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Everything posted by PlanetPage

  1. ...With Much Much Thanks to Richard!!! - Reference/Burnaby Library July 29th, 1969 The Province, Veteran Journalist Mike Quigley/Vlad Photo Essay ...Helix, is at Simon Fraser Univ...later next week
  2. MSG...tks for the B-day wish, nice to be in your company...tks for your friednship

  3. Hi Debs!!! thanks for the birthday wish...Nice to be in your company...really it is more than wonderful!!!

  4. ......I have established personal contact at Simon Fraser Univer....Simon Univ has both The Province and The Helix...I will update this in the next week or so as this is the only time it can be searched due to summer break absence...
  5. Thank you!!! I love all of the pictures you post...enjoying your company full of fun!!! Have a good day

  6. ZDR, thanks for the b-day wish for the old timer here...nice to be in company of young Led Heads!!!

  7. ...MSG , we sure defended the content of That Thread....Hot Pic's of Jimmy Page It Is...!!! A+++.... ;) take care... :lol:
  8. Hi MSG...tks for posting these photos...never seen these before, ... These are Post-Zep photos during the ARMS Concert (late 1983) as mentioned by Chicago...This is not '77 Page as I seen his photos back then from '77 on.... these excerpts are from Hammer of the Gods ....."when the ARMS tour arrived in Los Angeles a few days later, Jimmy checked into the Sunset Marquis as "James MacGregor."... ....."when Jimmy got into town, he called Richard Cole who was living quietly in Hollywood".... .... "Jimmy also had a reunion with Lori Maddox...They met at The Rainbow".... I could be wrong but I think these photos are taken in L.A., Rainbow Bar & Grill....during L.A. ARMS Performance... ....Nice to discuss Jimmy's Scarf as always P.S. I loved your Robert Plant Review with all the fans from the Forum...I hope to see Robert too, I hope he will extend his tour ...lucky you!!! ...add This topic has been discussed in SAJ - Mystery Thread, long ago...I remember
  9. ..I thought so too...I think Richard looks bit aged for to be '77?
  10. ...AEN27, thank for posting the never seen photos before, what can I say, HOT HOT HOT!!!! ........ and Mag, Love the New Scarf ... wondering if I should classify this next to His No. 1 Classic Vintage Blue Polka Dot Scarf...most loved accessory of James Patrick Page, loved by All Pagettes...!!! ...Oh, and his Guitar...no comment, there are other places for it ;)
  11. ..Thank you for this update, very excited that you feel confident, this would be IT!!!... ...earlier you suggested if anyone could help out...then I conducted one search, and found at least one identical Name..."appears" to be writer for faith column on Buddhism...no response or confirmation I received so far from the Site...but I think I will just leave it to You/The Sun, as they are already conducting a search...(I am not sure you received my PM) ...I will update any photographs/articles otherwise that I could find as time allows me here... PPAGE
  12. Hello Magenta...Love your hair and that Camera - Ever- Ready for James Patrick Page!!! ...and Hello to all, thanks for all to share your pictures, many Zep fans, never a shortage!!
  13. Hello, tks for all your contribution, I read all your articles and viewed your videos, ticket stubs,...excellent contribution, I really enjoy your presence in this Site, very friendly and full of knowledge...just the kind of fan I admire....hope you are well...

    PS. if you ever find any rare photographs of Jimmy/Yardbirds, please share...(I know it is rare, but you never know) tks......

