not, can we all please just be happy for him? Like Jimmy said, wait until September and we shall all see what happens then.
  15. They definetly work well together and have great chemistry. Also Robert has gotten involved with some of the women he has worked with in the past so it wouldn't be surprising if he and Alison were together, but I don't think it would be a good idea to mention it publicly right now because it would take away from the tour and the wonderful CD they did together. I think it is best to keep things under wraps and not make a public spectacle of it. They are two very private people and I doubt if you would hear it from them if they were dating.
  16. Agreed!! Agreed again!! There is just way too much celebrity coverage these days, especially over little petty things and it has all gotten out of hand. When Heath died it was a shame how many reporters and paparazzi were crowded outside of his building.
  17. That is an interesting read w/cool pics, thanks for sharing. She didn't leave out any details about hardly anything, LOL. On a side note not related to this article, I have always wondered what John Lennon thought of Zeppelin since when they first came out, they were trying to compare Zep and the Beatles.
  18. In the Evening- Led Zep (actually I am listening to the whole ITTOD CD)
  19. I have been a Zeppelin fan since I was 12 and now I am 35. Coming to this board, I have learned so much more about the band from other posters who have been generous enough to share their experiences about seeing the band during it's heyday and at the O2, as well as their solo efforts and what it was like to see them up close and in the flesh. Now I have all their CD's except for LZ I, II and III, but will be adding them to my collection very very soon!! I also have their 2003 DVD performances on VHS. They are by far my favorite band of all time and I like a whole lot of other bands and styles of music, but I must say that NO other band moves me or interests me like they do!! It is so great to see the younger generation embracing them and seeing what unique and talented musicians they are!
  20. All I can say is that I would love to hear it live. It is one of my favorite Zep tracks.
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