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ReR Caption Fan Club Thread


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I know...I have been illness free for ages. But I won't talk about illness because I am bound to jinx it. :lol:

Erm, I have no tests this week no...I assume that question was aimed at me? :lol: I don't go back to uni until the 9th of January. :yay: It is boring as watching paint dry.

So, have you ladies got anything planned for this fine evening? Noora, you will already be passed 9pm now won't you. It's 7.48 at the moment here. I am waiting for our temporary bass player to arrive...we have only jammed once ready for this gig on Friday. We will jam again tonight and then we will do the show Friday. If we run out of stuff to play we are just gunna jam out on stage and improvise, I love doing that. Yeah, we kicked our other bass player of three years out. Shame but he was too much to handle....mood swings etc.

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Richard, I know the name of a very good English bassist, maybe you can look him up. Then when you find him, get a hold of me and I"ll go with you.

Are you ready for the name?

John Paul Jones.

Sorry, that was bad, but look him up anyway and then take me with you.

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Richard, you're here! I've missed talking to you so much. But I have to go now. :(

Nevermind Deirdre...I have to go in a minute anyways. :(

Yeeeep.. :)

I have nothing special tonight, yes it's 9.51pm.. :lol: And I have school tomorrow.

That's nice, I would want to be there seeing you play :) I bet you're awesome. English musicians are the best

That's right we are...although a hell of a lot of crap has come out of England recently. The best stuff was the 60s and 70s, obviously that goes without saying. :lol: I would love for you to see me play too, then you would become part of my other fan club. :lol: And I do have one...hahaha!

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Nevermind Deirdre...I have to go in a minute anyways. :(

That's right we are...although a hell of a lot of crap has come out of England recently. The best stuff was the 60s and 70s, obviously that goes without saying. :lol: I would love for you to see me play too, then you would become part of my other fan club. :lol: And I do have one...hahaha!

Oh what a shame I don't live in England. <_<

Well you can always videotape it :lol:

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Oh what a shame I don't live in England. <_<

Well you can always videotape it :lol:

The bloody camera has died on us. We have videotaped most of our other gigs and concerts, but the camera recently died. I keep meaning to get a video up on YouTube or something for people to see, but these things always end up slipping to the back of my mind.

I went to upload my video message again today....and then guess what....there was a power cut!!! My PC just went "Ziiipppppppp" and died. And because I have been having a lot of trouble with it recently I had to shake it like a dog to get it running again!! :lol: So I can't be bothered trying to upload it again now, I shall try again some other day. But it is about time that I said hello properly through video!!

Uh-oh, bass player is here. Got to go now. I will catch you all later. I will think of you all as I ROCK!!! :lol:


Edited by redeyedrichard
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The bloody camera has died on us. We have videotaped most of our other gigs and concerts, but the camera recently died. I keep meaning to get a video up on YouTube or something for people to see, but these things always end up slipping to the back of my mind.

I went to upload my video message again today....and then guess what....there was a power cut!!! My PC just went "Ziiipppppppp" and died. And because I have been having a lot of trouble with it recently I had to shake it like a dog to get it running again!! :lol: So I can't be bothered trying to upload it again now, I shall try again some other day. But it is about time that I said hello properly through video!!

Oh nooooo......... Well it's ok take your time.. I can wait :) Eyes on the prize.. :lol:

What's wrong with your PC? That little motherfucker.... :angry::lol: Hahaa kidding

Ok bye Rich :kiss:

Edited by noora
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I love Christmas. I'm not fond of Christmas carols though or tacky Christmas decorations.

I don't like them either. I hear them EVERYWHERE..... <_< I'm so lucky that we don't have these massive Christmas decorations all over our house. Some people have and I just want to vomit everytime I see them. Haha.

But I like the food and I love being with my family and friends on Christmas :)

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Äh, that sounds bad.. Well I'm so happy that my parents like rock music(at least my dad) and it's not my granparents who are horrified but some of my mom's aunts. But most of my family is very open-minded and I like it.

So they're always comparing you to your cousin?

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