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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. I heard the stats on teen pregnancy and STD's in Alaska on (dare i say the name) CNN. I believe it was on Anderson Cooper's show. I will look for a source. This link is from the CDC in 2005: http://www.npaihb.org/images/epicenter_doc...ds/National.pdf More than 45 percent of births in Alaska are unplanned, much higher than the national average, which is 31 percent. That number includes all pregnancies. http://www.ktuu.com/Global/story.asp?S=894...v=menu510_2_5_1 Some links and video about the aerial hunting. A brief description of the practice: Have you ever heard of aerial hunting? It's a brutal practice. Wolves are shot from low-flying aircraft or chased to exhaustion, then killed at point-blank range. Governor Sarah Palin, the Republican nominee for Vice President, promotes this barbaric practice, exploiting a loophole in the Federal Airborne Hunting Act to allow private wolf killers to shoot down wolves using aircraft. We have to get the word out about this! Please watch this powerful video by Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund, and then share it with every wildlife lover you know: http://www.npaihb.org/images/epicenter_doc...ds/National.pdf http://actionfund.defenders.org/palinvideo This link is from way before Palin was running for VP as the site says. http://www.grizzlybay.org/SarahPalinInfoPage.htm The Truth About Sarah Palin (This page has been online since 2007, well before Palin was selected as the Republican VP nominee) Barbarians for Sarah Palin (original unedited photo) Top 10 Facts Everyone Must Know About Sarah Palin All facts below about Sarah Palin are backed up by credible journal citations (click on links) 1) She is presently under investigation in Alaska for abuse of power 2) She offered a bounty of $150 for each right front leg of freshly killed wolves 3) She is opposed to abortion even in cases of rape and incest 4) She is a champion for big oil and supports drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and everywhere else 5) She believes creationism should be taught in public schools 6) She believes man-made global warming is a farce 7) She is opposed to listing the polar bear as an endangered species because she thinks it will limit oil exploitation 8) While mayor of Wasilla she tried to fire the city librarian because the librarian refused to censor books 9) She supports aerial hunting of wolves and bears even though Alaskans voted twice to ban the practice 10) She used $400,000 of state money to fund a media campaign in support of aerial hunting Download Top Ten Facts About Sarah Palin in PDF format for easy printing * You have permission to copy and reprint any text and photos on this website. Help us spread the truth! I can't accept this kind of person as the second highest authority in this country. She is a disgrace.
  2. Excellent, well said. I agree too, they should call it what it is "anti-abortion" not pro-life.
  3. Is it really necessary to have readily available hunting skills in So Cal? Maybe against "human" gangs, but wild animals? Hunting for "sport" is barbaric, imo. It's killing another life for no reason except it makes you feel like a man. Killing is killing and unless your life is being threatened, or your need to hunt for your own survival, it's just murder. I'm not protesting against hunters (although i have little respect for them), but Palin condones killing wolves and bears, even by aerial hunting, for FUN. Does she care about the extinction of any species, hell no, she couldn't care less.
  4. I don't put people on ignore, but i will ignore the next retarded post you address to me. I can't help you understand, you are not capable. lol. texans...(and i speak from experience when i say that)
  5. LOL, it has something to do with stupid people.
  6. It is not much more important. It has the same importance, imo. In fact, animals are much kinder than most humans. Or they just leave you the hell alone and don't bother you. The point is, there is no reason for the hunting of innocent wildlife in the Great Frontier of Alaska (unless these hunters are consuming their kill). Sarah Palin has made it okay to hunt anything anyone damn well pleases. She is a killer of life, so she needs to shut up about abortion. What you don't understand is, there is no issue here. Loving animals and not expecting them to be slaughtered for the fun of it has nothing to do with abortion. I can not say that again, so please don't ask me to.
  7. Run for your Life...The Beatles or Running To Stand Still...U2
  8. FYI, i work with sick people as a profession. Don't ask me about human life. I have saved many lives. I help sick people recover every day. I help dying people do it with dignity. Living, breathing, animals don't deserve to be killed for no reason other than a sick person's idea of fun. There is no relation to this and abortion. I already gave you my position on abortion and i won't say more. btw...there is no human picture you can gross me out with. I have done wound care to people who had open chests (and saw their hearts beating right in front of my eyes).
