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Young Americans See Colbert, Stewart Replacing Traditional News Outlets


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So HufPo is reporting that more young americans are going towards those shows for news.

So let me see if this works.

One of the most liberal blogs, is reporting one of the most liberal age groups are getting their news from liberal shows. (granted I think Colbert is fair and Stewart tends to the left). Im not saying this is news, im saying it sounds like some liberal bullshit.

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Well I for one totally believe it. Pb, you don't even have a clue as to what I see around me every single day. Almost all of these kids don't know shit. They probably couldn't even tell you who Harry Reid is or name a single Supreme Court Justice.

Welcome to the mindset of the young.

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Well I for one totally believe it. Pb, you don't even have a clue as to what I see around me every single day. Almost all of these kids don't know shit. They probably couldn't even tell you who Harry Reid is or name a single Supreme Court Justice.

Welcome to the mindset of the young.

I have a clue about the youth of this country. I may not be as in to it as you, but i def know that young people are not to be trusted.

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I don't fall into the demographic mentioned in the poll but as I mentioned in another thread recently I find more truth in shows like The Daily Show and The Colbert Report than I do on the national news (broadcast, cable and otherwise). Many times the national news is more akin to tabloid programming than anything else. Plus, you get great musical guests like Rush and R.E.M. on The Colbert Report.

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I don't fall into the demographic mentioned in the poll but as I mentioned in another thread recently I find more truth in shows like The Daily Show and The Colbert Report than I do on the national news (broadcast, cable and otherwise). Many times the national news is more akin to tabloid programming than anything else. Plus, you get great musical guests like Rush and R.E.M. on The Colbert Report.

I would agree that for their jokes to work,(almost all satire) it has to be based on truth and really can't have opinion inserted like most journalist tend to slip up on.

Get what i mean.

They would say, "Pres. Obama announces today that he is raising taxes for everyone, including that man that screams, "I am god mon-through Fri."

Fox would say Obama is breaking a campaign promise

and MSNBC would point out all the good things if Obama was just made King of the U.S.A.

both have a slight spin to them, but only the comdey show has a straight froward report.

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I don't fall into the demographic mentioned in the poll but as I mentioned in another thread recently I find more truth in shows like The Daily Show and The Colbert Report than I do on the national news (broadcast, cable and otherwise). Many times the national news is more akin to tabloid programming than anything else. Plus, you get great musical guests like Rush and R.E.M. on The Colbert Report.

It's funny but it's not news...

It's akin to me watching VH1 I Love the 80's to see what happened in that period of time..

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I say we put them both on Jeopardy.

The only reason they wont make it is because they don't have what it takes to make a customer thrive. They're better off running an arsenio hall gig.

wow i hope...one of there guys are listening...interview up and coming artists and base an interview discussion on global issues. Program an employe to be like Dick Cavette


Ehhh... i saw lil wayne do it...he did good

Vote for Buzz Aldrin as NASA's new administrator


The people will have a say

If your an American...give it a shot

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Stewart/Colbert thrive because "Cable News" is bullshit. The realm of dialogue we get viable information from is continually shrinking, so we're left with wacky politico jocks who take out the garbage on these shows. Occasionally, you get the rare glimmer where a guest discusses an issue with means to solve it, but practically everytime all the viewer gets are the same ol' ramblings of whatever party points they're trying to get across.

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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I love The Daily Show. I don't watch it solely for news, but I watch it more often than I do cable news or even network news programs. I watch the networks for local news, here in NC we have a station called News14 Carolina which is basically like CNN, only it's North Carolina-specific. I watch that a lot.

Edited by Electrophile
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I love The Daily Show. I don't watch it solely for news, but I watch it more often than I do cable news or even network news programs. I watch the networks for local news, here in NC we have a station called News14 Carolina which is basically like CNN, only it's North Carolina-specific. I watch that a lot.

Isn't that a Fox channel? It is in this part of the state.

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Nobody really watches Colbert or Stewart for the news, they watch it to see a couple of smart-asses make wise-cracks about the many things in this world we're so cynical about.

I don't know about you, but I seem to get most of my breaking news off the Led Zep forum, I mean the number of celebrity death announcements I've found out about through this message board...

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