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World War III on the brink?



41 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think the world is on the brink of WWIII?

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My moneys on Canada. One day the world economy causes the hockey league to go out of business and all those crazy northerners have no way to take out there aggression. All of the sudden... BOOM! Drops a bomb on Antarctica. The tree hugging United Nations avenges the penguins by bombing Canada off the map. America being on the border is affected, blames the terrorist harboring nations in the middle east who blame the Pope and bomb Italy who attack Japan who invade Turkey. World War III.

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No, not coy at all, remember Hiroshima?

No, actually, I don't...is that a band?

My moneys on Canada. One day the world economy causes the hockey league to go out of business and all those crazy northerners have no way to take out there aggression. All of the sudden... BOOM! Drops a bomb on Antarctica. The tree hugging United Nations avenges the penguins by bombing Canada off the map. America being on the border is affected, blames the terrorist harboring nations in the middle east who blame the Pope and bomb Italy who attack Japan who invade Turkey. World War III.

:lol: Makes more sense than Joe Liverpool. ;)

Edited by Strider
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Yeah, they opened for Nagasaki and the A-Bombs back on the '45 World Tour.

This kinda silly stuff was popular, back then...

Therell be bluebirds over

The white cliffs of Dover


Just you wait and see

Therell be love and laughter

And peace ever after


When the world is free

The shepherd will tend his sheep

The valley will bloom again

And Jim will go to sleep

In his own little room again

Therell be bluebirds over

The white cliffs of Dover


Just you wait and see

Therell be bluebirds over

The white cliffs of Dover


Just - you wait - and see...

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It's precisely that kind of comment that makes you so deeply unpopular with all right-minded members of this forum.

Oh come on, MM, she was joking...give her a break. Nobody gave you grief over your fetish thread.

Can we all not be so touchy? Relax and have some fun.

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Oh come on, MM, she was joking...give her a break. Nobody gave you grief over your fetish thread.

Clearly it was too much work to notice you made a joke, and that I piggy-backed off that joke. I certainly never thought for a moment you didn't know what Hiroshima was, at least in terms of its place in world history, and if I didn't know you were making a joke, I would not have continued the joke. FFS. Where are all the fun, sarcastic, witty people that we used to joke around with? Can they come back? Please?

Also, I don't give a rat's wet asshole if I'm "deeply unpopular" with these so-called "right-minded" forumers. If by "right-minded" you mean either Republican, conservative, or religious (or some combination of the three) well.....I'm damn glad to be "deeply unpopular" with those people. If you mean some other definition of "right-minded" well......if they don't like me, I really don't care. I have plenty enough friends in real life and on this board that I don't need to give more than 1/10th of a shit about what people who've arbitrarily decided not to like me think.

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Clearly it was too much work to notice you made a joke, and that I piggy-backed off that joke. I certainly never thought for a moment you didn't know what Hiroshima was, at least in terms of its place in world history, and if I didn't know you were making a joke, I would not have continued the joke. FFS. Where are all the fun, sarcastic, witty people that we used to joke around with? Can they come back? Please?

Also, I don't give a rat's wet asshole if I'm "deeply unpopular" with these so-called "right-minded" forumers. If by "right-minded" you mean either Republican, conservative, or religious (or some combination of the three) well.....I'm damn glad to be "deeply unpopular" with those people. If you mean some other definition of "right-minded" well......if they don't like me, I really don't care. I have plenty enough friends in real life and on this board that I don't need to give more than 1/10th of a shit about what people who've arbitrarily decided not to like me think.

It's funny that you and a few others talk about not being so serious...hoping for more humor, etc. While, you've been sharp tounged even since I've seen you here. (To a few people)

You jumped on the wagon "in a subtle way" with that "other" crazy, warp minded, twister of words and riddles chick, when I mentioned "those people" which was clearly referring to the people/problems in the Middle East. That is the same region in which this "War" is the topic...correct??? "Those people" are called Arabs, in that region of the world. Yes "those people"...Oh dear God, I said it again...now I'm a racist or offending someone.....

I think it takes a REAL bigot, racist or hypocrite to be able to think that deeply into something, and turn it into an offensive or racist remark....I never once intended it that way, nor does it read like that. I also don't think that any Arab/Middle Eastern desent member here would be offended by my statements at all. In no way is it written, how you try and make it sound....

I also like the fact that your all of a sudden concerned about someone else being "offensive"- while you do a pretty good job of making yourself known here and it's not because of good-cordial post. Same goes for the lovely, classy act who started this thread.

P.S. -That's me being sarcastic and a tad witty.......you like?

Edited by Rock Historian
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You jumped on the wagon "in a subtle way" with that "other" crazy, warp minded, twister of words and riddles chick when I mentioned "those people" which was clearly referring to the people/problems in the Middle East. That is the same region in which this "War" is the topic...correct??? "Those people" are called Arabs, in that regions of the world. Yes "those people"...Oh dear God, I said it again...now I'm a racist or offending someone.....

I think it takes a REAL bigot, rascist or hypocrite to be able to think that deeply into something, and turn it into an offensive or racist remark....I never once intended it that way, nor does it read like that. I also don't think that any Arab/Middle Eastern desent member here would be offended by my statements at all. In no way is it written, how you try and make it sound....

