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ReR Caption Fan Club Thread


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Yesssssssssssss! It would be fantastic. My grandpa was just telling me about how he went and watched Jimi Hendrix play a charity cricket match! Apparently he got out on the fourth ball but they let him have another go! That would have been amazing to watch!

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Well its quite painful for me to accept that i was never and will never be alive in the seventies, nor will i see zeppelin or hendrix or anyone else from that time in their prime (i mean i wont see hendrix at all!) but at the same time it was nice to hear him talk about it!

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It would have. Knowing my grandpa he would have rubbed it in. Jimi playing cricket. That's funny. I was reading a book about Janis Joplin and it said that the guitar player for Big Brother had a little boy and Jimi Hendrix would baby sit during the concerts. How cool would that be to say Jimi Hendrix was my baby sitter.

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Anyway i'm going to go to sleep now as it is christmas eve tommorow and im celebrating with my dad. there's a chance i may not be on again until after christmas so if not i hope everyone here has an absolutely fantastic christmas and that they get everything they wish for and more!



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And Richard, your sig is scary enough WITHOUT the red eyes. Who on earth are those people??

That's me and my bro...I'm the one in the space explorer hat. We are obviously pulling funny faces there. You should see me in sexy mode.

I think I'm going to PM everyone to make a fan club for me ^^

Yo...Legacy...just for the record, unless you have misconstrued things....I didn't PM everyone to make a fan club for me. I logged off one day, logged on the next and boom a fan club was born.

Don't apprieciate you trying to steal my bitches though bro...

by coming on my thread and hyjacking my ladies

but respect on the club, you've done a good job.

P.S. All the ladies in the club....I used the term 'bitches' in an affectionate, none offensive way. So replace the word bitches with something like 'friends', 'associates', 'groupies', 'lovers'...

Whatever you want.


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Hi I am back again. I decide to log on for the first time after an unexpected period of absence to find no one here to talk to.

So anyway, I caught up some more on the thread and I just thought I would highlight some of my favourite and most worthwhile posts over the las few pages:

:yay::cheer: Page 100 of the ReR Thread!!!!!!!!!

Yes indeed. It came around quick but you are all still very loyal and enjoy my company. :lol: And it is great that we are all still together making a difference to each others lives.

Won't Richard be proud?

Richard is proud....I know because I asked him. :lol:

This next post from Noora is just fantastic and totally made my day, my week and my month. :lol: Here it is:

And although we have talked about Legacy, Bonham and mr. Page here,

we still love you Richard! You're the greatest guy here!!

:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

And remember that ladies....because you are the best and most lovely females on here. And I can tell that if I met you in real life I would get on with you just as well as I do on here...in fact, even better than on here. You are all so great. And to show that Noora is not alone in her opinion, my dear friend Audrey so kindly stated:

I second that. :)


Hey Richard, look it's 101 pages now!

It is indeed...well it is 102 pages now isn't it. I love you gals. WOO!

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Getting jealous aye B).

No worries though If I really wanted to steal your "bitches" (I'm sure they love you calling them that btw) I would of already had a thread with about 20 pages of people saying how wonderful I am :P

<3 you really rich ;)

They know I am joking about that term. I was just using up-to-date modern hip gangsta slang dude. :lol: They all know that if I had the money I would fly out to each of their houses to give them a hug each.

And dude I don't get jealous...much. :D Perhaps just protective of my special buddies. To come on and find that my friends could be leaving me for another fan club or whatever. I admit that your created sigs are cool and that they certainly brighten up the board and you have done a good job. But to come on the RER Caption thread (when you have your own thread) to try and plug your own fan club is a bit dishonourable IMO. I don't know. I know the whole fan club thing is a joke and a mess around anyway, and it doesn't matter much what people do. And yes you could probably start your own thread and get a lot of praise for your generosity because you do deserve it...but you have bought affections rather than earned affections (I worked hard to get the friends and respect I have, and that friendship and respect transported from the old board where all my friends were. I made sure I wrote down everyone's first names so that they were spoken of affectionately rather than using an impersonal username. I know about each one of them, their lives, their hobbies, their problems, their likes and dislikes. I know them as friends now, and I cherish them dearly because I have spent months and thousands of posts getting to know them).

So as you can imagine...at first it was a bit of a suprise. But hey....

Like I said, good job on the sigs...you have a talent there.


<3 you really Legacy. ;)

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I hate flood control. It drives me nuts. I"m tired, but I'm determined to stay here and talk. How are you?

I'm going to look at the pictures now.

I'm pretty good. I did a lot of beaching today, which was nice. I'm just in a generally good mood.

Flood control sucks, I agree. Damn flood control! :lol:

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