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Jimmy Page book? Anybody received theirs yet?

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First of all, I have been M.I.A. I have been so busy at work. I apologize

MOVING ON....................

I just wanted to know if anybody has gotten their very special Jimmy Page book yet? If so, then would you please share pics? Ever since I heard about this book, I have been obsessed and wondering about it. Or has it even been shipped to you yet?

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First of all, I have been M.I.A. I have been so busy at work. I apologize

MOVING ON....................

I just wanted to know if anybody has gotten their very special Jimmy Page book yet? If so, then would you please share pics? Ever since I heard about this book, I have been obsessed and wondering about it. Or has it even been shipped to you yet?

It might be difficult for people to share the photographs because they run the risk of damaging the book's binding/spine. If sharing pics is not possible, perhaps owners could give a description of any photos that shed any new light on Jimmy, or any revelations in his accompanying narrative (although I have my doubts if he will give anything new away).

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No, everyone who's preordered received an email from Genesis saying the book's publication date has been put back until September because Jimmy wants to add extra material. I'm having the book as a birthday present which isn't until September, so I'm happy to wait. :)

I wouldn't want to scan my book either because of damaging the spine. This book, after all, when it eventually arrives will be one of my most treasured possesions! B) I'd be happy to cite word-for-word any interesting revelations from the book, though, to share with other members here. Hopefully we'll get some fascinating new insights into the mind of Jimmy Page to discuss. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I doubt very much it's an identical copy of Jimmy's book, but it certainly looks intriguing. If it's an identical book then people like me who have paid Genesis a large sum of money for 'limited edition' book that's exclusive to them will be very angry. I know I will be. :angry:

I think this is another high end publsiher trying to cash in on the success of Jimmy's book, but it's strange that it has the same name and cover design.

Edited by Magic Fills the Air
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I've just googled the book's ISBN and it's not the same book as Jimmy's, although it looks it. It's called Led Zeppelin by Neal Preston, and it's a limited edition book hence the price. It's being published in the US. It certainly looks interesting, but I can't afford another expensive book!

Any UK customers interested, it's cheaper here:


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You'll need to go on Genesis Publications LTD. and sign up for the email updates... they'll send you an email giving you the chance to buy one... If you want one :)


edit: damn i'm looking at the prices of these books. a poor (very poor) man like me can't afford a $400 book. maybe $100 if i skip eating for a couple of weeks lol but $400? i'd practically have to sell my car and that would be pointless. maybe i could ask for it for christmas... but it's probably gonna be first come first serve.

Edited by zeppelincheetah
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