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Everything posted by PlanetPage

  1. ...I will ID the book as it belongs to me, NOT the Pristine Condition...materialistic value of money is irrelevant and illogical to me ...The Book will be written with personal annotation both in my Mother Tongue and English Language dedication to my children...For me Page/ Led Zeppelin will remain part of my environment/culture as I experienced in loving premises of my parents in the 70's...Without these personal memories documented in this book Page and his extra ordinary vision will remain just another Band..I cannot explain the Role Page played in my upbringing, it is rather too personal and emotionally overwhelming... ......to spend decades in moments standing still in time, this is what I desire from This Book....and truly that is what this Official Site is about...
  2. ...your dedication much appreciated, the brief riff "Nobody's Fault but Mine" in the Landover Video took me back in time, a bit of Jolt, so very beautiful........ ...Jesus Jimmy in Japan Video is well, very DIVINE ;)
  3. ...just for the fun of it, ...DONE DEAL..God, these Polls :rolleyes:
  4. ...I think I can do this job without pay, just live on the music alone.........I will caste a spell on you with Black Magic Woman by the ONE AND ONLY CARLOS SANTANA, followed by Hendrix, Cream, and of course our Beloved Boys......
  5. ...Hello Brazil....same feelings for Presence for me...I am always sentimental to this album, because this is my first album with Zep...like you, it made me fall in love with the new world of West around me, we had immigrated to Canada from India, barely a teenager at the time, few years earlier...I remember the first song that I heard on the Radio was No Body's Fault But Mine...the opening chords of this songs are Eastern influenced and when I heard it, I was trying to understand stand why they would incorporate such sound, I was too young and naive...well, the rest is history with Zep... P.S..I had heard of Zep mid-late '75 but really when I went to high school is when I really discovered them...First song was Stairway To Heaven..
  6. ...Have a good one, our Dearest Golden God, beloved Musician... you are loved the World Over, your love and understanding for humanity is deeply appreciated, ...........and I wish the same for all fans to share your lovin' spirit !!! edit for spelling
  7. ...Ocean, Silver, these are the greatest posts for sure today, with utmost relevancy to LedZeppelin.Com; and for quite sometime really..... there is nothing more beautiful then ZEP Era, Memories...Ocean, I have read your story, last year, and now I read it again...both of you are making me very emotional...'77 incredible year, I just fell in love with a very Charismatic Mysterious, Dark Lord James Patrick Page, first year high school, ...little I knew that he will such an impact on generations to come; I am so glad that we all grew up with HIS Extra Ordinary Immortal Vision, Timeless Youth - Led Zeppelin...........yep! the age of Dragon Suits, and Dino's....love it!!!
  8. ...SM, tks for sharing this treasure..I am sure we responded to each other last year under your incarnation Yukus ?...Glad you did the right thing, loved your story, and that you lived to tell...(I remember telling you that I was relatively new, couldn't go and could have convinced my parents a little harder, something along those lines...and that you couldn't go to the Pink Floyd concert, a ride was refused at last minute?...correct?
  9. ...stunning collection, thank you for a sight of Zep... ...Jimmy is looking absolutely DIVINE in his White Suit...I love this Suit, most memorable to me...
  10. ...I remain respectful to all posters, for they have opinion, but I think you have captured my feelings on this Board, that includes the fans who "think" they know what to say, based on merely someone's posts, not realizing that they are real human beings who come from different walks of life and different cultural experiences....never ever make a "assumption" about anyone, and that includes our Musician Jason".......truly, only he knows the real truth...Peace, and I truly mean it.... I won't names here, that is not my intention, but I think they know who they are... ....We the fans, along with Jason, are all here to celebrate Led Zeppelin and their music...really, that's what it's all about...anyways, I am too old for arguments
  11. ...in mood for Orchestra - Classic Sounds of my most treasured memoriesl......... Lata Live at Royal Albert Hall, 1974
  12. PlanetPage

    Photos !

    ......how I should say it, this matter of the heart, RIP Beloved Master........
  13. ...we will share your Experience Apprentice.........
  14. ...Hello, Welcome...ah!!! the 70's crowd....always nice to hear from.........
  15. Hi Alice75 - I am happy to be in your company, Jimmy is our Idol, tks. for sharing your expert knowledge and I respect your opinion

  16. La Toya Woods – Miss Trinidad & Tobago 2010 Valene Maharaj - Miss World 2007 Carleen Ramlochansingh -Trinidad and Tobago/Miss Earth and Miss Intercontinental 2007
  17. ..Alice75, I enjoy your contributions....you had sincere intent and it is understood by me...I don't know why that information was posted to begin with at the other site, it shouldn't, since Privacy is the issue...whatever...I have no intention to visit there, wherever...it was just a simple question, take care...I guess we should not ask anything here
  18. ...thanks for the update, I have seen those stunning photos and the picture of the Caretaker, I cannot locate it (always read what you post!), I think The caretaker is wearing a pinkish shirt/relaxed pose, river bank, very beautiful photo.. and thanks for conveying info. on the private collection, understood...
  19. ...tks Kenog, Alice75, excellent read, commentary herein does reflect what Jimmy has said publicly about not being present as much in his domestic life....I don't recall a photo ever being produced/posted of this Beloved Associate in the Entourage thread...
  20. ..I will also post this related interesting archival articlel on the Seattle Pop Festival that questions further why Zep was not photographed at all? Late, yes, They were the" Final Act"... "The Doors played late Sunday, just before the final act, Led Zeppelin. Morrison, in full beard, was obviously in a foul mood when the band arrived by helicopter, and got worse as he swigged whiskey from a bottle. I wanted to flee when he plunked down next to me on a couch backstage but decided to stay and see what happened. Festival director Boyd Grafmyre pleaded with him to go onstage, but Morrison growled that he wouldn't until he was ready. He was especially miffed that Zeppelin was closing the show instead of the Doors. He sat there almost an hour, drinking, complaining, swearing, sometimes dozing off. Finally the rest of the band persuaded him to get it over with, and he staggered toward the stage, bottle in hand." http://community.seattletimes.nwsource.com/archive/?date=19910301&slug=1269128 ...edited for spelling
  21. ...I did receive copy of articles from The Helix, courtesy: Meg Gers, Enoch Pratt Free Library, however, the contents are duplicate of the Northwest Passage Underground Newspaper 8/5/69 posted above by MikeZep61. Other than Vlad, Photographer Alan Lande took Seattle Pop Festival Photos in the Northwest Passage Underground Newspaper. There is an article (a link below) that discusses Alan Lande and his legendary work: "Alan Lande estimates he has 5,000 photos from that era. It's a chronology of the demonstrations, festivals, street scenes and shows that he witnessed." http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/living/2003839608_summeroflove17.html Noteworthy also Led Zeppelin as stated performed late as 11:00 P.M. but according to Memoirs of The Sixties on-line through Googlebooks that I searched, The Band played for 3 hours....
  22. Nice to have you on Board........

  23. ...mikesline hello and thanks for sharing that incredible photo from an unforgettable Year'77...as suggested, you have to read the ZFF and others "crazy" experiences.... I hope that you will share your story also, I do read all the timeline stories, it is a fascinating read!!! thank you!!!
  24. ...thank you for confirming this...I do wonder what Photos Boyd Grafmyer is publishing...as he stated in his email that he is currently putting together a Photo/Video...I hope to get an update from him at some point In my opinion, Boyd Grafmyre, can approach Seattle Press and publish an article, request fans to turn in any photographs they may have There were still fans on the ground as most of the Press would have left by 11:00 P.M. time noted for Zep appearance in Timeline...
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