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In that case what's the point in taking a picture? A picture is supposed to be natural, not tarted up afterwards to make up for the photographers incompetence. If you want a perfect picture ....buy a postcard, they even make the sea at Blackpool look Blue.

The reality is that no photograph will be "natural", cameras simpley don't record images the way we see and even if your doing no post shot manipulation your still having decisions made for you by the camera(or the film) with reguards to things like contrast and saturation.

One big issue with landscapes espeically is that we don't actually view the whole scene at once, you might look at the sunset on the horizon and the village in deep shadow in the foreground and see them both reasonabley well but not at the same time, Your eye adapts to the changes in light levels but the photo has to capture the entire scene at once with the film/sensor only able to capture a certain range hence the need to use graduated filters to darken part of the image or take multiple pics and merge them together.

A proper use of photoshop, filters or darkroom techniques can actually make an image that appears much more natural, if your taking poor shots photoshop is unlikely to help you recover a natural look(for example if the highlights are badly blown out that detail is gone for good and can never be recovered) where as it can do alot to help make subtle improvements on well taken pics.

In this shot for example I used a 2 stop graduated filter tilted to the left to darken the sky and stop the cloud blowing out then used photoshop in a number of areas. I brightened the entire image except for the very bright areas on the clouds to the left, brightened the top right corner of the sky to make it more even, added contrast to the clouds on right right to make them more uniform, corrected the distorition "leystoning" effect from pointing the lens towards a little to make the church straighter etc.


Edited by greenman
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In that case what's the point in taking a picture? A picture is supposed to be natural, not tarted up afterwards to make up for the photographers incompetence. If you want a perfect picture ....buy a postcard, they even make the sea at Blackpool look Blue.

You can equate it to overdubs in music. Why should Jimmy play guitar, if only to overdub parts later on? BTW, aren't you the one speaking of positive posts? You have misconceptions of photographers and what they do during the entire process of taking a photograph.

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I've been wanting to do some of these extended exposure water shots.

Kinda like you see on calendars, greeting cards, etc.

ISO 100 - F11 - 10 seconds

It was getting near dark when I shot this, 8:53 p.m.

That's how I got the 10 second exposure.


ISO 100 - F22 - 3.2 seconds


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