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Everything posted by Bong-Man

  1. Yep.....Check out her 'titillating' scene in "Chloe".
  2. Saw the new Steve Carell flick this past weekend. A lot slower moving than I thought it would be, but there was a decent payoff at the end. Reminded me a lot of this movie though......
  3. Three women, two younger and one senior citizen, were sitting naked in a sauna. Suddenly there was a beeping sound. The young woman pressed her forearm and the beeping stopped. The others looked at her questionally.."That was my pager" she said, I have a microchip under the skin of my arm. A few minutes later a phone rang. The second young woman lifted her palm to her ear. When she finished talking she explained "That was my cell phone, I have a microchip in my hand". The senior citizen, feeling very low-tech and not to be outdone decided she had to do something just as impressive. She stepped out of the sauna and went into the bathroom. She returned with a piece of toilet paper hanging from her rear end. The others raised their eyebrows and stared at her. The older woman finally said..."well, will you look at that, I'm getting a fax!".
  4. I don't how it is in the Buffalo area, but in Detroit/Sarnia, the border nazis are on our side.
  5. Rachel Uchitel.....Lest we never forget gentlemen....There are many redeeming qualities about insanely hot weather.
  6. makes me laugh every time !
  7. http://www.detnews.com/article/20110706/METRO/107060354/Rampant-crime-gives-Flint-aura-of-wild-West Rampant crime gives Flint aura of wild West Financial woes force police cutbacks even as murders and arsons soar Francis X. Donnelly/ The Detroit News Flint— Nine abandoned homes were torched Monday and Tuesday, and a dozen burned in a four-hour period last month. The week before, a civil rights pioneer was killed in his upper-income neighborhood. Two weeks earlier, one of the police mini-stations erected as a solution to rising crime was burglarized. Once upon a time, these things shocked residents. That was before Flint led the nation last year in burglaries, arsons, aggravated assaults and murders, according to FBI statistics. It was before violent crime surged even higher this year. And it was before the destitute city — once the third largest in Michigan — cut the number of police by two-thirds in three years. Vehicle City, the nickname given Flint as the birthplace of General Motors, has become the state's version of Dodge City. "This is the worst it's ever been," said Patty Pruett, 43, who has lived in Flint for most of her life. "It's a battlefield." The grim statistics tell only part of the story. Because police are shorthanded, it takes patrols hours to respond to calls and, when they do, they fail to solve many cases, officers said. Even when police find suspects, they have no place to put them. The city jail has been shut for three years because of budget cuts, and the county jail is full. Misdemeanor offenders who once were taken to jail now are given court summons that they routinely ignore, police said. The criminals freely roam the streets while residents huddle in their homes like they're in prison, officers and citizens said. "There's no place you want to walk after dark," said Cathy Klutts, 52, whose mom was killed last year. "What can you do?" Her mom, Merlyne Wray, 73, was shot by a 14-year-old boy who had asked to use the phone in her Flint home, police said. The situation has grown so dire that several politicians want to declare martial law and bring in the National Guard. An editorial in the Flint Journal last year asked someone, anyone, to help the city. Call the governor, beseeched the newspaper. Call other mayors and sheriffs. Call the president. Call Rudy Giuliani. "It's a tide of death and destruction that keeps this city awash in blood and fear," the newspaper wrote. From rich to poor Before GM began leaving in 1978, Flint was a bastion of plentiful jobs that paid well. The bounty provided abundant city services and cultural institutions. Within a decade, Flint became one of the poorest cities in the state with one of the highest jobless rates. Today, 1 in 5 residents is unemployed while one of three lives in poverty, according to state and census figures. "GM went off and left us," said the Rev. Ray Dunlap, pastor of Eliezer Church of the Apostolic Faith. "After the jobs left Flint, crime went up." On a heart-shaped lot behind the church, Dunlap, 82, created a memorial garden that contains 11 wooden crosses. Each lists the name of someone who was murdered. One was a minister. The economic collapse led to the crime surge because the city had to cut police, residents said. The city of 102,000 — now the seventh largest city in Michigan — has 124 police officers, according to Flint police unions. That's 1.2 officers per 1,000 residents, easily the lowest rate in the state. The second lowest is Detroit at 3.9. "I know the city is broke, but something needs to be done," said Tina Moreland, 52, whose daughter was killed last year. "It's too much to handle." Moreland is raising her 6-year-old granddaughter because Sheena Smith, 22, of Flint was shot by a man who fired into a crowd during an argument she wasn't involved in. Embattled Mayor Dayne Walling has likely come to rue a remark he made shortly after taking office in 2009. He pledged to cut crime 10 percent the next year. Instead, Flint became the murder capital of the U.S. During contract negotiations, the police refused to make concessions. Walling said the financially strapped city had no choice but to continue layoffs. Walling, 37, who has publicly feuded with police and survived recall attempts, is facing a tough re-election campaign. Six people are opposing him in the August primary. "It's ridiculous," said Marilyn Cain, 66, who began propping a table against her front door at night after her neighborhood had six murders in a year. "The mayor needs to do something." Walling declined comment for this article. Police Chief Alvern Lock didn't respond to phone calls or emails. After the FBI released the crime statistics in May, state and county officials began talking to Flint about how