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Everything posted by Juliet

  1. Hi Steve amd others... Oh boy,...it's cold today,eh? -15 (Celcius).....more or less the same temp in Ottawa to? It's cold enough to freeze Axl's axles ...but it's a dry cold....dry enough to dry up Axl's axles I hope In any case....I've been checking the Music week's site...no sign of Mr. Rose speaking...I see that his former fellow bandmate Slash will be there though http://www.cmw.net/ Juliet PS Bubbles and TPB (National treasures)....I bet their show always starts on time,eh? PSS I always thought Axl's speaking voice would be higher
  2. News at 6 on CITY TV (TORONTO) RE. ACC SHOW GUESS WHO WAS LATE AGAIN LAST NIGHT? It's unfortunate valuable airtime was wasted with Axl's behavior... FYI....CITY TV has had cutbacks...there's no longer noon news..I am more interested in the welfare of those wonderful news people... So next time Axl.......**** and*#*#*....
  3. Hello Starbreaker: I can only speak for myself.....I have driven a GM, Dodge and now have a KIA...I would still have my GM if not for it being destroyed in an accident caused by a distracted driver..I still mourn the loss of my Chevy...this year I am in the market for another car...however there has been a outrageous increase in insurance rate which to me is criminal!!!! so I'm delaying buying a car at this time.... When I first saw the Toyota story I wondered if cost cutting was one cause...today that issue was addressed on one of the morning shows..it featured the company's president who admitted there has been cost cutting and it was wrong (I'm paraphrasing). I didn't hear if it's the main cause for the current problem...but if you cut costs it will come back to haunt you which it has for Toyota... Cost cutting was one of the major factors in the Walkerton water crisis in Ontario in 2001....not enough water inspectors...that has since changed...and so has the leader of the political party who was in power at that time.. Juliet
  4. As long as there are Ford and GM dealers left....many dealerships have closed or down-sized in smaller towns in Ontario... The Ford plant in Talbotville near London will close within the next few years ..and that doesn't make me want to buy a Ford product...
  5. Thanks, Steve....wish I could have been there...despite the late Mr.Rose.. Juliet PS My earlier comments are because I'm overprotective by nature...I would hate to see him lose a gig due to lateness...so far...he's still being hired...I'd be fired if I was 1-2 hrs late for work..
  6. Here's a London magazine with a cover story about MC http://www.scenemagazine.com/
  7. Hi: got an e-mail from the JLC ..still tix for the Monday show http://www.johnlabattcentre.com/
  8. Steve Jones: What is this? I mean who is this? Did the real Axl Rose read my post and reply? If so I would like to say....Mr. Rose ..I shall not embasrrass you by giving the stats on how many people were at your gig in London...however we both know it was not a full house...I would re-evaluate your policy and procedures if you want better attendance...and start on time for your fans...not for you... Juliet PS HAVE A GREAT SHOW IN TORONTO ON THURSDAY NIGHT AT THE ACC...
  9. Hi: The review I read was on-line ..I could not find the review in the actual paper nor were there any pics.. Now if they had started at the proper time, the paper might have done a hard copy review and pics for the band and their fans to show the grandkids!!!! Juliet PS I also don't think it's fair that the band went past midnight because the London city buses don't run all night..people have to get up and go to work or students have to go to school..SHAME ON YOU AXL... PSS There's a classy restaurant at The JLC ..I saw the menu..wow...ladida,Axl...Aren't we livin' the high life...appetizers,entrees,fancy deserts...I usually eat at a fast food place with the locals before a JLC show..that high class food gives me gas!!!!
  10. Hi: I read the review...G&R were late starting and their gig went after midnight..so I'm glad I didn't go..the weather was not as bad as originally forecast yesterday but I'm still glad I saved my money and stayed home... Juliet PS I turn into a pumpkin if I stay at a rock concert after midnight...remember that for next time,eh?
  11. Juliet

