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Dallas April 1st, 1977


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Hey guys,

hard to believe that the first Zeppelin show after a long time isn't captured by any bootleggeres...

mut hav been quite a special moment in their career and I would love to listen to it...


I wished they would release official CD's/DVD's of these rare performances, rehearsals, interviews :smiley_pray:

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Once again (this topic has been discussed here before), the circulating boot purporting to be Dallas '77 (It's even called "April Fools") is merely an edited, gen'd up copy of the May 25 Landover recording. The May 25 recording is an easy one to fake since it is a rather distant recording and the Plantations are pretty much unintelligible (Plantations of course being the dead giveaway nine times out of ten regarding location, etc). That said, there are certain audience comments and noises that more or less "mark" the May 25 recording. What amazes me is that bootleggers actually think they can get away with this kind of crap when there are Zeppelin 'experts' out there who can basically play 'name that show' with a three second sound sample!

In other words, there is NO circulating recording of the Dallas '77 show...though I agree, it would not surprise me if somebody taped it considering it was Zeppelin's first show in two years. But you never know. Personally I've given up on seeing any more hitherto uncirculating 1977 shows appearing even though I know for a fact that there are at least three '77 shows currently being kept under wraps from the great unwashed, for good or ill.

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Once again (this topic has been discussed here before), the circulating boot purporting to be Dallas '77 (It's even called "April Fools") is merely an edited, gen'd up copy of the May 25 Landover recording. The May 25 recording is an easy one to fake since it is a rather distant recording and the Plantations are pretty much unintelligible (Plantations of course being the dead giveaway nine times out of ten regarding location, etc). That said, there are certain audience comments and noises that more or less "mark" the May 25 recording. What amazes me is that bootleggers actually think they can get away with this kind of crap when there are Zeppelin 'experts' out there who can basically play 'name that show' with a three second sound sample!

In other words, there is NO circulating recording of the Dallas '77 show...though I agree, it would not surprise me if somebody taped it considering it was Zeppelin's first show in two years. But you never know. Personally I've given up on seeing any more hitherto uncirculating 1977 shows appearing even though I know for a fact that there are at least three '77 shows currently being kept under wraps from the great unwashed, for good or ill.

What shows would these be if I may ask?

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just crap i'm sure.......internet choads have kinda stolen the bands balls from the days of my youth where at least zep fans were men

that having been said............the first show of that particular tour was prolly crap.....always seemed to take the band quite a few to get into the groove in latter days, and 77 was a particularly lame tour (though i would have given my left one to go)wink.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys,

hard to believe that the first Zeppelin show after a long time isn't captured by any bootleggeres...

mut hav been quite a special moment in their career and I would love to listen to it...


I'm going to comment w/o 1st reading any of the responses.... because, as special as you might think this performance would or should have been, after a 2 year absence....

1. This was not the original scheduled first date of the tour.... that honor went to Ft. Worth.

2. When Robert got laryngitis, or whatever it was that he picked up in the French Quarter :blink: , just before the tour started... well that delayed the start of the tour for a solid month.

3. Jimmy did not pick up a guitar for a month, and so the re-scheduled opening date of the tour, in Dallas, on April 1st, was more like a dress rehearsal, than anything else. Simply put... they were "rusty". IF a soundboard, or even a pro recording had been available... I would not even want to listen to it. Was the show that awful?.... By NO Means... it was just not an "A" show, not something worth re-visiting.

Other have said Jimmy was "out of it" for the entire tour ( due to chemicals...).

That is not true.... there were some good nights, and some bad nights, and some very very Good nights.... I happened to see two of them in April of 1977, in Ft. Worth and Houston.... very satisfying shows (whether the boots says so, or not !!!)

Edited by The Rover
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  • 4 weeks later...

I love the 77 tour. This 'Dallas' recording does not exist. Would have surfaced by now yeah?

Probably...though I wouldn't be surprised if someone did have tapes rolling, first gig in two years, etc. But it likely would have surfaced by now- I don't think there's even been rumours over the years of a Dallas '77 recording. Otherwise those jackasses wouldn't have attempted to pass off that Landover gig as being Dallas (it just floored me when I found that out!) Yep...May 25 sure does get around :P

Would it have been a good performance? Probably not, I mean the second gig in OKC comes across more as a live rehearsal; they still didn't totally have their shit together by the time they hit Chicago. Though we are missing a few recordings from the first leg of the tour, IMO Zeppelin didn't really hit their stride -such as it was at that point- until Atlanta on April 23rd. Even the Cincinatti shows are a little shaky. But Atlanta they're actually playing pretty much to the usual standard, it's one of the better '77 shows.

