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If you are built to wear a bikini by all means wear a bikini. There is not poin tin being ashamed. God gave you a body that works right, and you should be pround. Have you seen the janis heart? It's so tiny. The ones I want are so little and in spots where you couldn't see, so it isn't like people would stare. I think tattoos are a way to express yourself.

Exactly, it's body art. I admire the fact that you want to get tattoos. You really appreciate the relationship between your body and passions. But, the only criticism I have is that make sure you really want it because it's permanent. But, I am sure you have gotten past that.

I am glad that you have mentioned that. A woman's body is absolutely gorgeous, and doesn't deserve to be shunned under a tablecloth. Why should a woman be ashamed of the shape, even the shape, of her body. She was made with curves, she is not a flat table.

Oh Lordy, Lordy, Lordy,

I hope Rich reads and concurs :shifty:

Hi Vannis, it seems as if you're popular here, after Rich

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I am glad that you have mentioned that. A woman's body is absolutely gorgeous, and doesn't deserve to be shunned under a tablecloth. Why should a woman be ashamed of the shape, even the shape, of her body. She was made with curves, she is not a flat table.

Oh Lordy, Lordy, Lordy,

I hope Rich reads and concurs :shifty:

The only cloth that a woman's body should be under is silken white sheets, pure white....satin. A breeze blowing through an open window, rippling the sheets slightly allowing the material to contour perfectly to the shape of her body, as if it were a part of her. It would give the perfect image of purity and perfection.

Richard concurs wholeheartedly. :D

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The only cloth that a woman's body should be under is silken white sheets, pure white....satin. A breeze blowing through an open window, rippling the sheets slightly allowing the material to contour perfectly to the shape of her body, as if it were a part of her. It would give the perfect image of purity and perfection.

Richard concurs wholeheartedly. :D


thank you for making men with a rational mind, that at least allows the beauty of a woman, rather than corrupts it

I agree with you, and I know that there are others. I also know that you will never let a woman be taken advantage of. You also know that an ideal woman is blessed with external beauty as well as a fecund mind to balance her presence.

This is so mystical, Rich, thanks.

This shall be my favorite pic for you to enjoy


Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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I like wearing clothes. Right now I have on a blue tye dye Janis shirt and some blue denim bell bottom things.

I hope that was not in direct reply to my post above yours. When I said that the only cloth that should cover a woman should be silken sheets was simply in reference to one material. I don't want women to just wander around wearing bearly anything but a white almost see-through sheet...because let's face it, there are many not-so-fine-looking women out there. Clothes are so great, so versitile, a statement of your character. What Rabia was saying about just one material covering a person from head to foot is just silly, and I totally share her opinion. But if one material should cover a woman at any point, it should be the silken sheets, free flowing, in slow motion. Sensual. Womanly.

I'll stop now before I drown in saliva....and that would be a sad sad loss. :lol:

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How old is that picture? Finally a person who doesn't look like a skeleton.

that is the lovely Sharon Tate, I believe it was around 1966.

That was an era woman knew what was beautiful and what was not.

thank you for noticing it, Sharon was one fine lady

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thank you for making men with a rational mind, that at least allows the beauty of a woman, rather than corrupts it

I agree with you, and I know that there are others. I also know that you will never let a woman be taken advantage of. You also know that an ideal woman is blessed with external beauty as well as a fecund mind to balance her presence.

This is so mystical, Rich, thanks.

This shall be my favorite pic for you to enjoy


Yet again, another wonderful comment directed at me. You ladies are too kind. I love you all to bits. thanks Rabia.

And as regards the picture....LORD HAVE MERCY!!! That is beautiful. Most guys would look at that and say "Wow, I'd love to bang her!" But the first thing I thought of is "I wonder what her hair smells and feels like?"

I guess I am just made that way....Shame more men aren't like that. There would be a lot less teenage pregnancies and marital problems that's for sure. :lol:

that's just the way God made me.

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People should know that size 000 is not pretty.

Thank you, I used to be a size 0, I was not healthy at all. I kept getting chills and kept getting sick with infections and such.

It was my natural body shape, and it wasn't pretty. So, I didn't ensue it onto myself. I was eating a bunch of junk food, which only made it worse because my body reacted negatively to the sugars and fats, unnatural sugars and fat. I was getting skinnier.

thank god I starting eating healthy, more wholesome foods such as fruits and breads. My metabolism was balanced and now my weight has curbed. The doctor is satisfied, and I notice that I have the womanly curves that I should have.

Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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Richard you are so sweet. I wish more guys were like you.

I concur, wholeheartedly :D

And Alicia, of course there's nothing wrong with your natural body. But, do make sure that you engage in healthy habits. Which I am sure you do.

Honestly, your body reflects a positive image that is natural, as long as you take care of it.

Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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I try too. But I like junk food. I've been trying to eat healthy and I feel bettre now too.

Bless your soul, at least you're trying.

For god's sake, I see kids out there doing heroine and such, you're not going down that path.

Do I have cookies and such, once in a while, of course I do, but I like to balance and moderate

Rich, bless you too.

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I eat healthily but I struggle with the whole exercise thing. I ain't fat or overweight by any means...in fact just the other day someone commented on my sexiness...but that's beside the point. :lol: Yeah, I need to get out more and run around for a bit like in the good old days, but my back is just so bad that it becomes painful in no time. And the whole insomnia thing doesn't help my stamina at all. :lol:

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Thing is I had bad insomnia when I did get plenty of good exercise. My insomnia is because my brain refuses to shut down. So I lie away thinking about stuff. Shame really. You see it is currently 2:47am here at the moment and I am quite content. I generally begin to turn off at around 3am. But I do need to get my body out and moving just for the sake of doing it and staying active.

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