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Gay Marriage, Freedom of Speech and Chicken Sandwiches


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I don't eat at Chic-fil-a because I am a vegan...oh, and I think Mormons are stupid. There is me expressing my 1st amendment, Mormons and magic underwear are silly and stupid. It's bad enough religions believe in virgin births, dismemberment and re-assembly, rising from the dead, and gods living on mountain tops, but mixing chicken and Mormonism...that is just plain wrong :lol:

Mormonism has nothing to do with this. AFAIK, Truett Cathy is Baptist or some off-shoot of that.

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I would guess "many", but not for Islam's anti-gay stances. There's a whole lot of ig'nant folk in this country who think that all Muslims want to kill Americans, and if you give them a place to worship or a place to run a business, that's the equivalent of instituting Sharia Law and ZOMG the country is destroyed.

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Chick-fil-A isn't a religious organization. It's not a political organization. It's a restaurant. I don't agree with denying them business permits, but the denial of the business permit isn't an infringement on the company CEO's 1st amendment rights. It's dickish, but it's not a constitutional issue. Truett Cathy can continue thinking whatever he wants, donating money to whomever he wants, and not opening on Sundays as long as he draws breath. No one is stopping him from doing that, and if they did, THAT would be an infringment on 1st amendment rights.

Again, this is patently ridiculous and Chick-fil-A should operate whereever it wants, but this isn't a 1st amendment issue.

It may or may not be a first amendment issue, but it is unlawful nonetheless. The Government cannot discriminate against citizens on arbitrary grounds. They must decide permitting and licensing matters on the established criteria. Unless the established criteria say that the business owner must not speak publicly about certain political views, the Government cannot discriminate on that basis. If such a criteria were passed into law it would violate the first amendment and be struck down.

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Anjin-san continues to make my point for me, even without the use of emoticons. :)

Agreed, but I am either an eternal optimist or a glutton for punishment. I just can't believe that someone would want to come on a forum to exchange ideas and then speak in such riddles that it is impossible to understand them. I have faith that he will eventually explain what he means rather than hiding behind ambiguity.

Edited by Dandu
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Agreed, but I am either an eternal optimist or a glutton for punishment. I just can't believe that someone would want to come on a forum to exchange ideas and then speak in such riddles that it is impossible to understand them. I have faith that he will eventually explain what he means rather than hiding behind ambiguity.

I sincerely hope so as well but his track record here proves otherwise.

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All of this jibber-jabber because gay people want to get married. I think they should have the right to get hitched & be as miserable as the rest of us. Two dudes or two girls getting together doesn't harm me or any heterosexual union in anyway that I can see, just my $0.02...

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Wow Anjin-san, you really seem to have some issues. I do not understand why you are so hostile toward others but I feel sorry for you and suggest you seek professional help.

Here comes a three armed Mr. Rogers.... :hysterical:

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Saggy, can you please go check out the Dreams thread, and tell me what you think my visions of carnage mean? And the chains, and the toilet areas?

Hey Major...I won't touch that with a 3 meter pole! Briefly though, context makes all the difference what the symbolism means. Carnage of any kind usually symbolizes change so that one is a little easier. The chains need context and the part about the crapper, forget it :hysterical:

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