  14. ...I confirmed with Van. Public Library and via email the Librarian indicates, they do have it...however, it is microfilmed and must be checked in person....they did not indicate any copyright issues, as they state it is in person service, public access: Vancouver Public Library 350 West Georgia St Vancouver, BC V6B 6B1 Tel: 604-331-3603 e-mail: info@vpl.ca ....PPage......
  15. ...you quite welcome, but I love Zep as much as the next fan here... as a result of my communication, Seattle Pop Promoter Boyd Grafmyer, Veteran Journalists Rick McGrath and Mike Quigley are all aware of each other/Seattle Pop upcoming project....Mike Quigley had no idea of the upcoming book/DVD by Boyd Grafmyre...I hope to see some input from them in the upcoming book/dvd package by Boyd Grafmyre... I cannot access the Vancouver Province archived article,July 29th, 1969 (not too many searches can be conducted as we have done so previously with staff)....I hope that you can access that and fans can see some more photos of the Seattle Pop at least... I will try the Helix but not accessible at this time, a little later... .. add... I have informed all parties of our James Patrick Page upcoming Book Project, just in case they wish to contribute any pictures from there long lost archives (in case they didn't know)
  16. I respect John Lennon, Coolest...in Western Music....Jimmy Page (Was/Is)..
  17. ..RIP Bo Diddley...here is a link to Vancouver's Veteran Journalist Mike Quigley's Official Site. Mike Quigley interviewed The Late Bo Diddley from Seattle Pop Festival July 25-26, 1969...the archived interview here: http://www.mjq.net/interviews/bodiddley.htm in addition, Mike Quigley has posted many other historic archived interviews...
  18. ...Thank you to Mike Quigley, Veteran Journalist from Vancouver for the following article: Photograph by Vlad: Led Zeppelin Live May 10, 1969 Vancouver / Canada / PNE Agrodome - add.. Veteran Journalist Rick McGrath from Vancouver, publisher of Georgia Straight 1967-1962[/b underground press, ] has official Site: Rick McGrath has posted Led Zeppelin interviews and photos from his legendary career: http://www.rickmcgrath.com/ ...and this is all of the access to archives that I have... PlanetPage
  19. Concert Promoter Boyd Grafmyre - Promoted Led Zeppelin several Times, has his Official Website - here is the link: In his "My Story" you can see the 5th Video, he discusses Richard Cole/Zep... http://www.boydgrafmyre.com/ ...Also, those who may not have seen this (it is in extreme poor condition), there is a video of Jim Morrison, very highly likely from Woodinville, Seattle Pop... Robert Plant w/Maureen Plant watched this performance...
  20. ........ Update: Seattle Pop Concert Promoter Boyd Grafmyre informs the fan community the following by email that I received July 20, 2010: we are currently putting many things together for a future book and DVD package. We are reaching out to many friends and musicians that have performed for me over the years for music and photos we can show all who are interested in that time in history. I brought Led Zeppelin over for their first tour of the states and many tours to fallow. A wonderful story is our days in Maui that we will be talking about in your new DVD. Boyd Special Collections at U of W referred my inquiry to Carrol Marr, Librarian of Museum and History Seattle, Wa - Her email on July 23rd, 2010: Unfortunately, our Seattle Post-Intelligencer Collection does not have any photos of the July 1969 festival at Gold Creek Park in Woodinville. I know that it was famous around here, so it is strange that we don’t have any photos. If The Seattle Times published any photos from the festival, they may be able to provide an image. If you can find someone to look at the microfilm version of the newspaper that would be a start. ...articles mentioned posted already herein... Update on Photographer Vlad - Who has photographed The Seattle Pope Festival: Very thankful to Veteran Freelance Journalist Mike Quigley from Vancouver for updating the fan community - particularly, Photographer named "Vlad" who has photographed The Seattle Pop Festival. Mike Quigley accompanied Vlad to this historic Event: His Response via Email - July 25th, 2010: "I haven't had any contact with Vlad for almost 40 years. His name was Vlad Keremedeschieff. There was a "photo essay" by Vlad in the Vancouver Province of July 29, 1969 which contained several pictures from the Seattle Pop Festival (this was very unusual in the paper, in my experience). Unfortunately, Led Zeppelin was not included. There was also a photo by Vlad of Robert Plant accompanying a review I did of Led Zeppelin's first Vancouver concert (unknown date)." The article review/photo is from Led Zeppelin May 10, 1969 Vancouver / Canada / PNE Agrodome - I will post this...
  21. PlanetPage

    Photos !

    Kerala Robert Plant visited Kerala early 2005 I have seen and read press article (inaccessible now) from a publication India Today(it's been few years) quoting Robert Plant that it was his dream to visit "Cochin, Kerala... Rajasthan Robert Plant Photo with Transindus Travel Agency Staff: http://www.transindus.co.uk/main/May10.htm ...While on topic, Robert sometime back stated that he also worked in India in 1969: You're also the curator of the WOMEX exhibition this October, what draws you to World Music? My dear, I was working in India in 1969. If you know anything about Led Zep you'll know we were playing with Indian musicians in '68. I was just 19 years old then. I've travelled through North Africa for the last 33 years. The last thing this can be considered as in terms of my career is something new. It's just that I have a band now that's consolidated a lot of North African musicality into a rock thing. It's great, it couldn't be better! http://www.bbc.co.uk/berkshire/content/articles/2005/07/30/robert_plant_interview_feature.shtml ...Jimmy Page also travelled to India in early 2005 as diarized by Ross Halfin: http://www.rosshalfin.com/diary/december-2005/diary-december-2005.php I am sharing this on Forum as what has been stated in Press/Publicly...If Admin wants to remove it, it is alright... PlanetPage
  22. ...Ally,(I just saw this post) in addition to what I posted here already with the help of Librarians, I have not yet explored Special Collections Dept. at UofW (as recommended to me). They likely have extensive photograph collections...as you know it is difficult to research at distance... The Helix is available at Public Library, as indicated in my previous post. It is dated July 31, 1969. There is confirmed article the very least...(see my previous post)...I can get this... As for Vlad,I thought about contacting him, but yet the Photo-bio is being produced by Page...I wonder if the archives of Vlad are being searched.... In my opinion, it is the U of W that can further lead to discovery of photographs through their archives and contact within the Seattle Historic Community.... ...later... (sorry, been really really busy!!!)
  23. ... Courtsey... Hi, Most of the Bombay video has been shot in the Mahim/Bandra area; specifically Mahim causeway where the fishermen boats used to be parked in those days. The Masjid is the Jamat-E-Ulema Masjid in Bandra. It still looks the same. The boats are no more and the new Worli-Bandra Sealink bridge is now right across the bay. Page and Plant would have been looking at it from the beachfront if it was now! Nandu Bhende Regards, Nandoo Bhende | Director | InSync Studios Pvt. Ltd Slip Disc'72 I will double confirm above locations and additional important points of interests,,, 1. Zep are arriving under the Huge Billboard seen in distance,ultimate Classic Film Hare Rama Hare Krishna, depicting Screen Legends Of Film Industry 2. Robert Plant also is filming or has camera as I can see it... 3. Driver Razark mentioned by Cole I believe is also in taxi/cab .....
  24. ...finally, it is immoral to alter a fact in history, I sincerely hope I was not part of this moral value... goodbye
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