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Peoples Music Taste

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Thank Goodness I stay away from the radio! I'll NEVER ever get sick of Stairway To Heaven! Its a timeless classic! :D I guess the consequences of listening to the radio way too much are just awful! Yikes! :blink::P

And ummmm..."Electrophile" what's up with all the sarcasm? :blink: Is it really necessary? :blink:

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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I personally think there is nothing better than zepp. My second faveorite band (black sabbath) is miles below zepp in musical accomplishment and overall epicness :) I haven't had any people say bad stuff about sabbath..I don't know if it's just because they don't know any of their stuff, or something else, but many people have insulted led Zeppelin in front of me..... *sigh*

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Honestly I would have a difficult taking anyone's opinion serious if their musical taste hasn't evolved beyond being devoted to Eminem, Taylor or Led Zeppelin. But I am not surprised someone that likes either of the first two wouldn't "get" LZ and honestly there isn't anything wrong with that, especially at that age. We all start somewhere in our journey as listeners, fans and musicians. It's part of growing up and I doubt there is one person anywhere that can claim they started with more "advanced" listening choices. Was a time I thought Led Zep was the most important band in the world, but I also thought I'd be with my 7th grade girlfriend forever too. Looking back I realize all of that was silly but that's the way life happens. Enjoy it, will come a time when you'll wish all you had to worry about is whether or not some kid at school likes your fave band.

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Honestly I would have a difficult taking anyone's opinion serious if their musical taste hasn't evolved beyond being devoted to Eminem, Taylor or Led Zeppelin. But I am not surprised someone that likes either of the first two wouldn't "get" LZ and honestly there isn't anything wrong with that, especially at that age. We all start somewhere in our journey as listeners, fans and musicians. It's part of growing up and I doubt there is one person anywhere that can claim they started with more "advanced" listening choices. Was a time I thought Led Zep was the most important band in the world, but I also thought I'd be with my 7th grade girlfriend forever too. Looking back I realize all of that was silly but that's the way life happens. Enjoy it, will come a time when you'll wish all you had to worry about is whether or not some kid at school likes your fave band.

Hi danelectro' , all,

When you Indoctrinate your kids from an early age then they "WILL" Love Led Zeppelin, I TELL YOU THEY WIIL LOVE THEM. :o

Then again other parents can Indoctrinate their kids to whatever they personally like, and there should be a law against it, "its Led Zeppelin or nothing, now get thee to bed little one" :lol:

Regards, littledan

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Hi danelectro' , all,

When you Indoctrinate your kids from an early age then they "WILL" Love Led Zeppelin, I TELL YOU THEY WIIL LOVE THEM. :o

Then again other parents can Indoctrinate their kids to whatever they personally like, and there should be a law against it, "its Led Zeppelin or nothing, now get thee to bed little one" :lol:

Regards, littledan

Hey there Dan. Ha, yeah, listen up or else you'll be doomed to a living hell or Wham musak sonny boy.

Personally I wasn't all that influenced by what my parents listened to back in the day and music was big in our home, as it likely was in any 70's home. As often as I heard stuff like the Doors and Beatles it was what I heard on the radio that had more of an affect on me as I forged my own path. It was stuff like the odd Freddy King song here and there that made my ears prick up. The classic rock stuff had it's place too but in the long run I came to realize that most of it was a gateway to older and less popular music and as I explored those artist's influences. In the end I was\am thankful for the gateway but more even more so that I didn't stop at the gate. Though sometimes revisiting an era to take in what may have once been dismissed is fun too. Was a time when I wouldn't listen to Kool and the Gang now I can't get enough. Not sure what I am getting at but putting on blinders rarely yields good results.

Edited by danelectro
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Hey there Dan. Ha, yeah, listen up or else you'll be doomed to a living hell or Wham musak sonny boy.

Personally I wasn't all that influenced by what my parents listened to back in the day and music was big in our home, as it likely was in any 70's home. As often as I heard stuff like the Doors and Beatles it was what I heard on the radio that had more of an affect on me as I forged my own path. It was stuff like the odd Freddy King song here and there that made my ears prick up. The classic rock stuff had it's place too but in the long run I came to realize that most of it was a gateway to older and less popular music and as I explored those artist's influences. In the end I was\am thankful for the gateway but more even more so that I didn't stop at the gate. Though sometimes revisiting an era to take in what may have once been dismissed is fun too. Was a time when I wouldn't listen to Kool and the Gang now I can't get enough. Not sure what I am getting at but putting on blinders rarely yields good results.

Hi 'danelectro'

Well it worked for me, my four sons, Robert, Jimmy, John, and John Paul are the Biggest Led Zeppelin Fans you will ever meet, and my Dog Peter is a right Feisty Bull Terrier as well. :o;):lol:

Regards, littledan

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Hi 'danelectro'

Well it worked for me, my four sons, Robert, Jimmy, John, and John Paul are the Biggest Led Zeppelin Fans you will ever meet, and my Dog Peter is a right Feisty Bull Terrier as well. :o;):lol:

Regards, littledan

Hehe, I actually named my dog Gram once, as in Gram Parsons. My first cousin and her hubby gave their daughter the middle name of Lars in honor of the Metallica drummer. Which I thought was a horrible idea.

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