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well its the new set-up of the hi-fi as arrived time to go putting it together happy days are here again... also the novel I ordered as arrived today its " the story of Shannon Hoon and Blind Melon" some I`m in my happiest mood ever... well there`s also the everyday household works to be doing... which isn't the funnies we`d all like it to be... we`ve been thinking of moving to seek out better life for us... ooh bollocks better not forget the speaker cables are as I`d ordered as if there not SHITTY TIME IS HERE..

CONGRATS on the hi-fi!!! Very cool that someone else in this world has joined the club of listening to music on an actual fucking stereo - music on a computer sucks! I'm going to look for that book on Hoon, I sort of forgotten about him, I think, and I could be wrong, but I think he also sang on a GnR song as well.

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I think I have come to the conclusion that besides my wife and kids I'm alone and on my own. Which isn't so bad I guess. Sometimes I see people with tons of friends around them and I wish I could be so at ease in a room full of people but I'm scared as shite to express how I feel in person which bothers me because I'm not a retard - just guarded I guess. Music sort of gives me an escape. Lately I find myself writing a lot on sort of a blog/business thing as a way to just let thoughts out and others are free to read it. When I'm skiing or kayaking I do so with my ipod and it makes it a perfect day. It's so bad that when I pick up the phone to just call someone I have to stop and think about what I'm going to talk about instead of just letting it flow. In my line of work I actually have to shake the hands of strangers and talk in front of boardrooms of people and I'm good at it, but afterwards I stop and think about how it all went and I nit pick in my mind everything I said that was wrong which sort of adds to the problem.

I think almost everyone can relate to how you feel, Charles. Many people -- even many outgoing "life of the party" types -- sometimes secretly feel shy and socially awkward. Many of us -- me included -- will sometimes have conversations and then later nit pick what we said and ask ourselves , "how could I have said something so stupid!" Ironically, many people who work with you, or who know you socially, probably envy your social skills and sometimes secretly think to themselves "Geez, I wish I was more like Charles, he has such good social skills and is so self-confident." It's true. So you're not alone....well, actually, you are alone. We are all alone. Completely alone. This is true no matter how many friends we may have. This "existential aloneness" is part of the human condition.

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CJW/Geek are they in fact the same person or twins separated at birth?

It is odd, but in a cool way, I guess, we seem to have similar interests in music and other things

I`ll go with the second if its ok with CJW...

Don't be so certain of wanting to be me my twin, unless you like being ugly, I'm not the best looking dude believe me - LOL

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mine will all ways be in the air, but its a totally cool song... I`ve been a bit of a prat again as I`ve take out £600 out of my savings to finally get some tattoo work done, which I`d been saving only now with no employment, awaiting in the wings yet... D` Doghouse blues is all I sing anyway... the novel on Shannon Hoon & Blind Melon is so far well written and a joy to read... the one downward spiral is no MUSIC... well until Strider`s youtube.com vid many thanks dude your making me chilli cool a filled with happiness... isn't there any underhanded none human caring with each other in stand of biting each other`s none faith of the other person`s faith... all my best wishes, love and prayers to the people of France...

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fucking hell shit, its the realties total utter bollocks without the hiding place of literature, comedy and music, which isn't the best ways to deal with the shit hmmmm... right there shouldn`t have been sometimes the wiser, older and geekier me having been undertreated losing sportsjock which wouldn't have been a wonderful sight to see. I`m more the lone sportsmen where I`d been doing the jogging, gym work out . I`d like to add the only team sport I`d play where footie/rugby which is my best two team sports. many a happy times I`d had with other fellow geeks!... maybe I`ve been within the inner misplaced childhood again as I` seated with my favourite ripped jeans, classic hippie shirt and a few trinkets waiting to be chillin` with Dylan ooh YES... three`s some shortages now as the new music as slowed down a little but there are a few group`s whom are reissuing album with added extra tracks added along, they are: The Almighty/Thunder among them so they be added to the to buy list... at the moment I`m chilling with a Mcdonalds coffee and free wifi too!... lots of music needed to be playing later on, as its the lifeline to life`s happiness among the bullshit days lol... well isn't there the friendships of older pastimes but its the age where`s the list is sadly getting smaller with some passing away or they stop the connected...

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fucking hell shit, its the realties total utter bollocks without the hiding place of literature, comedy and music, which isn't the best ways to deal with the shit hmmmm... right there shouldn`t have been sometimes the wiser, older and geekier me having been undertreated losing sportsjock which wouldn't have been a wonderful sight to see. I`m more the lone sportsmen where I`d been doing the jogging, gym work out . I`d like to add the only team sport I`d play where footie/rugby which is my best two team sports. many a happy times I`d had with other fellow geeks!... maybe I`ve been within the inner misplaced childhood again as I` seated with my favourite ripped jeans, classic hippie shirt and a few trinkets waiting to be chillin` with Dylan ooh YES... three`s some shortages now as the new music as slowed down a little but there are a few group`s whom are reissuing album with added extra tracks added along, they are: The Almighty/Thunder among them so they be added to the to buy list... at the moment I`m chilling with a Mcdonalds coffee and free wifi too!... lots of music needed to be playing later on, as its the lifeline to life`s happiness among the bullshit days lol... well isn't there the friendships of older pastimes but its the age where`s the list is sadly getting smaller with some passing away or they stop the connected...

