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Religion? (Keep it civil)



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>For our Wikipedia loving friend (who loves to upgrade his post count with oneliners/oneworders)<

If that is what you think I am doing?Then please report me.

(Oops, here comes the Mel Gibson "please punish me" pastiche.)

Of course you are completely well spoken, and I might add onepointers to the above mentioned titles.

My humble excuses for not mentioning this earlier.

Edited by reswati
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As if there aren't enough religious nut jobs out there to start with, the passing of Amendment One in North Carolina has really brought them out of the woodwork. This article about a response to Worley's statements is well worth the read.

A Wickedly Beautiful Response to NC's Latest Gay Bashing Minister

Now wait just a minute there Sir. Are you putting down those that practice religion? Is one a nut job because he prays to God? I happen to pray to /God every night before I go to sleep fella.

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I'm going to be honest here and admit that whenever I hear about "gay bashing" I automatically ignore it and assume it's just political crybabying. I mean c'mon, if anyone says they don't agree with the decision to engage in homosexual activity it's called gay bashing. This is the same thing people who join cults do. Disagreement is not persecution. If there is real gay bashing going on it's a shame that it can't be taken seriously because 99% of the the alleged "gay bashing" is not.

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So do you agree that people who are homosexual should be locked behind electric fences and have food dropped to them until they die because they won't biologically pro-create?

Edited by Walter
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Who are you talking to? I just said I ignore. I don't know what's in the videos and I don't care. If it's legitimately hateful I'm against it. But I won't find out because I'm sick of all the free speech bashing of people who aren't PC. I don't know which it is and I want nothing to do with it.

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Who are you talking to? I just said I ignore. I don't know what's in the videos and I don't care. If it's legitimately hateful I'm against it. But I won't find out because I'm sick of all the free speech bashing of people who aren't PC. I don't know which it is and I want nothing to do with it.

I was speaking to you and your dismissal of gay bashing. It's real, it's hateful and it's systematic. Free speech has nothing to do with it. People can say most anything they want, but there is responsibility with free speech. This minister has the right to say what he wants and others have the right to say he's wrong and immoral - especially for someone who is supposedly passing along the teachings of Jesus. That's not being "PC". That's calling out a hateful person who trying to evoke hateful actions from his followers. This country was founded on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - but I guess North Carolina doesn't prescribe to that.

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The point I'm making is not that gay bashing doesn't exist. The point I'm making is that anyone with a different opinion than homosexuals is called a bigot, gay basher, monster and a hate criminal. This is the boy who cried wolf. Always screaming homophobia and gay basher has made it pointless to call out anyone who actually is or does. I don't want to hear it because it's probably just another crybaby who is upset that everyone doesn't agree with him. That is why I didn't watch the video. Even when it is legitimately happening it doesn't excuse the guilty but I don't feel sorry for the victims since they are always whining about nothing anyways.

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That pastor, his pathetic church follower and congregation are sickeningly atrocious. I am stunned that there are people like that in the world in this day and age.

I’m finding it hard to say anything without exploding into a tirade of anger.


All I can envision right now is the Ku Klux Klan.

It it really legal for someone to say, let alone preach such bigotry and hatred in that state, or for that matter, in the whole country? It’s the equivalent of saying all people of a certain ethnicity, skin colour or religion should be locked up and left to slowly die off.

Even when it is legitimately happening it doesn't excuse the guilty but I don't feel sorry for the victims since they are always whining about nothing anyways.

Whoa! That’s heavy dude!

I have friends, a family member and acquaintances who are gay. I’ve seen their physical wounds and mental torture that they have experienced at the hands of anti gay people. I’ve visited them in hospital and stood by the grave of a gay man who could not take the mental torment any more.

I’ll pass your sympathies on and tell them they are whining about nothing.

I’m not denying there are many who “cry wolf”, not only in the Gay community, but the whole racial discriminatory thing as well, which I think is far more prevalent, but I think your wording of “I don’t feel sorry for the victims since they are always whining about nothing anyways” is either a case of not thinking properly about what you’ve written, or else is incredibly cold hearted and callous.

And Anjin-san ..... if you make a smiley response, I’m going to personally lock you inside that electrified fence.

Please take the time to tell us why you are rolling your eyes, or shaking your head.

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^ If it's physical violence that is completely different. If someone says something I do not care. In the adult world when someone calls you a name you get over it. I don't feel sorry for anyone who gets called a name and especially not when they cry wolf at every possible opportunity (which let me add not homhosexual does but the media loves to do it). If they are being physically violent that is assault. Still I don't think we should jump on the hate crimes nonsense and act like it's a special crime because they are gay. It should be treated like any other assault. And I also have had friends and family who are/were gay. It doesn't make a lick of difference to me as long as they don't try to make a move on me or anything. I don't hate or feel any differently about my friend who turned out to be bisexual at all. My family member turned into a total douche bag when he became gay for some reason so we don't get along anymore but that's his problem. Do I agree with the choice to be a homosexual? No, I do not. But I do not hate people for making different choices than I do.

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Why do people get in such an uproar about people like this Pastor Worley. He's just some moron with diarrhea of the mouth. People don't really need more excuses to kill each other. All options are readily available on the table at this point.

And churches are corrupt. This is why Christ overturned tables. I guess everyone seems to skip that part of the book. :D

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Freedom of religion, freedom of speech and the freedom to say " take a long hard suck on my arse "... one voice in 300, 000, 000... get over it

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What do you pray for, LedZeppfan77? I bet you pray every night that:

  1. LZ will reform, tour, and play a show in Buffalo
  2. You will succeed in rejoining Hockeyforums.net, and survive for longer than 48hrs without getting Banned For Life again
  3. You will awake to find Roseanne Barr sitting on your face

Now I'm not god, but I can tell you for a fact that 1 and 2 will never happen.

As for 3, it's a possibility, but I'm guessing that within 10 seconds you'd be praying for her to get off.

Be careful what you wish for, man.

You are crazier than a rat in a tin shit house. When you spell God, its with a capital G fella. And no Walter, I did not read the arctcle and I have nothing against homosexuals. Have we not all known a few in our lives? Most that I have known are fine and I have no problem with them. As for Major Major, the Rosanne prayer must be yours. You are the one thinking of her. Id prefer Gwyneth Paltrow. You know, that cute little Brit. I can only imagine your dreams. Mostly about feet in your mouth I would guess based on your foot fetish.

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Her 15 minutes are just about over... nice job..

Her husband must be ready to drive his car into a f**king brick wall.

^ That IS some crazy sh!t, right?!? I mean like Hitler crazy sh!t!

yes... only Hitler had the ability to brainwash and control millions...

This goofball's impact will be minimal.

^ That is quite shocking.

Are there bigots everywhere in the US, or is it mainly confined to the under-educated & the 'shoot 'em up' states?

There are pockets of bigots everywhere in the world.

But yes it's worse in some areas of the US than others.

Edited by the chase
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