  9. I don't know who you are asking, but yes i do. I'm not for abortions as a birth control method. I am for abortion for girls who don't want to be mommy's in their teens (like the boys who got them pregnant take any responsibilities, lol), any woman who is a crackhead/junkie, any woman who is raped, for medical reasons, and if a woman finds out the baby will be born with Downs/retardation. I believe unless it's a health issue, abortion should be in the First term only. As a woman, i will always maintain, i should have the right to decide. The teen pregnancies count for the largest group of abortions, so this group should be given education, education and more education. I am glad i was smart enough to use birth control when i became active. That is the key. oh btw...funny, not only does Alaska have one of the highest rates of teen pregnancy, but i heard that they also have the highest rate of STD's in the country (i believe it was 44 %). This is a group of people who need to get some schooling (or do some cooling). My last word, men should not decide for women. It's not their body.
  10. Wanna be, read the links and stories One Drop just provided. I provided the same type of stories about her last week. Do you think these hunters are eating the wolves (please don't say yes) and bears? It's all for sport. She enjoys murdering animals for the fun of it. Read about it. There is no point to what she not only condones, but encourages. I'm not a vegetarian, although i wish i could be. I'm not arguing about that.
  11. What makes you so stupid is there's no issue. It's not an animal rights vs abortion issue. Two seperate issues. Killing for no reason makes you a Sociopath, lol. enough said about you.
  12. Entitled to your opinion. It's sad to me to hear it however. Animals have much of the same anatomy and physiology as humans do (reason for the endless testing on animals for human use). Man use Pig heart valves for human surgery, Pig serum for insulin...etc. Not so different from us, and certainly feel pain, and certainly have a purpose to be here just as we do (or none if we don't). for those who believe in God i expect all life to be cherished. Killing for fun, shameful. Sarah Palin, contradiction, hypocrite, shameful. btw...i own a gun and i used to go shooting at ranges. Shooting clay pigeons is fun and no bloodshed necessary.
  13. My issue with this is if she is so pro-life (her right to feel women should let government determine their life) then what's up with the enjoyment of killing innocent life (wolves, bear and all assorted other furry creatures from God). There is no reason for this killing. She has a mean, ugly side to her. Oh yeah, and she also supports the Death Penalty. Pro-life, to me, should mean it for all life, not just unborn babies (whose life is much younger than the older lives she is for abolishing). Get over the pretty face, it's ugly underneath the surface...
  14. lol, one Muffelleta coming up (or do you prefer a Po-Boy) lol....
  15. Good reiteration! I posted about this and Palin's very disheartening disrespect for the beauty of the wildlife and environment she lives in. lol, then i got some douchebag arguing with me over animal rights. Anyway, all her skeletons and warped ideas are being brought to the forefront. We can't help it if the sheep ignore it.
  16. Thanks, i feel the need to reinforce the negative effects of smoking when i see the topic. Many of the health problems related to smoking can be avoided or drastically reduced if people either stop smoking, or ideally never begin. I see people everyday who have had lung resections and tumor removals. It's very unpleasant and a great deal of the people i see are in their 40's and 50's. Other than cancer, smokers are increased risk for Emphysema, Asthma and Chronic Bronchitis. All make it hard to breath (something i enjoy doing freely). I smoked in my teens, but i quit over 20 years ago and i am grateful!
  17. Just Another Night...Mick Jagger (great song!)
  18. I had a patient last year fresh postoperative mouth and tongue cancer. The entire right side of his face was totally deformed and he had grafts taken from his thigh to reconstruct his face. Very nasty and i imagine even the best case, his scars will be very noticeable for the rest of his life. Any smoke is potentially life altering and often life shortening or life ending. Cancer is just one of the many problems smoking causes your body. It's sad that smoking is still such a favorite past time. http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Tobacco/cigars Questions and Answers About Cigar Smoking and Cancer What are the health risks associated with cigar smoking? Scientific evidence has shown that cancers of the oral cavity (lip, tongue, mouth, and throat), larynx, lung, and esophagus are associated with cigar smoking. Furthermore, evidence strongly suggests a link between cigar smoking and cancer of the pancreas. In addition, daily cigar smokers, particularly those who inhale, are at increased risk for developing heart and lung disease. Like cigarette smoking, the risks from cigar smoking increase with increased exposure. For example, compared with someone who has never smoked, smoking only one to two cigars per day doubles the risk for oral and esophageal cancers. Smoking three to four cigars daily can increase the risk of oral cancers to more than eight times the risk for a nonsmoker, while the chance of esophageal cancer is increased to four times the risk for someone who has never smoked. Both cigar and cigarette smokers have similar levels of risk for oral, throat, and esophageal cancers. The health risks associated