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"Game of Thrones"


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So, any thoughts on the season opener? Them dragons seems a bit pissy and out of control. The best part of the opener IMO was the flashback scene of Cersei and the seer, it showed she was very similar to her shit-spawn Geoffrey in the temperament department. I was waiting for Jamie to bend Cersei over the old man laying in state ala' last season, though it would have probably killed the whole show due to jump the shark factor it would have been stupidly funny had they begun a bit of the old in-out, in-out on the old mans corpse.


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They are moving SOOOOO fast compared to the books, I'm afraid they are going to run out of material, be forced to drag on unimportant story lines or go to more fashbacks. Tywin's funeral was only a few minutes - it's several chapters in the book. Also interesting where Sansa is in the TV show - already out of the Vale and moving westward! I believe the Bran story line is being skipped for this season. And you can't beat the banter between Tyrion and "The Spider"......

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They are moving SOOOOO fast compared to the books, I'm afraid they are going to run out of material, be forced to drag on unimportant story lines or go to more fashbacks. Tywin's funeral was only a few minutes - it's several chapters in the book. Also interesting where Sansa is in the TV show - already out of the Vale and moving westward! I believe the Bran story line is being skipped for this season. And you can't beat the banter between Tyrion and "The Spider"......

I do believe that Brans storyline is being left out this new season.

What I can't wait to see is the interaction and dialogue between Tyrion Lannister and Daenerys Targaryen the first time these two formidable characters meet. I hope it is in the next couple of episodes instead of toward the end of Season 5.

Edited by kingzoso
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The Danny/Tyrion meeting WILL be interesting - especially since it hasn't appeared in the books (yet). Anyone else feel that Danny is exhibiting a bit of her brother's (and maybe her father's) temperment lately? Her "I'm not a politician, I'm the Queen" attitude?

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Last nights episode of GoT was very good and very entertaining. I know that the show is very well deviating from the books (of which I have read, at least twice, which amounts to over 10,000+ written pages). Are there people that really read over 10,000 pages over 5 Great books that reside in the Great USA? And that is just about these books/series. I have also read hundreds of other books. From "Helter Skelter" to the "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich". I Love to read and learn about subjects that interest Me and furthers My Mind and intellect.

Regardless of the deviation, I am totally cool with what happens (or does not happen). Game of Thrones is one of the best written and produced shows ever.

"Breaking Bad" and the "Sopranos" being the Others. The "Walking Dead" coming in a somewhere in My Top 5.

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Last nights episode of GoT was very good and very entertaining. I know that the show is very well deviating from the books (of which I have read, at least twice, which amounts to over 10,000+ written pages). Are there people that really read over 10,000 pages over 5 Great books that reside in the Great USA? And that is just about these books/series. I have also read hundreds of other books. From "Helter Skelter" to the "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich". I Love to read and learn about subjects that interest Me and furthers My Mind and intellect.

Regardless of the deviation, I am totally cool with what happens (or does not happen). Game of Thrones is one of the best written and produced shows ever.

"Breaking Bad" and the "Sopranos" being the Others. The "Walking Dead" coming in a somewhere in My Top 5.

Just wait until you see the fourth episode, something happens that it is not even in the books yet....

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...a lot of what happened last night is not in the books. SPOILERS ALERT!!! Jamie going to Dorne - with Bron no less! , Drogon making an appearance before the fighting pits scene, Brienne meeting Sansa, Ellaria wanting revenge (in the books, she begs the Sand Snakes not to seek it), The Faceless Man......

It's gotten to the point that the books are just a basic outline for the TV story.......and how are theb gonna fit LS in the new storyline? I don't want her eliminated from the show!

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Just wait until you see the fourth episode, something happens that it is not even in the books yet....

Are you one of the millions of peoples that have watched the first 4 episodes that were "leaked" online? If you are, I won't tell. Just curious.

I want to know and do not want to know at the same time. Don't tell what it is but is it something good or bad? Okay, if you want you can tell us who's storyline it involves but nothing else. (That is, unless others chime in before you can respond and don't want you to say anything. I am cool with that and I do not want others get mad or whatnot).

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Are you one of the millions of peoples that have watched the first 4 episodes that were "leaked" online? If you are, I won't tell. Just curious.

I want to know and do not want to know at the same time. Don't tell what it is but is it something good or bad? Okay, if you want you can tell us who's storyline it involves but nothing else. (That is, unless others chime in before you can respond and don't want you to say anything. I am cool with that and I do not want others get mad or whatnot).

I watched the 2nd, 3rd & 4th leaked episodes, there is something about Tyrion's journey that I find a slightly amusing, that's all I'll say.

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...I also have the "leaked" episodes, but I refuse top watch them all. A one week wait I can handle, but I don't want to have to wait 4 weeks to get my next fix!

I will be watching again, but with pain of the commercial breaks that are not on the leaks. I imagine most people watch each episode more than once anyway.

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Oh Shit!!! Jorah Mormont kidnapped Tyrion Lannister while Tyrion was taking a piss outside a brothel. "I'm taking you to the Queen".

It seems that Jorah is going to turn Tyrion over to his sister, the Queen Mother or Queen Dowager. She wants his head on a spike for Tyrion killing their father, Lord Tywin Lannister.

Edited to add: This was a good episode, I just mentioned the end. A lot more happened that was just as interesting and compelling in this saga of "A Song of Ice and Fire".

Edited by kingzoso
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I normally don't like major deviations from the author's books, but the new storyline involving Sansa is MUCH more entertaining than the books. And it makes more sense with the overall story line. Tyrion's change in plot line? Not sure about that one...yet!

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I hope Sansa shanks that little bastard mid-coitus...I really hate the sadistic piss-ant and his traitor father Roos. Man, those two are so despicable and cringe worthy that however the writers choose to off these two shits, the fans will be pleased. Of course if they have them live and "get away with it" so much the better, that would REALLY piss off the fans!

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NOOOOOOOO....not Sir Barristan!!!

Little Ms. Mother of Dragons is getting a much needed education in real politik and how the law is NEVER black and white, compromises must be made unless her plans are to let loose the dragons, scorch all her subjects, and rule barren landscape. I find this whole storyline with Danerys intriguing and showing parallels with current events such as the Arab Spring. That old Law of Unintended Consequence thing. The whole problem with freeing a slave or even seriously downtrodden population is they usually expect revenge on their oppressors as soon as they are given freedom. Then, the oppressors no longer in control just turn around and cause trouble through terrorism (ISIS anyone).

Don't know if this storyline as it appears in the series was in the books, but I just love the Machiavellian lessons.

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