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Everything posted by cryingbluerain

  1. Thank you DOE and Common Core.
  2. "It looked as if she were holding herself up to get a last breath of air. It was a consciously assumed position.... She didn't drown. She died of suffocation in her own air void. It took her at least three or four hours to die. I could have had her out of that car twenty-five minutes after I got the call. But he [Ted Kennedy] didn't call." — diver John Farrar, Inquest into the Death of Mary Jo Kopechne, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Edgartown District Court
  3. Surprised no one has mentioned this. Designed to make students safer ironically.
  4. So being a fraud according to you I guess the bad things he did (the sin of dying rich per your post) outweighs any positive things he did like being an early supporter of the Civil Rights Movement. Sad that you see things that way.
  5. Couldn't agree more and looks like the FBI dropped the ball big time on this latest tragedy. I guess they were too busy texting their Trump hate and investigating a fake dossier instead of doing what they should be doing - protecting innocent American lives.
  6. Wrong. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/no-there-havent-been-18-school-shooting-in-2018-that-number-is-flat-wrong/2018/02/15/65b6cf72-1264-11e8-8ea1-c1d91fcec3fe_story.html?utm_term=.49ab82dfad18
  7. RIP Indianapolis Colts Linebacker Edwin Jackson, allegedly killed by a twice deported illegal alien drunk driver.
  8. Speaking in absolute terms it is quite true. http://www.lao.ca.gov/LAOEconTax/Article/Detail/131 Better put down the bong IpMan. Cali isn't the financial utopia you claim. Let's break it down. As recently as 2014 it had the second lowest bond rating of any state, only beating out basket case Illinois. The middle class is fleeing the state (http://www.realclearmarkets.com/articles/2016/02/11/californians_are_voting_with_their_feet_102004.html) as the cost of living is through the roof. It also has the highest poverty rate in the nation. http://www.politifact.com/california/statements/2017/jan/20/chad-mayes/true-california-has-nations-highest-poverty-rate-w/ And speaking of welfare, with 12% of the US population, California has one-third of the nation’s welfare recipients. http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/politics/sdut-welfare-capital-of-the-us-2012jul28-htmlstory.html Most of the supposed economic miracle in California over the recent years has come from one industry - a few dozen Silicon Valley tech firms (Apple, Google, Facebook, etc.) But the state is more of a banana republic of high tech when you look at per capita GDP as adjusted for cost of living. http://riderrants.blogspot.com/2016/07/updated-2015-figures-ca-per-capita-gdp.html Edit: sorry for any broken links, don't have time to fix those right now.
  9. Send in federal agents? They could just cut off federal funds. Cali receives more federal money than any other state.
  10. I guess, if you say so IpMan. Thing is if all these polls showing the majority of Americans favoring pot legalization are correct you would think that would have prompted some federal legislation by now. Yet given all the money involved it has not. So perhaps Sessions and Trump are doing you potheads a favor. As they say, the best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it.
  11. I'm no fan of Sessions who I consider a weak AG for not going after the Clinton Crime Syndicate. That said, he is just enforcing the law as it exists. It is the job of Congress to repeal those federal laws, not the Executive.
  12. Wonder what ticked off Jeff Sessions? Probably those idiots at CNN (Cannabis News Network).
  13. True perhaps but not really my point which is that other states don't want the additional crime so it wouldn't be in their best interest re legalized recreational weed.
  14. I guess they can join the illegals, MS13, etc...
  15. Crime rate way up in Colorado compared to the rest of the country. https://www.denverpost.com/2017/07/11/colorado-sees-big-increase-crime-10-percent-higher-murder-rate/ "Some Colorado lawmakers, police and legal experts partly blame the marijuana industry, claiming that it has lured transients and criminals to the state."
  16. Yep, him as well as the the mayor and the 11 city supervisors for running an illegal sanctuary city which directly contributed to Kate's death.
  17. If Kate Steinle was your sister would you want him convicted?
  18. RIP to terrorist victims in Barcelona. Stop the insanity!
  19. Enjoying retirement as I have been for the last 8 years.
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