You need to slow your roll, dude. I never said I thought you were being racist or bigoted in any way. Read what I said, not what you think I said. I was talking about something that happened several years ago, that you were not involved in. All my statement to betteremily was doing was illustrating the point that yes, people here have made bigoted and racist comments toward groups of people, entirely aware that members of that group post openly on these boards. That had and continues to have, absolutely nothing to do with you.

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You need to slow your roll, dude. I never said I thought you were being racist or bigoted in any way. Read what I said, not what you think I said. I was talking about something that happened several years ago, that you were not involved in. All my statement to betteremily was doing was illustrating the point that yes, people here have made bigoted and racist comments toward groups of people, entirely aware that members of that group post openly on these boards. That had and continues to have, absolutely nothing to do with you.

Yes, I understood and read your post accurately. I'm talking about the second half of your post, (that replied to Betteremily's reaction to my statements) by which you stated that some people could care less here if they "offend" someone by remarks of race, etc.

For the record, I'm not one of em'-and people who know me here-know this. It's really a shame that some have to twist things around in order to make others sound "offensive" on this particular topic-And I suppose, since you've come to the calling of setting things straight, (above^) your not included in that bunch.

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Yes, I understood and read your post accurately. I'm talking about the second half of your post, (that replied to Betteremily's reaction to my statements) by which you stated that some people could care less here if they "offend" someone by remarks of race, etc.

For the record, I'm not one of em'-and people who know me here-know this. It's really a shame that some have to twist things around in order to make others sound "offensive" on this particular topic-And I suppose, since you've come to the calling of setting things straight, (above^) your not included in that bunch.

I WASN'T TALKING ABOUT YOU. How much more clearer do I need to make that? My statements to her were in no way an affirmation of her opinion of your comments. If she thinks you were being a bigot, that's HER opinion, not mine. The statement I made about how some people don't give a damn if they offend people was in reference to the rest of that post, NOT YOURS. Meaning, it was backing up what I said about those people, not referencing anything you said.

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I WASN'T TALKING ABOUT YOU. How much more clearer do I need to make that? My statements to her were in no way an affirmation of her opinion of your comments. If she thinks you were being a bigot, that's HER opinion, not mine. The statement I made about how some people don't give a damn if they offend people was in reference to the rest of that post, NOT YOURS. Meaning, it was backing up what I said about those people, not referencing anything you said.

YES....I U.N.D.E.R.S.T.A.N.D. No need to keep on. I thought that my last comment confirmed that...Oh.....-never mind....

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Rock Historian, honestly dude, I wasn't saying you were a racist. I said we should be careful. Is that wrong? I thought we were adults here? Your insults have no effect on me as you don't know me and your anger is baseless.

Furthermore, the real racist in this forum has already stood up.

Electrophile, thank you for your information and I am sorry you're getting crap thrown at you for replying to me.

Now where the fuck were we again? :huh:

Edited by betteremily
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First of all, it's because you're misreading your poll. If you look at the poll results, the "No"s far outnumber the other responses. Those of us who refuse to be cowed by fear and worry about something that 1) we don't think we're on the brink of; and 2) wouldn't stand much chance of surviving if it did happen, most likely chose "no" for our answer.

It is possible to think we're not on the brink and not care either way at the same time.

As for the second part of your post, I'm sorry you feel you've lost control of your government; I don't feel I've lost control of mine. I have a vote and I exercise that right. If I feel strongly enough about some issue, I will write or call my local representative or newspaper.

I refuse to give in to the fearmongers. That's the one difference from today and yesteryear. The hotspots of the world are pretty much the same as they were 30, 40 years ago.

Thanks Strider, my vision works perfectly well. I get it, you're scared and can't discuss it without worrying. That's too bad.

No, there is no control. There's no "feeling" about it. My ancestors have fought in every war this country has ever been involved in and were very important people in the early development of this nation. I know what it means to be American and this ain't it!

Any problem this nation faces today is nothing a local represenative or a slow-witted newspaper-man can do about it.

I refuse to give in to putting my head in the sand like an ostrich.

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If push came to shove I know who my money is on to be the first to fire a nuke.

Ummm, Generals Buck Turgidson and Jack Ripper?

Just coming home from seeing this classic in a packed theatre...one of my two or three favourite Kubrick movies. The screenplay by Kubrick and Terry Southern is absolutely word perfect.

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Is it just me or has this whole board gone nuts in the last few weeks? It seems like every thread has someone fighting in it recently.

I totally agree, especially the last week. There's self opinionated obnoxiousness and fighting just about everywhere I look.

Probably time to go back to the shadows for me.

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No Jangles, you stay right where you are.

oohhhhh ...... such a bossy, domineering little Brit.

I like it :D

Speaking of which ..........

Nobody gave you grief over your fetish thread.

Why would anyone give me any 'grief' for that?

Exactly ..... A lot of us opened up some very personal, private feelings and desires :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Rock Historian, honestly dude, I wasn't saying you were a racist. I said we should be careful. Is that wrong? I thought we were adults here? Your insults have no effect on me as you don't know me and your anger is baseless.

If you recall sweetie, our love affair started here as a result of you putting my "those people" (in the midle east) statement into another context that shouldn't even be thought of...except by you. What is there to be so careful about? I appreciare the warning, but nobody here said anything wrong when it comes to offending a race of people...that's your twisted way of thinking- not me.

Edited by Rock Historian
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