they could help. Last week, Michigan State Police doubled the number of troopers in the city from 10 to 20. Also, the Genesee County Jail in Flint moved 85 of its 580 inmates to other lockups last month, allowing room for more people to be arrested in the city. Despite all the crime, the long-moribund downtown has begun to shake awake in the past decade. It has attracted residents, several large companies and even reopened a hotel, The Durant, that had been closed for 32 years. Feeling of lawlessness With all of the other troubles faced by Flint, manhole covers have been disappearing. Some 80 covers have been stolen in the past few months, probably for scrap, police said. For residents, the lowly metal objects are an example of how nothing is safe from thieves. A feeling of lawlessness has seeped into the city's psyche, they said. Doris Keels, 57, a community activist who works as a volunteer dispatcher at a police mini-station, worries about her grandchildren. "They don't have a chance to be kids," she said. "You can't let them walk to the store alone because they might disappear." In south Flint last week, Walt Samson, fixing his bicycle in the garage, stood to count the number of homes burglarized on his block. He stopped at six. A woman down the street was killed when her son beat her with a frying pan. Two blocks away, Cathy Klutts' mother was killed. As Samson spoke, a neighbor, his foot poking out the window of his car, drove through a stop sign without halting. Samson, 56, who can't read or write, is protecting himself. He extended his 4-foot fence by 2 feet; bought two Magnums, calibers .22 and .44; and owns four pit bulls. Sign on the doghouse: "Life is good." "It's the police," he said. "They're not there. They're just not there." In north Flint, a dozen young and middle-age men lingered outside Brothers' Food Center in the middle of the workday, oblivious to a "no loitering" sign. One of the men, looking over his shoulder, handed money to a second man before receiving a packet he quickly pocketed. A toddler on a tricycle, looking for his father, wheeled up to the group along the busy four-lane street. A store clerk complained about the men, saying they panhandle, shoplift and get into fights. He said he calls the police every day but they hardly come. The clerk's boss didn't want to talk about the problem. "I don't want the store associated with this sort of thing," said owner Ramzi Farah. fdonnelly@detnews.com Coming soon to a neighborhood near you ?
  8. The day before Pearl Harbor, a national poll was released which found only 8 % of Americans wanted anything to do with the war in Europe. It's not presented that way today, but people like Lindbergh, Henry Ford, and Joseph Kennedy actually represented a strong majority of Americans that could of cared less if Europeans were headed for yet another conflict. It wasn't our continent....it was yours.
  9. Born and raised in Michigan, but when it comes to this crap, I'm from Missouri.
  10. lol....."The Alien Grays" We must have subjected their leader to alien waterboarding.
  11. I think there is another problem with technology, and that is the belief by Administrators and teachers that schools must always be on the cutting edge. Keeping up on the latest computers and mass media equipment now seems more important than the actual learning process. If that's the case, then we need to overhaul the rules of the teaching game. There's no reason for a child to sit in a classroom for an entire day like you and I did....not if you're going to play on the same device for 5 hours a night. You don't need as many bank tellers because of atms.....and you don't need as many or the same type of teachers with computers around. I can't begrudge someone with a Masters Degree making $70,000 a year and getting a Summer off. Which banker convinced you that teaching is not an honorable profession ?
  12. I won $3,750 bucks on 3 quarters yesterday !! 10X 7 10X WHoooo Hooooo !!
  13. featuring Jim McCarty from Cactus
  14. Not bad for chicks who play it both ways..........acoustic and electric I mean. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2KDkFvBMd0&feature=related
  15. Great Hammond organ sound from Skip "Van Winkle" Knape ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tZmN7eHYFU&feature=related
  16. You know, as soon as they mentioned the code word "Geronimo", I was wondering how long it would take for American Indians to voice a complaint, and I can't say I blame them. For my money, probably the only complete mistake of this whole mission. Considering the care they took to be politically correct to Muslims, somebody should have known better. Maybe "Ali Baba" was spoken for ?
  17. Which H.S. team did he play for.....Cheney High ?
  18. Thanks for the link. I read your comment as implying that if Gitmo was closed, we would have never obtained the information. That's a leap.
  19. What is the basis of this statement ? I've seen no evidence of anyone claiming that the currier information was obtained at Gitmo. I've seen no evidence that the information was obtained thru water torture, or by rewarding someone with a big steak. The only information I've heard is that the CIA obtained the information from an interview that occurred in a European prison.....and what proof do you have that the information couldn't have been obtained at any detention center no matter the location ? Remember....according to the last regime, the U.S. doesn't torture.
  20. EXACTLY !......And I think Mr. Prez needs to play that card very soon, if he shouldn't have done it already. It's in the realm of possibility that Pakistan's gov't honestly didn't know he was there, or who was obviously protecting him, but that seems like enough reason to at least threaten to withdraw some financial support from the current regime if they don't quit trying to play both sides of the fence.
  21. Sorry....I'm already busy planning an invasion based on lousy intel ! Seriously.....Am I the only one who enjoys the way our President pronounces "Pakistan" ?
  22. Trump and Bin Laden in the same week ? Thank-you Sir !!
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