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The Or**ge Amps at the 02 - Why are the A&N Covered up?

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I picked up the DVD at my local library and am watching it for the first time right now - This may have been covered here before but why are the A&N on the Orange Amps covered up? Did they have to get permission for use with the DVD? Kind of like how the kids on American Idol or those on Dancing with the Stars sometimes have black tape over a Nike or other trademarked logo.

Any thoughts??

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Because he's Jimmy Page :wizard: and he likes doing impish things like that that make people wonder? And it really makes me wonder....

Look at the Orange amps on the Celebration Day video and what word comes to mind...Orgy? Or perhaps Ogre? In other words, don't put too much thought into why...it's just Jimmy's way of being different and having fun.

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The actual reason was to do with sponsorship and branding. Orange is the brand of one of the main mobile phone networks in the UK. Although Orange Amplification have no connection whatsoever with this company.

Where was the concert held? The O2 Arena. Who are O2? They are also a mobile phone operator and one of Orange's largest competitors in this business.

If you are the venues main sponsor you do not want the name of one of your biggest rivals, even if it is a completely different company, appearing onstage at the most high profile concert ever staged there.

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The actual reason was to do with sponsorship and branding. Orange is the brand of one of the main mobile phone networks in the UK. Although Orange Amplification have no connection whatsoever with this company.

Where was the concert held? The O2 Arena. Who are O2? They are also a mobile phone operator and one of Orange's largest competitors in this business.

If you are the venues main sponsor you do not want the name of one of your biggest rivals, even if it is a completely different company, appearing onstage at the most high profile concert ever staged there.


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I don't know the reason -- but I swear that it's a vintage detail.

Yeah they look worn. The thing is that the tolex should be orange, because you don't see to much of vintage Orange amp with black tolex.

Then again he could have had it changed before the show.

Those were probably the same amps Jimmy got from Orange when he was touring with the Black Crowes.

Edited by magerogue
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I must have had a false memory in mind when I saw CD in the theatre -- I swear that Jimmy had used Orange amps before, with the "a" and "n" obscured...I must have seen pics of the performance and (somehow) misremembered them as being from Knebworth or something.

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I must have had a false memory in mind when I saw CD in the theatre -- I swear that Jimmy had used Orange amps before, with the "a" and "n" obscured...I must have seen pics of the performance and (somehow) misremembered them as being from Knebworth or something.

They were on the Black Crowes tour. He didn't use Orange in Zeppelin, only in 1972 when he got the endorsement and it was only see on the live performances from the tours of that year. It wasn't even used for the guitar, JPJ used it for keyboards and Jimmy used his theremin on it. He may have used it in the Houses Of The Holy album.

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I spoke to someone inside Orange Amplification in 2008 and they knew no reason why the A & N were covered up, meaning that it wasn't a sponsorship issue. It was a decision made within the Jimmy Page camp (whatever that is).

A pair of AD-30 amps in black tolex that were seen at O2 had been used by Jimmy since 1999.

A new AD-50 was used, as well as a hand-built OR-50 (S/N: 1).

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I spoke to someone inside Orange Amplification in 2008 and they knew no reason why the A & N were covered up, meaning that it wasn't a sponsorship issue. It was a decision made within the Jimmy Page camp (whatever that is).

A pair of AD-30 amps in black tolex that were seen at O2 had been used by Jimmy since 1999.

A new AD-50 was used, as well as a hand-built OR-50 (S/N: 1).

It was a sponsorship issue but nothing to do with Orange Amplification. It was at the request of the O2 Arena people.

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