with occasional cigar smoking (less than daily) are not known. About three-quarters of cigar smokers are occasional smokers. What is the effect of inhalation on disease risk? One of the major differences between cigar and cigarette smoking is the degree of inhalation. Almost all cigarette smokers report inhaling while the majority of cigar smokers do not because cigar smoke is generally more irritating. However, cigar smokers who have a history of cigarette smoking are more likely to inhale cigar smoke. Cigar smokers experience higher rates of lung cancer, coronary heart disease, and chronic obstructive lung disease than nonsmokers, but not as high as the rates for cigarette smokers. These lower rates for cigar smokers are probably related to reduced inhalation. How are cigars and cigarettes different? Cigars and cigarettes differ in both size and the type of tobacco used. Cigarettes are generally more uniform in size and contain less than 1 gram of tobacco each. Cigars, on the other hand, can vary in size and shape and can measure more than 7 inches in length. Large cigars typically contain between 5 and 17 grams of tobacco. It is not unusual for some premium cigars to contain the tobacco equivalent of an entire pack of cigarettes. U.S. cigarettes are made from different blends of tobaccos, whereas most cigars are composed primarily of a single type of tobacco (air-cured or dried burley tobacco). Large cigars can take between 1 and 2 hours to smoke, whereas most cigarettes on the U.S. market take less than 10 minutes to smoke. How are the health risks associated with cigar smoking different from those associated with smoking cigarettes? Health risks associated with both cigars and cigarettes are strongly linked to the degree of smoke exposure. Since smoke from cigars and cigarettes are composed of many of the same toxic and carcinogenic (cancer causing) compounds, the differences in health risks appear to be related to differences in daily use and level of inhalation. Most cigarette smokers smoke every day and inhale. In contrast, as many as three-quarters of cigar smokers smoke only occasionally, and the majority do not inhale. All cigar and cigarette smokers, whether or not they inhale, directly expose the lips, mouth, tongue, throat, and larynx to smoke and its carcinogens. Holding an unlit cigar between the lips also exposes these areas to carcinogens. In addition, when saliva containing smoke constituents is swallowed, the esophagus is exposed to carcinogens. These exposures probably account for the fact that oral and esophageal cancer risks are similar among cigar smokers and cigarette smokers. Cancer of the larynx occurs at lower rates among cigar smokers who do not inhale than among cigarette smokers. Lung cancer risk among daily cigar smokers who do not inhale is double that of nonsmokers, but significantly less than the risk for cigarette smokers. However, the lung cancer risk from moderately inhaling smoke from five cigars a day is comparable to the risk from smoking up to one pack of cigarettes a day. What are the hazards for nonsmokers exposed to cigar smoke? Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), also known as secondhand or passive smoke, is the smoke released from a lit cigar or cigarette. The ETS from cigars and cigarettes contains many of the same toxins and irritants (such as carbon monoxide, nicotine, hydrogen cyanide, and ammonia), as well as a number of known carcinogens (such as benzene, nitrosamines, vinyl chloride, arsenic, and hydrocarbons). Because cigars contain greater amounts of tobacco than cigarettes, they produce greater amounts of ETS. There are, however, some differences between cigar and cigarette smoke due to the different ways cigars and cigarettes are made. Cigars go through a long aging and fermentation process. During the fermentation process, high concentrations of carcinogenic compounds are produced. These compounds are released when a cigar is smoked. Also, cigar wrappers are less porous than cigarette wrappers. The nonporous cigar wrapper makes the burning of cigar tobacco less complete than cigarette tobacco. As a result, compared with cigarette smoke, the concentrations of toxins and irritants are higher in cigar smoke. In addition, the larger size of most cigars (more tobacco) and longer smoking time produces higher exposures to nonsmokers of many toxic compounds (including carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, ammonia, cadmium, and other substances) than a cigarette. For example, measurements of the carbon monoxide (CO) concentration at a cigar party and a cigar banquet in a restaurant showed indoor CO levels comparable to those measured on a crowded California freeway. Such exposures could place nonsmoking workers attending such events at significantly increased risk for cancer as well as heart and lung diseases. Are cigars addictive? Nicotine is the agent in tobacco that is capable of causing addiction or dependence. Cigarettes have an average total nicotine content of about 8.4 milligrams, while many popular brands of cigars will contain between 100 and 200 milligrams, or as many as 444 milligrams of nicotine. As with cigarette smoking, when cigar smokers inhale, nicotine is absorbed rapidly. However, because of the composition of cigar smoke and the tendency of cigar smokers not to inhale, the nicotine is absorbed predominantly through the lining of the mouth rather than in the lung. It is important to note that nicotine absorbed through the lining of the mouth is capable of forming a powerful addiction, as demonstrated by the large number of people addicted to smokeless