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Ripping "Ford" Taurus off

Pb Derigable

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I wrote a long peice about the subject, but i thought no one would read it. i just listen to sprit's Taurus. the alledge song jimmy ripped off for stairway. yeah i guess if you where looking for somthing to hate on zep, i guess you can come to the conclusion. but to me i would not think iof stairway while listen to this song. this is all brought on by people who has to hate on somthing. like people saying the New York Yankees suck but they never saw a yankee game or even know whos on the team. They just say things just to be cool. they are like shock jocks. They are the little peices of shit that you used to beat up becaue they wouldnt give you your ball back. the hating of zeppelin blows my mind, you may not have to like them, but to hate?. its not like they hate rock they just hate zeppelin. reply on what your take on the STH question.

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This probably belongs in the newbie forum, or there might actually already be a topic on it, not sure...

Page uses the same basic chord progression as Taurus on the first eight measures of Stairway to Heaven. The only difference in the progression is that he throws in a G before Am in the last measure, whereas Randy California plays only Am... The only difference in the chords they both play is that Page adds a harmony note for each one on the bottom E string, while Randy used on the D, G, and B strings...

And then of course Stairway evolves into something much more than Taurus did, but that should be obvious...

Of course people will say he "stole it," but that goes along with Zeppelin's history of paraphrasing their musical influences... I think Page must've heard Spirit's album while they were touring together (the song was released in '68 and I think they had some shows together, not positive though) and liked the sound of it and just went on from there...

By the way, I think "Taurus" should be in quotes, not Ford...

"Taurus" is the song... ;)

Edited by the fool
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I wrote a long peice about the subject, but i thought no one would read it. i just listen to sprit's Taurus. the alledge song jimmy ripped off for stairway. yeah i guess if you where looking for somthing to hate on zep, i guess you can come to the conclusion. but to me i would not think iof stairway while listen to this song. this is all brought on by people who has to hate on somthing. like people saying the New York Yankees suck but they never saw a yankee game or even know whos on the team. They just say things just to be cool. they are like shock jocks. They are the little peices of shit that you used to beat up becaue they wouldnt give you your ball back. the hating of zeppelin blows my mind, you may not have to like them, but to hate?. its not like they hate rock they just hate zeppelin. reply on what your take on the STH question.

I have no doubt that Page took ownership of the Taurus riff; just as LZ plagiarized many blues riffs. (plus lyrics) And considering that Zeppelin gigged with Spirit, you only need to put two and two together.

I realize it's hard for die hards to grasp the fact that Led Zeppelin was fallible and indeed human.

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I have no doubt that Page took ownership of the Taurus riff; just as LZ plagiarized many blues riffs. (plus lyrics) And considering that Zeppelin gigged with Spirit, you only need to put two and two together.

I realize it's hard for die hards to grasp the fact that Led Zeppelin was fallible and indeed human.

Valid Point, But i do reconize Zeppelin didnt write most of the music in the first two and half album. but somebody was pointed out the diffence in the two songs. and it took him more then a couple words to point it out. Maybe this is Zep Achilles heal, i dont know any other band that gets these accusations about steeling riffs. There is a fomer DJ who goes on Howard Stern and all he talks about is steeling this and that. Im trying to look at this not like a die hard fan. but the word inspiration should be used instead of stealing for STH. Maybe i pissed off the way these "Zep stole everthing" people present there argument, like they know everthing and no one opinion matters. I searched the forum for this and nothing came up. the newbie section is for question like which album should i buy next, or whose "zoso". anyways this is the new forum so everbodys new since nov. Ill get back to you guys on the "Ford" Quotes

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Well for one, Randy is no longer around to make a statement, he sadly drown while saving his son from drowning. Yes, Zep played w/ Spirit, and Page and Plant were fans of the band. I'm not sure about this because I read it from a Zep fan and they can be a bit protective, but they said that in Randy California's biography it claims Page approached him about the use of the opening to Stairway and Randy gave his blessing. Of course this could all be BS, but you never know.

Still the fact remains, there are several credits added to the recent releases of Zep's catelog that were'nt on the original pressings. :whistling: Who knows if Randy were alive today... if he would have a claim to make. It definitely is a little more than coincidence. And also a little closer than simply "inspired by". Of course commen replies by Page fans have always been, "well Page made them better", or "no one would even know about the original if not for Page" has little merit in my book. You either give credit or risk legal action....something Zep has been akin to many times, and wisely settled out of court and out of public scrutiny.

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I look at it this way:

In the 70's when you heard stairway to heaven for the 500 times did it blow your mind?

Did you get an acoustic guitar and learn how to play?

Did you spend the next 35 years wishing you could meet jimmy Page so that you could thank him for altering your perception of reality?

Are there only 12 notes on a guitar?

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I read about jimmy asking Randy about it. and does seem true. I dont think jimmy asked if he could more like saying hey i came up with a deffent way for that part. Which IMHO Randy cant do nothing about it, so im sure he said yes, it wasn't note by note, its was off bye more then a few notes. Im sure Jimmy came up with the riff only to realize it was somewhat like the song Taurus after the fact. The he probaly just metioned it to randy. IMHO the song Bawitdaba by Kid Rock chours sounds alot Like the ending to Out on The Tiles then STH to Taurus. but still i dont think a case can be won on spirit behalf. yes there is all this proof, but in reality its not the exact same riff and this type of thing is normal in the music industry. i dont think queen won when they sue for the bass line on Under Pressure being ripped off( or inspired) on Good Virbaration by Vanilla Ice. I guess the whole point of me starting this thread is to see what other Zep Fans Think of it. and another thing ITs Hat's off to (Roy) Harper so Ripping (Ford) Taurus Off could be right

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