    Haiti Quake

    Hello; Did anyone watch HOPE FOR HAITI NOW or CANADA FOR HAITI? Although the performances I saw were good..I found the events to be very sad..and I could not watch all of HELP FOR HAITI NOW.. I wish much success with fund raising projects.. Juliet
  12. HI: I've been watching the weather report...there will be rough weather out West over the weekend..I see the band will be in Hamilton on Saturday so I assume they have already left the Prairies...that's good.. The temperature will drop again next week in Ontario...hope they have their long johns Juliet
  13. Hi Starbreaker: I agree...DEF is a great tune.. Feb 6....marked on my calendar...for SNL...Feb 13 for ACL Juliet
  14. Hi Larry and Steven A friend was at another concert where pyros were involved..she was relatively close to the stage and she said she could feel the heat coming off the pyro stuff.. Juliet PS The band's name started with a K
  15. REGRETS to G&R,Sebastian Bach and Danko Jones Sorry mates..I won't be able to make your gig...there's a Colorado low heading this way ..I'll be staying close to home... I see you're already in Canada so I assume ya got your gloves, coats, hats, boots and shovels. Juliet Ps I need to correct what I wrote about Motley's gig..it's the first week of Feb..not next week..
  16. Juliet

    Haiti Quake

  17. Juliet

    Haiti Quake

    Hi Pat.... I've been watching CTV and CBC re. the parents who were in the process of adopting children before the quake hit..they want the kiddies evacuated not just fast-tracked out of there...asap Juliet PS The concert on Friday featuring Bono, Springsteen etc. will be broadcast on CNN, CTV and MuchMusic @ 8 p.m There's also a concert on CBC, CTV AND GLOBAL startng @ 7 featuring Canadian artists..CANADA FOR HAITI PSS http://www.ctv.ca/ http://www.cbc.ca/
  18. Hi: I may try and see the show on Monday in London...mainly because Canadian band Danko Jones is one of the groups opening... There are still tix 'cause there's an ad in the London paper today for this show as well as Motley Crue's gig next week.. Juliet PS http://www.johnlabattcentre.com/
  19. Hi: The band will be in London Canada on Feb 1 at The John Labatt Centre http://www.johnlabattcentre.com/ I believe the tour is called The Dead of Winter...how appropriate...sorry guys..it's been a mild one so far in this part of Canada,eh? Joe Perry Project opens as well as another band.. Have fun if ya go..I can't get to this gig..
  20. Juliet

    Haiti Quake

    Hello: I am concerned that if I give money the supplies it will buy may not get to the people in need..there's alot of press about the fact that supplies are not arriving to people in need... I will have to do more research before I make a donation to the organization/orphanage I have chosen to help Juliet
  21. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Hello; I was watching the figure skating competitions held in London at The John Labbatt Centre (Robert performed there in 05)...the winners will be going to the Olympics... Last eve it was the mens competition.. One young man (19 yesrs old) skated to a Led Zeppelin medley..the first tune was the Immigrant Song, the second was Stairway to Heaven but I did not recognize the third tune. The tunes were arranged and played by a string ensemble. The young man did not win but his skating was very good. Juliet
  22. Juliet

    Haiti Quake

    Hello: I saw the report where Dr. Gupta was helping that little baby... Juliet PS There is a concert on Jan 22 to be broadcast on MTV hopefully other networks will carry it PSS More Canadians are going to help ...BON CHANCE
  23. Juliet

    Haiti Quake

    Hello: I hope the supplies arrive soon...there is looting now as people become desperate... God speed to all those bringing food, water and medical care... There will be a special Larry King Live on Monday January 18...Mick Jagger among others will be there...I believe it's a fund raiser..
  24. Juliet

    Haiti Quake

    EL: There are many Haitians in Montreal...I've been watching the French news..I understand some words..here's the website for RDI http://www.rdi.ca/ Here's other websites to see what Canada is doing http://www.ctv.ca/ http://www.cbc.ca/ Juliet PS Thanks for the pics of the dogs ..the rusty coloured one reminds me of my dog who is now in heaven.. PSS ALWAYS VERIFY THE CHARITY THAT YOU WILL GIVE MONEY TO...
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