tobacco. Both inhaled and noninhaled nicotine can be addictive. The infrequent use by the average cigar smoker, low number of cigars smoked per day, and lower rates of inhalation compared with cigarette smokers have led some to suggest that cigar smokers may be less likely to be dependent than cigarette smokers. Addiction studies of cigarettes and spit tobacco show that addiction to nicotine occurs almost exclusively during adolescence and young adulthood when young people begin using these tobacco products. Also, several studies raise the concern that use of cigars may predispose individuals to the use of cigarettes. A recent survey showed that the relapse rate of former cigarette smokers who smoked cigars was twice as great as the relapse rate of former cigarette smokers who did not smoke cigars. The study also observed that cigar smokers were more than twice as likely to take up cigarette smoking for the first time than people who never smoked cigars. What are the benefits of quitting? There are many health benefits to quitting cigar smoking. The likelihood of developing cancer decreases. Also, when someone quits, an improvement in health is seen almost immediately. For example, blood pressure, pulse rate, and breathing patterns start returning to normal soon after quitting. People who quit will also see an improvement in their overall quality of life. People who decide to quit have many options available to them. Some people choose to quit all at once. Other options gaining popularity in this country are nicotine replacement products, such as patches, gum, and nasal sprays. If considering quitting, ask your doctor to recommend a plan that could best suit you and your lifestyle. What are the current trends in cigar smoking? Although cigar smoking occurs primarily among males between the ages of 35 and 64 who have higher educational backgrounds and incomes, recent studies suggest new trends. Most new cigar users today are teenagers and young adult males (ages 18 to 24) who smoke occasionally (less than daily). According to two large statewide studies conducted among California adults in 1990 and 1996, cigar use has increased nearly five times among women and appears to be increasing among adolescent females as well. Furthermore, a number of studies have reported high rates of use among not only teens but preteens. Cigar use among older males (age 65 and older), however, has continued to decline since 1992. How are current trends in cigar smoking different from past decades? Total cigar consumption declined by about 66 percent from 1973 until 1993. Cigar use has increased more than 50 percent since 1993. The increase in cigar use in the early 1990s coincided with an increase in promotional media activities for cigars. What additional information is available about the effects of cigar smoking? The 1998 NCI monograph Cigars: Health Effects and Trends can be ordered from the Cancer Information Service (see below). U.S. residents can order the monograph online at http://www.cancer.gov/publications on the Internet. (The monograph can also be viewed and downloaded from this Web site.) Additional information on the health effects of tobacco is available from the CDC's Tobacco Information and Prevention Source (TIPS) at http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco on the Internet. This program collects and distributes reports and news about tobacco, lists services available for people trying to quit using tobacco products, and produces publications about tobacco and the dangers of its use. ### National Cancer Institute (NCI) Resources Cancer Information Service (toll-free) Telephone: 1–800–4–CANCER (1–800–422–6237) TTY: 1–800–332–8615 Online NCI's Web site: http://www.cancer.gov
  19. I keep them neat in the house, but when you get into the car, that's another story
  20. You don't have CD towers on something similar? I have one that holds over one hundred CD's, but my CD's are stacked in the bookcase
  21. ~tangerine~


    All the Republicans did in their speeches was "bash" Obama and Biden, and of course their supporters. Funny, we didn't hear what they will actually do to make "change" for the country. We Dems know Palin has no plan, but i'm sure someone will eventually tell her what to say. McCain, no new plans. Don't worry Type O, i won't hijack your thread, just had to answer this silliness. btw...low blow the other day with the deceitful post you made.
  22. Just like the one in "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest", lol, NOT! I don't work in a Psychiatric environment, but i still see crazy (normal and some not so normal) people at work every day. Funny, you calling others "nut jobs". You don't look to be the picture of "normal" to me I was kidding around a bit with that crazy people talk. Don't take offense, please. Anyway, it doesn't hurt my little feelings, much. Let me be completely honest, i will never understand why most people who voted for Bush the first time voted for him a second time. All i can say is it must have been a combo of Karl Rove and the Fear Mongering that his campaign used to brainwash people. This country is not in a good place, unless you are very very wealthy. I see McCain continuing the trend if elected. IMHO, Democrats and Republicans will NEVER see eye to eye, OR persuade the other side to change their minds. There are some very distinct differences in the values of each side. People will not budge, and why should they? I just hope to God (and i'm atheist, with a Jewish background) Sarah Palin is not our next President. I do not believe in her. Enough said.
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