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Celebs you are sick of!


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I don't think there's any celebrity that even catches any of my attention, but I hate hearing all the screaming audiences on these female talk shows. Ellen Degenerous is one that my wife tapes, and she's unbelievably lame - yet they react wildly at everything she does...

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I'm sick of the whole celeb scene period. I'm tired of the ego trips so many of them are on. All forms of entertainment including sports. It just proves that money and fame on their own, don't make you a decent person.

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You just wish you had seen the show. ;)

What part of "I was an avid viewer up until Carson retired in '92" is it that you don't understand?

Maybe you can come up with an answer to this:

Jahfin got so obsessed.

How obsessed did he get? :D

Still evading the question I see.

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Someone else agrees with you.


Smirking Class Hero: Tired of Superman's "truth, justice and the American way" Boy Scout shtick? Think Batman should just get over his my-parents-were-killed-in-front-of-me childhood trauma? Ready to web Spider-Man's cakehole closed when he spouts his "with great power comes great responsibility" motto? Then do we have a superhero for you. Meet Attention Girl, who's faster than a fleeing paparazzo, more powerful than a 15-minute fame cycle, and can leap tall drinks of water in a single bound. As you probably guessed, her power source is costume-based, with her sparkly tiara drawing in eyeballs, which quickly make their way down to her sequined, swelling bodice, almost-a-misdemeanor miniskirt and butt-kicking boots. And when the spotlight isn't shining brightly enough on Attention Girl, watch out, because that's when her wonder twin powers activate, taking the form of a potent push-up bra and the shape of boobs (what, you were expecting something else?). By day, she's Paris Hilton, club-hopping socialite and "busiest person on the planet." But wherever there's a flashbulb explosion, Attention Girl appears, ready to pout and pose and beat the bad guys into submission (and by "bad guys," we mean the people who are not paying enough attention to her).

Speaking of style errors, Jessica Simpson has captured the attention of the fashion police again.

No Gut, No Glory: No, Jessica Simpson isn't in the middle of a great idea after reading "The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg." But she is giving her all onstage at SeaWorld, a Shamu-adjacent performance that earned her a rebuke from PETA. In this instance, however, we say tough noogies to the animals, because the only ones who should be protesting the starlet's appearance are the People for the Ethical Treatment of Apparel. Listen, Jess, those infamous, egregiously unflattering mom jeans may have landed you the cover of Vanity Fair, but do you really think that gyrating in Daisy Duke's denim underpants, the Little Dutch Boy's wooden shoes and Mrs. Juan Valdes' favorite serape while sticking out your stomach like Homer Simpson (no relation) after a doughnut bender will spark another career-boosting weight debate? Forget it. We're onto your game. You're not fooling anyone by dressing in the worst possible clothes for your body, which, by the by, is enviably toned and fit. Yeah, we noticed, despite your best efforts to hide it. So, please, just stop. Get some decent pants (preferably ones that extend a few inches past your tuchis), and, while you're at it, find a new dance instructor and book a gig that doesn't involve scaring innocent marine life.
Edited by eternal light
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How about the part where you gave an inaccurate disciption of the show. :slapface:

What, exactly is a "disciption"?

I'm getting great mileage out of you this way. It's like watchng a dog chase his own tail.:D

Which still doesn't answer the question.

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It's a typo, an in inaccurate way of spelling description. Get used to inaccuracies, your arguments contain many. It's a man with a weak argument who relies on tactics such as yours.

It's a man with no argument that would accuse another person of never having seen The Tonight Show just because they don't agree with them. That you can't spell simply doesn't help your case any.

This shows just how obsessive and lacking in social cues you really are. "The question" can be answered in one word: sarcasm ;)

How about the fact that 60 Minutes and Letterman have never once "campaigned for Obama" and when you were asked to cite examples you came up empty. So the best you can do is lash out at me and then say it was "sarcasm". May as well fess up here too and tell the truth, you don't have an answer and never did.

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How about the fact that 60 Minutes and Letterman have never once "campaigned for Obama" and when you were asked to cite examples you came up empty.

60 minutes did in fact interview Obama. I saw the episode which was aired on 11/16/08 with Steve Kroft. You can check it out on 60 minutes website.

Edited by PennyLane
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60 minutes did in fact interview Obama. I saw the episode which was aired on 11/16/08 with Steve Kroft. You can check it out on 60 minutes website.

I have no doubt they interviewed Obama but they haven't "campaigned" for him. Nor has Letterman.

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You're taking my accusation as a deadly insult.

There you go assuming again. I'm taking your accusation for exactly what it is, a lie.

Sarcasm is my answer. I can see it's gone over your head. This thread is about Celebrities We Are Sick Of and that is going to attract sarcasm. Only an obsessive fool would try arguing with another memebers contribution to the subject, as you have. Do you think you are making me less sick of the people who's names I have contributed to the list? Yes, there is a grain of truth in my sarcasm and that is what you're having trouble dealing with.

I disagree with you. That doesn't make me an "obsessive fool". As for the arguing, it takes two to tango so before you start slinging insults around you might want to take a long, hard look in the mirror. You've assumed things that simply aren't true. Since you're unable to give a straight answer you're now hiding behind sarcasm. How convenient.

If you feel that those who do not wish to engage in conversation with you are somehow evading an issue, then you are very unaware of how you effect others. You may be the issue they wish to evade.

Yet another assumption on your part since you obviously must not read this board. The only person I see evading anything here is you.

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Who really cares which late night talk show did or did not "campaigned" and doesn't really matter. Obama own, get over it.

I suggest directing that at Midnight Rambler as he's the one insisting that 60 Minutes and Letterman are campaigning for Obama (even though he's in office).

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The best things in life are free.

But you can give 'em to the birds and bees!

I want money

All right

Give me some money

Yeah, yeah

All your lovin' gives me such a thrill

But your lovin' won't pay my bills

I need money

All right

Give me some money

Yeah, yeah

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You are also learning impaired, but I'll give you this much. You do seem to be a much better typist than I am. You see, I'm a two finger typist, but I think it would be much more appropriate if I replied to you with just one.

I would expect no less from you. When all else fails just reply with more insults.

I've tried to locate some old episodes of The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson online but there doesn't appear to be any, most likely because of copyright infringement. In the meantime we'll just have to agree to disagree.

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