The fella who saw them in Houston and Fort Worth...nice. Those are quintessential 'tight but loose' Zeppelin performances.

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In other words, there is NO circulating recording of the Dallas '77 show...though I agree, it would not surprise me if somebody taped it considering it was Zeppelin's first show in two years. But you never know. Personally I've given up on seeing any more hitherto uncirculating 1977 shows appearing even though I know for a fact that there are at least three '77 shows currently being kept under wraps from the great unwashed, for good or ill.

are you referring to these? IIRC, these are all thats left that have yet to be circulated.








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I am sure the May 19th show is one of the shows being held back. I have heard that one of the Minnesota shows was a great night, but obviously can't confirm that. Anyway.....

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are you referring to these? IIRC, these are all thats left that have yet to be circulated.








You are correct...and I know recordings for Indianapolis and Baton Rouge do indeed exist. A recording that was supposedly the acoustic set from St Louis was making the rounds in certain circles, but it has been determined that once again it is merely the May 25 Landover show (again, identical audience comments pinpoint the show as May 25- NOT April 15) So that leaves Dallas, Minneapolis, St Paul, St Louis and Greensboro as completely MIA. I'd love to hear the Greensboro show- who could pass up the 1977 version of Bonzo's Birthday Party?

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Probably...though I wouldn't be surprised if someone did have tapes rolling, first gig in two years, etc. But it likely would have surfaced by now- I don't think there's even been rumours over the years of a Dallas '77 recording. Otherwise those jackasses wouldn't have attempted to pass off that Landover gig as being Dallas (it just floored me when I found that out!) Yep...May 25 sure does get around tongue.gif

Would it have been a good performance? Probably not, I mean the second gig in OKC comes across more as a live rehearsal; they still didn't totally have their shit together by the time they hit Chicago. Though we are missing a few recordings from the first leg of the tour, IMO Zeppelin didn't really hit their stride -such as it was at that point- until Atlanta on April 23rd. Even the Cincinatti shows are a little shaky. But Atlanta they're actually playing pretty much to the usual standard, it's one of the better '77 shows.

The fella who saw them in Houston and Fort Worth...nice. Those are quintessential 'tight but loose' Zeppelin performances.

Well, I don't know if anyone realized or cared that it had been two years back then, who knows? Different times, no internet for reference, Dallas could have been area where no one cared about bootleging (which is unlikely) but who knows yeah?

Anyways, if it existed, it would have surfaced by now, it more than likely does not exist, or exist anymore, some of the old cassettes can be easily destroyed.

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snip>> Anyways, if it existed, it would have surfaced by now <<snip

I do not wish to sound argumentative, but the reality is not necessarily. Louisville 1977 only surfaced less than 3 years ago out of nowhere. 2 other 1977 recordings exist for sure and have not surfaced to general circulation. Alt source and new recording for Chicago 1975 just surfaced a year and half ago. A second source for Hamburg 1973 surfaced a year ago. I am sure there are more, but I'm on a few beers here already.

I would not be surprised if there are recordings of all of the 1977 shows. They were certainly a big enough act by that time to warrant people wanting to tape them, and I am sure Steve A. Jones could give us the attendance figures for the tour. Hopefully, those that remain forgotten or lost will be remembered and found, and those in private collections will make their way to the masses. The possibility exists. 2 years ago, how many people knew of Dan Lampinski and his treasure trove of recordings?

Stay thirsty my friends.

Edited by 3hrsoflunacy
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I do not wish to sound argumentative, but the reality is not necessarily. Louisville 1977 only surfaced less than 3 years ago out of nowhere. 2 other 1977 recordings exist for sure and have not surfaced to general circulation. Alt source and new recording for Chicago 1975 just surfaced a year and half ago. A second source for Hamburg 1973 surfaced a year ago. I am sure there are more, but I'm on a few beers here already.

