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Everything posted by ~tangerine~

  1. I Got A Feeling...The Beatles
  2. Got To Get You Into My Life...The Beatles
  3. Time Is On My Side...The Rolling Stones
  4. She is hugable. I think the older kids are getting on my nerves way more than my little doll baby, lol. I'll give her a big hug for ya!
  5. I'll trade you. I would prefer to sand drywall to being in this nut house!!! HELP! Yeah, some good jokes here.
  6. Definitely, but i just wanted my freedom at a young age. By age eleven i started hanging out with the older crowd that had keg parties (almost any night of the week) and blasted loud rock music until into the late hours of the night. I wasn't allowed to hang out with them, but did for years. I would stay out way past the time i was told be home and snuck to concerts, downtown and NYC! By the time i was 16 and got a car my restrictions lifted dramatically...i miss my freedom today, lol.
  7. I have never minded The Crunge, but agree if i have to pick a worst song it would probably be Hat's off to Roy Harper. The song i am most sick of is probably Black Dog.
  8. Happy Days was another big one. How about Welcome Back Kotter and Laverne and Shirley.
  9. I noticed the strong undertow in the Pacific (Puerto Vallarta). I was quite a distance from where i left my belongings just minutes after going into the ocean. Ashame, it kept me from spending more time in the ocean than i wanted to.
  10. I didn't drink the water in Mexico, ocean water or otherwise, lol. I heeded the many warnings about that one! My vast experience with salt water has been from years of the very "healthy" Jersey shore
  11. Like my dad said years ago, everything is okay in "moderation". Chronic bad habits will take a toll on most people eventually. I think if people were able to see the consequences, they would change their ways sooner rather than later. But not all would. I am glad i truly enjoy many "healthy" things in life. I try to limit the ones that are considered bad for you, except when it comes to men, lol...j/k
  12. I'm Going Down...Bruce Springsteen
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