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Everything posted by PlanetPage

  1. .....one more beautiful woman..The Late Persis Khambatta (2 October 1948, Mumbai – 18 August 1998, Mumbai) One of the few Parsis, other one being The Late Freddie Mercury internationally know...their culture now on the verge of extinction - Population Protection Measures are underway..... Persis Preparing For Her Star Trek Role:
  2. ....Kayte, Never seen the Trophy Photo before...I don't know where our Hero is smili'n way.......
  3. ...yes...love all of the black and white era films, Sophia Loren!!!! My #1 Sir David Lean - L. of Arabia; Dr. Zhivago, and many many others...His Vision is out of this Universe!!! .....as for foreign a few Immortal from Native India and Italy ; K. Asif - Epic/The Story of Mughals; Roberto Benigni - Life is Beautiful/Oscar Satyajit Ray - Lifetime Achievement Award Oscar 1992
  4. ....and so will for His "Uncles" X3;They will remember they witnessed "what should have been witnessed".....it will be be a moment of celebration to see one of their Child in this immense role of lifetime, everything takes time.... ....beautiful Thread... ...enjoyed all the videos/articles....Jimmy does look awesome, glad this moment was filmed...
  5. ....with you on this one...all time fav of Jimmy Lovers/Pagettes.... tks for the info SAJ.....keep us posted...
  6. ...tks for searching the details...you see, this is a perfect "apprenticeship" for you...So much known of Tipu, but Our Beloved Page....endless....... ;)
  7. .....I too think it has to be exclusive exhibition, as expected, majority of the subsequent articles re. auction on the internet mention similar news.. It will be interesting findings, I am sure SAJ will find confirmation Quotes from Tippu Sultan/Page.... In Tipu's own words, he said: "I would rather live one day as a tiger than a lifetime as a sheep". Source Link: http://www.deccanherald.com/content/100642/paintings-tipus-victory-over-british.html I am familiar with this Quote and it is also in my Gutiarworld Magazine.... “I’d rather live one year as a lion, than a thousand as a sheep.” -- Jimmy Page, Led Zeppelin .....Jimmy Page is indeed complex personality....
  8. .....Conneyfogle, tks for all the postings...this is one of my fav's...very informative and great tribute to Zep Timeline... truly enjoy all of your sharings here along with your friendship with the fans, nice to be in company of fans such as yourself....... ...some from me; Courtesy: Ross Hannan/chickenonaunicycle.com
  9. ........Thank You x 4, Very beautiful article in the People Magazine Photo...Never seen any of these photos except the one with Our Hero..... More...
  10. .....Thank you ever so much for the fascinating pictures, I truly wish Jason much success in the upcoming exciting and fulfilling journey to Honor his Father!!!!
  11. Hi Aqua, Jason does look like his Dad Totally, and I hope he "acts" like him too..can't wait for the Show SAJ, Love the Photo, I am sure you have some more...
  12. ...Mystery Man, Video Cameras, The Book, Youtube.....well, this thread is turning into the Seattle Shark thing, or whatever, something like that, you know...rrrrrrrrr... ...Very Nice Tribute to Jimmy and Magic Fill Air....I remember waiting for new magazines to arrive in '77 on..... in my local supermarket, so I can look at Jimmy's Pictures....I do feel like as you said... ageless, timeless feelings are suddenly on the horizon as I await for this very very special Book of Memories..........
  13. yes, this is the photo being referred to in this thread...this is Jimmy/W his Father...and I think this is the only one from Knebworth, 1979 that I have seen or most people have seen... SAJ can confirm further for any more photos or details...but I have never seen anymore photos beyond this in future... added... I have seen one more photo of Jimmy circa '69? seated on Sofa with gentleman appeared to be his father?, also in Hot Pictures of Jimmy Thread, earlier in the thread....that would be it....
  14. ...further explanation from Joseph C. Pereira.....received today.. I think that the band must have been taken to a British military base North of the island to meet the British troops. Good for morale building. The soldiers must have loved that. Normally when a British pop group came to Singapore the British Ambassador would meet them and maybe host a dinner for them. Similarly I think the British military establishment might have made a request. I say this because the house looks like staff quarters for those civilian personnel who were employed by the British military. ....hope this helps....
  15. ...C4......I saw this photo in the Hot Pics of Jimmy Page, I recall this is Jimmy's Father.....I think I also seen his father's photos at the Knebworth Concert...seems familiar
  16. ....RIP Great One....and we wish Jason the very best to carry on in your footsteps.....
  17. .....the article posted by Joseph originally with photos clearly states Dreja, McCarty, Relf, and Page.........and it is McCarty clearly as we know it... as for the children they do not resemble...and I do remember clearly Dreja stating that he is in Fact a Tourist Officer....these pictures according to Dreja are now "obsolete" also ..edited for spelling/clarity
  18. .....very sharp analysis SAJ!!!, that is very very possible....I also think that there are children in mix, as in friends nearby, since the location is British Military Base/Families...to me, the girl with striped short dress and toddler (w/Chris Dreja) are siblings standing hand in hand; and the other three children close by to the Tourist Officer are a unit/Family...with extended friend appearing from behind.... anyway, I missed at least two dinners with Jimmy ;)
  19. ...eternally grateful to Legendary Chris Dreja/Yardbirds @Yardbirds Meet and Greet CD Signing & Show Winnipeg, 2009; and Joseph C. Pereira/Author, Legends of Golden Venus, Singapore: This photo is very special to me from the very first time I saw it on the Official Site for many reasons... places alone are nothing without faces, and this photo stood hauntingly alone for so long; and now details have been generously shared with me by above two gracious artists.... Chris Dreja: The gentleman photographed with Family is a Tourist Officer, the Yardbirds met him and had dinner with him while performing in Singapore; and that "it was unusual meeting"....Chris Dreja Joseph C. Pereira - I have seen that picture before elsewhere. I believe it was a house in Sembawang area. There was a British military base there and the children you see in the picture are probably children of civilians who worked in the British military establishments in that area. ...Thank You To Legendary Chris Dreja and Joesph C. Pereira :notworthy:
  20. ....Hi, glad the link worked at least; Haapsalu, No, I am not from there; well if it wasn't for Robert Plant and his musical adventures , I wouldn't have come across Haapsalu, resort town from Country of Estonia, one of the countries of Baltic Sea, I had known these pictures for sometimes, just never posted....glad you enjoyed.... source Photo http://www.pbase.com/yardbird/image/98900442
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