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"Game of Thrones"


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HAH!! It happened JUST the way I wanted it to..with some additional bonuses! I did not expect the Dorne theme to play out the way it did! Nor did I see the fight for Winterfell turning out the way it did. I LOVE the way the directors left all of us hanging - and they finished the season where the books basically ended. Somehow they were able to get to every storyline and give us a cliffhanger for each in under an hour!


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I knew Stannis was fucked when he sacrificed his own daughter, his own men leaving, trust broken. I wonder what will become of the red bitch, I mean witch??? They should "light her up."

I still did not think the Winterfell deal would play out like it did though...where the hell Roose get all those men from?

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Remember several episodes ago when Roose Bolton came up to Winterfell to show his son that the King allowed him to change froM Ramsey Snow to Ramsey Bolton? He came with his new wife "Fat Walda" and he brought a sizeable army with him

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Remember several episodes ago when Roose Bolton came up to Winterfell to show his son that the King allowed him to change froM Ramsey Snow to Ramsey Bolton? He came with his new wife "Fat Walda" and he brought a sizeable army with him

Oh yes, that's right, but where did he get those men? Were that all sell-swords or were they banner men from another house, and if so which one? I just cannot see the likelihood of House Bolton having any banner men after his betrayal of Robb Stark and seizing of Winterfell. Who would align themselves with a traitor? He would just as likely turn on any allies if it suited his purpose. I wonder if he is being bankrolled by House Lannister and his army is simply sell-swords.

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Oh yes, that's right, but where did he get those men? Were that all sell-swords or were they banner men from another house, and if so which one? I just cannot see the likelihood of House Bolton having any banner men after his betrayal of Robb Stark and seizing of Winterfell. Who would align themselves with a traitor? He would just as likely turn on any allies if it suited his purpose. I wonder if he is being bankrolled by House Lannister and his army is simply sell-swords.

Roose Bolton did align himself with Tywin Lannister and Walder Frey and he did marry one of Frey's daughter, Walda. Now that Tywin is dead, I don't think that the alliance with the Lannisters will continue. Cersei certainly doesn't want anything to do with the Boltons.

Does anyone think that Brienne of Tarth spared Stannis Baratheon? (Since the show did not completely show her sword striking him)?

Edited by kingzoso
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  • 1 month later...

Well deserved too! Unfortunately, they still won't win "Best Drama" - which thy should have the last 4 years running! Also, no "Best Lead" in either the actor or actress categories.

This is why I always hated award shows - especially the Grammy's in the 70's!

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Well deserved too! Unfortunately, they still won't win "Best Drama" - which thy should have the last 4 years running! Also, no "Best Lead" in either the actor or actress categories.

This is why I always hated award shows - especially the Grammy's in the 70's!

I was all for "Breaking Bad" winning Best Drama Series while that great show was still on tv. Now I am all for "Game of Thrones" winning Best Drama Series this year and for all other years to come.

I am fairly confident that "Game of Thrones" will win Best Drama Series this year.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just read that GoT might end after 8 seasons on HBO. That means that this new 6th season that is now filming and will be shown in late March or early April of 2016 will have 2 more seasons to go (if these reports are true). This also means that the final season (8) will be in early 2018.

I also read that there may be a GoT "prequel" that may be considered for development that may end up being how the whole Got, that most of us all Love, came to be.

The "Mad" King, his son Rhagaer, a younger Ned Stark, Robert Baratheon, Jon Arryn, etc...

I would love to see all that and how the whole history of the books, with these flashbacks came to be.

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  • 1 month later...


I was all for "Breaking Bad" winning Best Drama Series while that great show was still on tv. Now I am all for "Game of Thrones" winning Best Drama Series this year and for all other years to come.

I am fairly confident that "Game of Thrones" will win Best Drama Series this year.

Congratulations to "Game of Thrones" and Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannister) for winning Emmy's in their respective categories. 

"Game of Thrones" has finally been rewarded the top honors following tough, but fair, losses to "Breaking Bad" (in My opinion) these past couple of years. 




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  • 3 months later...

From one great American television show to another.  HBO is and has been showing multiple seasons of Game of Thrones the past few days.  I watched about 5 episodes of season 4 the other day. 