I would not be surprised if there are recordings of all of the 1977 shows. They were certainly a big enough act by that time to warrant people wanting to tape them, and I am sure Steve A. Jones could give us the attendance figures for the tour. Hopefully, those that remain forgotten or lost will be remembered and found, and those in private collections will make their way to the masses. The possibility exists. 2 years ago, how many people knew of Dan Lampinski and his treasure trove of recordings?

Stay thirsty my friends.

Truthfully, I'd say "Meh" to Dallas if I ever heard it, most likely- it was probably a pretty rough performance. Greensboro is the missing one that's really my '77 holy grail. Knowing Zeppelin by that point, I bet Bonham's 29th birthday gig either kicked ass or was a total disaster!

Hell, I'll keep keepin' the faith these long lost/mythical shows pop up from time to time, why not? 'Cos they do. How the hell did we get any of the ones we do have in the first place? Somebody had to record the show, it had to get 'distributed' somehow B) which is ultimately how we end up with our copies, versions, etc.

I do wonder about the lack of '77 soundboards, though. Where the fuck did they all go? There are only, what, four basically complete ones (plus Seattle's video feed) and the June 11 snippet? There's like thirty five or so other shows performed on that tour, compared to other years (say 73 on) that seems like a lotta missing tapes.

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I am sure the May 19th show is one of the shows being held back. I have heard that one of the Minnesota shows was a great night, but obviously can't confirm that. Anyway.....

The show you are thinking about is St Paul, the Minneapolis show the night before started a hour late because of bad weather, the band stayed in Chicago for the midwest shows and were late flying in for the show, I heard the bad were tired and the show was only fair, the St Paul show Page I believe has said was the best of the tour, I would not know as the St Paul show was the only one I saw and I thought it was great, that one could very well be the 'Holy Grail' of 77.

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[quote name='Nutrocker' date='09 May 2010 - 03:47 AM' timestamp='1273330030' post='458089'

I do wonder about the lack of '77 soundboards, though. Where the fuck did they all go? There are only, what, four basically complete ones (plus Seattle's video feed) and the June 11 snippet? There's like thirty five or so other shows performed on that tour, compared to other years (say 73 on) that seems like a lotta missing tapes.

Edited by tom kid
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I'd say that soundboards are out there for all the Landover shows since the 26th and 28th have made their way out. The 25th would probably be more desirable as the recording that exists is pretty much un-listenable. The 30th already has a kick ass audience recording, but a soundboard would be nice to hear the instruments more clearly and for a better bottom end. The tapers equipment sounds like its under so much pressure on the bottom end, especially Achilles Last Stand!

I do wonder if the whole of the June 11th show is out there, but I suspect it would have made it's way out by now if it did. Again, the audience recording is stellar (at least the source that lasts up until Kashmir) so this is not a huge deal, but it would be nice to have nonetheless. At least the segment features No Quarter, arguably the high point of any '77 show.

I'm sure all the Landover soundboards exist as well. Ironically, the 25th and 30th are the best of the four shows IMO. The imperfections on the 26th and especially the 28th really show on the soundboard tapes. Sloppy shows. The 30th would be a nice SBD addition if for no other reason we'd find out if they did indeed do another encore after "Rock And Roll" :P Notice how the audience tape goes on for a while after the tune finishes than just cuts out as the crowd appears to go nuts again...makes ya wonder if for the final night they got "Trampled Under Foot" or "Black Dog" or something as a final farewell.

That June 11 show in it's entirety on SBD would be awesome. But same could be said for any of the MSG '77 shows. Of course, Houston just popped up out of the blue- before that it was another of the 'missing' 77 shows (no AUD recording) so it'd be nice to get St Louis or Greensboro or one of those as a soundboard. Or even Dallas B)

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^ I'd love to have a soundboard recording of a show with No Quarter when they played Nutrocker. That would be awesome.

They only played the nutrocker four times- Louisville, 2nd night in cleveland, Fort Worth and the first MSG show. I believe that's still more times than any of the other '77 NQ jam interludes...it seems like the jam they break out into before Page's main solo was never played the same way two shows in a row and there were a few variations (slow blues on June 23rd for example) IIRC the band wanted Jonesy to keep the Nutrocker in the piece, but JPJ wanted to keep his improvs open. I wonder if they played the Nutrocker on any of the 'missing' nights.

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