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It seems...


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That no matter where you go on earth be it a small town or huge city there is always a criminal element lurking? I suppose it's been this way since day one of humankind, but doesn't it piss you off how that's all you ever hear on any news broadcast day in and day out? Do you get sick of it like me? Does the news have a creed that states: 'Your death is our bread and butter.' ???

Disgusted in a small town.


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I go online and read newspapers from all over the country, just to see what's going on. Every major city in the country has at least one, mostly two, murders per day, in addition to robbery, rape and some politician being brought up on corruption charges. Sure, I am sick of it.

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are you talking about just the United States or the world ?

i would be interested in knowing how many and which towns/cities etc had no crime, or very small amount.

a place where the worst thing that happened in the last few months or year was a kid shoplifting candy from a store type of thing.

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'If it bleeds it leads.' That's the motto of most news organizations. That's why I rarely watch television news.

Last week, in fact, not only did I not watch tv news, I didn't even read the newspapers I usually read daily. It was like a great weight and shadow lifted from my mind. I could enjoy my days without worrying about whatever nonsense the world was getting into...like Egypt.

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are you talking about just the United States or the world ?

i would be interested in knowing how many and which towns/cities etc had no crime, or very small amount.

a place where the worst thing that happened in the last few months or year was a kid shoplifting candy from a store type of thing.

Of course it's the whole world. Criminals are everywhere. What disgusts me about the news is when there's no local death and destruction they'll dig up something from somewhere else in the country. Last night here they must have thought they had an 'exclusive' by playing the 9-1-1 calls for a limo that caught fire way down in California (San Mateo Bridge) and we got to hear the lovely sounds of a panicked caller and another guy who broke down in tears. 5 women died in the blaze. They really are bottom dwellers who thrive on others misfortune. I can't help ranting about this.

Our little town mostly has a minimal crime problem but recently a 'pastor' was convicted of molestation and given 20 years.

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I thought I was safe from crime in Cow Bay a few years ago when one day I came home to an open door, and my entire music collection gone (which included some really rate stuff), and all of my electronics gone. The dog at that time wasn't home, he was out with the Mrs. and the kids. Not a happy camper about that. But life goes on, it left me bitter, and angry with the world for a while but over time I moved on.

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On the news, yesterday and today, an Australian baseball player visiting here in the US, was shot and killed by two youth who said they were bored and wanted to kill someone.

Something is wrong, very, very wrong. Now Australia has asked that tourists not come to the U.S. - a boycott by the Aussies. Can't blame them one little bit. The media has not gone

crazy reporting this. I wonder why?

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On the news, yesterday and today, an Australian baseball player visiting here in the US, was shot and killed by two youth who said they were bored and wanted to kill someone.

Something is wrong, very, very wrong. Now Australia has asked that tourists not come to the U.S. - a boycott by the Aussies. Can't blame them one little bit. The media has not gone

crazy reporting this. I wonder why?

we are all shocked at this down here. mostly because of the reasons the boys gave for doing it.

gun related violence is getting worse everywhere, it seems. but i think the USA really needs to do something to change the way of life over there. people walking around with guns freely .... it's just like the wild west days .... :(

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we are all shocked at this down here. mostly because of the reasons the boys gave for doing it.

gun related violence is getting worse everywhere, it seems. but i think the USA really needs to do something to change the way of life over there. people walking around with guns freely .... it's just like the wild west days .... :(

You are right, Slave to Zepp. We have gun control laws, but they don't stop criminals from getting guns. The problem goes much deeper than gun control, but no one will address it

because it is politically incorrect to do so. Talk about a screwed up culture.

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Bottom line fear sells,

with the doubling of the world population in my lifetime, the worlds gone to hell in a hand basket.

Family and good friends are all that really matter in the end.

My Father used to always read the paper and it would totally freak him out. But he couldn't stop reading the useless crap.

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You are right, Slave to Zepp. We have gun control laws, but they don't stop criminals from getting guns. The problem goes much deeper than gun control, but no one will address it

because it is politically incorrect to do so. Talk about a screwed up culture.

i don't pretend to know the answers... i guess nobody does, or else it wouldn't be happening.

but i truly believe it comes down to the way of life, the way these people are parented ... kids are brought up with violence, and lack of respect and manners.

this may sound silly, but go watch an old movie from the 30's or 40's, even the 50's. listen to how they speak to each other.

you wont find that in any movie after that time period. we all thought it was cool to be rude, crude, show offs.

it was the beginning of the " it's all about ME " culture that is so prevalent today. :(

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And they keep touting that 'crime is down.'

Because it is true. Crime rates peaked during the late 1980's and have been declining for the past two decades. Of course, this is of no comfort to the Australian tourist's family.

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Because it is true. Crime rates peaked during the late 1980's and have been declining for the past two decades. Of course, this is of no comfort to the Australian tourist's family.

true, i think the difference is we have more 24 hour news channels and the internet . so there are some things which feel like it's happening more when it's not really just because we hear about it more.

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This is right on. Also, because the media reports this non-stop - murder, murder, everywhere, we have become desensitized to it all. Just another murder, nothing new going on.

And then the "this has got to stop" refrain and then nothing happens until the next murder, and the cycle starts again.

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Because it is true. Crime rates peaked during the late 1980's and have been declining for the past two decades. Of course, this is of no comfort to the Australian tourist's family.

Yeah, I know it's true. Stats don't lie. But for some reason Seattle appears to be like the wild west at times with constant shootings there. There's a small town close by here (Buckley, WA) and yesterday there was a shootout at the scumbag motel there just a few blocks from a friend's house. His wife heard the shots and thought it was fireworks. The cops shot the bastard but didn't kill him.

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