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Everything posted by Melanie_72

  1. Agreed Knebby! I cannot enlarge the pics to read so I will have to go to the bookstore. I think with some of us, including myself, were speculating about them being together romantically and how nice of a couple they would make since they have amazing chemistry, but them dating isn't true. I do believe she has a boyfriend. I think some of it had to do with Robert's past of dating some of the other women he has collaborated with and he appears really smitten with Alison. Besides sometimes it isn't always good to mix business with pleasure anyways, and since Robert is still single, he can give me a call anytime LOL!!
  2. They did a VH1 Legends a few years back, but I would love to see them do a Rock Docs. That is another series that VH1 does. I saw the Rock Docs on The Who, Bob Dylan and Monterey Pop and it made me think of how cool it would be to do one about Zeppelin.
  3. Hi guys! I haven't been around in a while. Just been working and staying busy but wanted to stop in and say hello. I am super happy for both of them and I think it brings out the best of both worlds with this project. It is so different from alot of stuff that is out there right now. Well, the tour is about to get underway in a couple of weeks and I am going to try my hardest to go see them when they come to my area in early June but I have some other priorities right now, but hey, I have to treat myself sometime! I am thrilled for all of you who have tickets and I cannot wait to read reviews. Please keep us all posted!
  4. This is wonderful news Ambercat! Best wishes.
  5. Thanks for sharing the link, these pics are wonderful!!
  6. ^^What seems to be the problem with the commericals? Is it that you feel they are "selling out"? I think they are nice. I just like it that the CD is getting more exposure.
  7. My thoughts exactly. We have to remember here that the Stones, along with the Beatles, were more media friendly than Zeppelin were, so that alone makes them more WIDELY known. Also, the Stones are still recording new albums and touring and that gives them more exposure to the world. Zep is by far my favorite rock band of all time, but the Stones would be 2nd on my list. I still love Keef too!!
  8. I like Madonna, but my issue with the RRHOF is that they keep passing over so many other people who should've been inducted YEARS ago, but yet still keep getting overlooked!! Looks like it is becoming more and more of a popularity contest.
  9. The Man in The Mirror-Michael Jackson
  10. YAWN Excellent point. That's right! Exactly!
  11. Interesting points being made. I like Nirvana, but they are no Zeppelin, not even close!! I also liked some of the others bands that have been mentioned in this thread such as Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, Pearl Jam, Jane's Addiction and hey I have a soft spot for alot of the hair metal too. I have always felt that Scott Stapp, the lead singer of Creed, was always trying to sound too much like Eddie Vedder. It got on my nerves at times!!
  12. Quit Playing Games With My Heart-Backstreet Boys
  13. Thanks for the tip about Melatonin. I will have to try it sometimes. I don't like the over the counter sleep aids because I wake up feeling really groggy! Sometimes it depends what is on my mind that affects my sleep, but last night I was knocked out! Usually when it is rainy, I sleep better. I thought about Ambien, but I am afraid I would get hooked. Ibuprofen helps me sleep but I don't like taking it all the time though.
  14. I haven't gotten mine yet. They are coming near me in early June and I am waiting to see if my big brother will come with me. He has seen Robert in concert back in 1988 and said he was really good!
  15. Yes, I just love Hot Dog!! I think the song is fun and hilarious. I thought it was Robert's voice in the background too but didn't know it was the ladies from ABBA. Thanks for the info!
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