Sums me as well, the things is to remember that every day is a new day. Right now looking out my office window and there is a new sun glaring through my office.

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the book on Blind Melon is a fabulous read check it out. is there any others whom have a passion for art, music, literature and knowledge. more and more knowledge is still my own personnel task, as I`ve found the more you now the less likelihood of falling into the trap of not understanding others which could lead you into missed belief of others which looking at past history takes you to a holocaust, which in turn will eat away your own HUMANITY!!!!!!!!!!...

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the book on Blind Melon is a fabulous read check it out. is there any others whom have a passion for art, music, literature and knowledge. more and more knowledge is still my own personnel task, as I`ve found the more you now the less likelihood of falling into the trap of not understanding others which could lead you into missed belief of others which looking at past history takes you to a holocaust, which in turn will eat away your own HUMANITY!!!!!!!!!!...

Check out "Sinatra Night and Day The Man and his Music", fun read

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In exactly 48 hours from now my son will turn 12 - it really is amazing how quickly time passes. When he was born, he was rather small, and I could hold him with one arm. Now he is a giant. And this morning when I woke up, it was to the sounds of an acoustic guitar, my daughter was playing her guitar which made me smile.

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I have read 14 books about Frank Sinatra and I can without a doubt declare that there is no finer book about Ol' Blue Eyes than Will Friedwald's "SINATRA! THE SONG IS YOU: A Singer's Art". Forget all the gossip about JFK, Marilyn, the Mob and Ava...the music is the reason Sinatra matters. This book perfectly illustrates why he was important in the history and development of singing and the art of the popular song.

Like Nick Tosche's Dean Martin biography "Dino" and Jerry Lee Lewis bio "Hellfire", Mel Tormé's "It Wasn't All Velvet", Donald Clarke's "Billie Holiday: Wishing on the Moon", Peter Guralnick's "Last Train to Memphis" and "Searching for Robert Johnson", and Greil Marcus' "Mystery Train", "SINATRA! THE SONG IS YOU" stands as one of the few books worthy of its subject...and mandatory for anyone who wants to understand pop culture in the the 20th century.

Absolutely essential reading and demands a permanent place in any music lover's library.

Not as great but still worthy of recommendation are these other Frank Sinatra books:

"Sessions With Sinatra: Frank Sinatra and the Art of Recording" by Charles L. Granata.

"THE WAY YOU WEAR YOUR HAT: Frank Sinatra and the Lost Art of Livin'" by Bill Zehme.

"SINATRA: The Artist and the Man" by John Lahr.

"FRANK SINATRA: Night and Day - The Man and the Music" by Fred Dellar and Mal Peachy.

"Frank Sinatra, My Father" by Nancy Sinatra.

Edited by Strider
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I have read 14 books about Frank Sinatra and I can without a doubt declare that there is no finer book about Ol' Blue Eyes than Will Friedwald's "SINATRA! THE SONG IS YOU: A Singer's Art". Forget all the gossip about JFK, Marilyn, the Mob and Ava...the music is the reason Sinatra matters. This book perfectly illustrates why he was important in the history and development of singing and the art of the popular song.

Like Nick Tosche's Dean Martin biography "Dino" and Jerry Lee Lewis bio "Hellfire", Mel Tormé's "It Wasn't All Velvet", Donald Clarke's "Billie Holiday: Wishing on the Moon", Peter Guralnick's "Last Train to Memphis" and "Searching for Robert Johnson", and Greil Marcus' "Mystery Train", "SINATRA! THE SONG IS YOU" stands as one of the few books worthy of its subject...and mandatory for anyone who wants to understand pop culture in the the 20th century.

Absolutely essential reading and demands a permanent place in any music lover's library.

Not as great but still worthy of recommendation are these other Frank Sinatra books:

"Sessions With Sinatra: Frank Sinatra and the Art of Recording" by Charles L. Granata.

"THE WAY YOU WEAR YOUR HAT: Frank Sinatra and the Lost Art of Livin'" by Bill Zehme.

"SINATRA: The Artist and the Man" by John Lahr.

"FRANK SINATRA: Night and Day - The Man and the Music" by Fred Dellar and Mal Peachy.

"Frank Sinatra, My Father" by Nancy Sinatra.

thanks dude I seek them out...

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I`m a total funnies sad clown, its any absolute fact of there`s still the face of the down trodden broken poets searching for the inner enlightenment of inner peace, whom seem to always stumble each few steps they`ve made in lifecycle much with wearing the always needed within everyday life " rose tinted glasses " on... much of the undercurrent of my own inner stress as must here now is my soon to be ex-bosses the biggest downward asphalt skid marks on the skin of life...

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I have to travel to Charlottetown Prince Edward Island, try and find that on a map! I Hotel room booked, and ready to go in a few weeks. I'm happy that I don't have a regular 9-5 because as much as sometimes I wish I did, it is nice to sort of just make my own plans every week. The downside, people phone me at all hours of the day. Overall not a bad a gig I guess

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