Some of the highlights were King Joffrey's wedding (and subsequent death), Baelish pushing his wife out of the Moon Door, Tyrion's farce of a trial, the Mountain versus the (Red) Viper of Dorne and the final moments of Tywinn Lannister meeting his death on the privy, shot with bolts from a crossbow wielded by his son (or not son), the always awesome Tyrion Lannister (played by none of then the small but formidable Peter Dinklage). 

I cannot wait for the 6th season of Game of Thrones to commence sometime in April. 

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Man, I wish they would do that when they have those "free weekends" of HBO from Direct TV!  A poor working man like myself can't afford the regular subscription (HA!!) so I download the torrents and watch them.  But even that was not enough so I bought the first 4 seasons on DVD as well.  I binge watch 4 episodes every Sunday afternoon.

Breaking Bad is great, M*A*S*H is also a masterpiece, but GoT in my opinion has them beat as the greatest TV offering ever!

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George R.R. Martin Confirms the Bad News You Already Knew About 'The Winds of Winter'

By Tom McKay
January 2, 2016 3:59 PM


George R.R. Martin has some bad news for fans: Much as fans already suspected, he had not finished the sixth book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series by his self-imposed end-of-2015 deadline.


He also admitted that it is now a certainty the HBO television adaptation, Game of Thrones, will reveal plot elements in its sixth season — which premieres in April — well before the book's release, as his publishers require a minimum of three months to take a finished book to print.


In a post to Martin's LiveJournal, the author wrote that "The Winds of Winter is not finished."


"Believe me, it gave me no pleasure to type those words," he continued. "You're disappointed, and you're not alone. My editors and publishers are disappointed, HBO is disappointed, my agents and foreign publishers and translators are disappointed ... but no one could possibly be more disappointed than me."


Martin responded to claims that his age, lifestyle or travels had negatively impacted his writing schedule, saying that the process had simply not gone well in general.


"Unfortunately, the writing did not go as fast or as well as I would have liked," he wrote. "You can blame my travels or my blog posts or the distractions of other projects and the Cocteau and whatever, but maybe all that had an impact ... you can blame my age, and maybe that had an impact too ... but if truth be told, sometimes the writing goes well and sometimes it doesn't, and that was true for me even when I was in my 20s."


Martin has occasionally taken a gruff tone with fans angry over repeated delays with the book, which has been in progress since at least 2012. Earlier this year, he told fans worried he would die before the completion of the series "fuck you."


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George R.R. Martin Confirms the Bad News You Already Knew About 'The Winds of Winter'
Source:  Tages-Anzeiger screenshot



But in his blog post, Martin seemed down on himself and, at times, even contrite.


"There are no excuses," he concluded. "No one else is to blame. Not my editors and publishers, not HBO, not David & Dan. It's on me. I tried, and I am still trying. I worked on the book a couple of days ago, revising a Theon chapter and adding some new material, and I will writing on it again tomorrow."


As for whether next season of Game of Thrones will spoil the books? "Maybe. Yes and no."


Martin rolled off a long list of characters who died in the show but survived in the books and vice versa, assuring readers at least some of these were examples of true divergence rather than one or the other not catching up. He also specified that many of the changes made to the show's storyline have since grown into major differences between the two media, meaning the show will be sufficiently different, providing audiences with a different experience.


Martin's advice to fans?


"Enjoy the show. Enjoy the books," he wrote. "Meanwhile, I'll keep writing. Chapter at a time. Page at a time. Word at a time. That's all I know how to do."

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Season Six of this award-winning HBO show premieres this Sunday night at 8pm (CST).

I can't wait to see how the producers take this show since it will be the first season that will not follow the books, because the books pretty much ended with the death of Jon Snow. 

Who else is also excited to begin watching the new season?  I can't be the only one.  Anyone?  (Feel free to express any and all things, questions, beliefs, etc... how this season may play out). 

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4 hours ago, ScarletMacaw said:

Still unsure why people watch this show. From summaries I have read, it is just people killing each other, with some rape and torture thrown in. Isn't there enough of that in the world without a fictional version?

Yes, there is what you mentioned in this show, but it is about a whole lot more:  loyalty, intrigue, deception, counter-deception, politics, religion, dragons and even an Imp and still a whole lot more...

There are reasons that GoT wins awards and that is because it is a great HBO show. 

I can understand if what you mentioned is not what you like to watch and see but I think it is best to watch and see for yourself rather than judge a show from summaries you have read.  (Just my opinion). 



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