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Castro has died


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2 hours ago, Walter said:


This what we've desolved to become, rest of the world.  Glad you have a front row seat and see why we were such easy pickings for Putin to swoop in....  So sad. 


Im not worried about putin  swooping in because I think Hillary fixed that problem before with a reset button so thank god she at least got that right.



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55 minutes ago, Walter said:

(Boys) Birds of a feather....  

what does that mean Walter? I thought we put the "boys" comment to rest after the last time you made a homophobic charged comment. this time I wont let it go so either apologize or explain yourself, but do not call me "boy" again  to demean my sexuality or my race or anything else. if you wanted to say birds of a feather then fine, but you put the "boys" in there on purpose because a few months ago you accused me and another man here who is straight of being gay and that isn't cool. this needs to stop or I will quit this forum. So many people here are really cool and have many things to offer but all you do is make snide comments meant to hurt people.

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31 minutes ago, kipper said:

what does that mean Walter? I thought we put the "boys" comment to rest after the last time you made a homophobic charged comment. this time I wont let it go so either apologize or explain yourself, but do not call me "boy" again  to demean my sexuality or my race or anything else. if you wanted to say birds of a feather then fine, but you put the "boys" in there on purpose because a few months ago you accused me and another man here who is straight of being gay and that isn't cool. this needs to stop or I will quit this forum. So many people here are really cool and have many things to offer but all you do is make snide comments meant to hurt people.

You don't have to quit the forum, just put people you don't wish to tolerate any longer on IGNORE. After you do you won't see their posts anymore. Go to your profile settings to select this feature.

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17 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

You don't have to quit the forum, just put people you don't wish to tolerate any longer on IGNORE. After you do you won't see their posts anymore. Go to your profile settings to select this feature.

thanks Steve probably good advice. Steve isnt if so ironic that you and i have different politics mostly and then the minute you and I have a common view one person from the left starts making personal attacks on both of us and then says horrible things. No wonder this country is so messed up when nobody wants to solve anything. I gave the last guy 8 years and he didnt do anything. I'm liberal on most things but I want to give this new guy a chance. he doesnt scare me at all and i think his kids are proof he is a smart caring person.

thanks Steve

ps. also thanks Ipman. we didnt agree on Castro but I appreciated your other kind words in the other thread. makes me have hope that we can all be civil. Well maybe not all of us, but most of us. Thanks

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57 minutes ago, kipper said:

thanks Steve probably good advice. Steve isnt if so ironic that you and i have different politics mostly and then the minute you and I have a common view one person from the left starts making personal attacks on both of us and then says horrible things. No wonder this country is so messed up when nobody wants to solve anything. I gave the last guy 8 years and he didnt do anything. I'm liberal on most things but I want to give this new guy a chance. he doesnt scare me at all and i think his kids are proof he is a smart caring person.

I truly despise how the left has politicized every aspect of daily life, and you'll find leftist ideologues are the most myopic, intolerant people you will ever encounter. The only people that I find more infuriating than them are the self-proclaimed "citizen of the world" types whose entire worldview seems based on moral relativism coupled with whatever socialist indoctrination they received in school. THEY are the ones who assign moral equivalency to Fidel Castro and any other world leader, and can do so with a straight face (or a smirk). I call them Snot Nose Johnny, because they remind me of childhood playgrounds when, after kids have a big fracas, a third opines  "Yeah, he hit them way below the belt, but they started it".  The hell with that--Left or Right, pick a side and stick with it! 

I can tell you with certainty I don't take flack here for my Led Zeppelin posts, it's because of the way I see things and the confident manner in which I express it. I'd be much better off avoiding the General Forum altogether but I don't think the world could take the loss. Everyone seems to need a boogeyman and I guess I fit the bill perfectly for some. Hey, if this doesn't work out we can always have a second American Civil War. Keep your powder dry. 


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1 hour ago, SteveAJones said:

I truly despise how the left has politicized every aspect of daily life, and you'll find leftist ideologues are the most myopic, intolerant people you will ever encounter. The only people that I find more infuriating than them are the self-proclaimed "citizen of the world" types whose entire worldview seems based on moral relativism coupled with whatever socialist indoctrination they received in school. THEY are the ones who assign moral equivalency to Fidel Castro and any other world leader, and can do so with a straight face (or a smirk). I call them Snot Nose Johnny, because they remind me of childhood playgrounds when, after kids have a big fracas, a third opines  "Yeah, he hit them way below the belt, but they started it".  The hell with that--Left or Right, pick a side and stick with it! 

I can tell you with certainty I don't take flack here for my Led Zeppelin posts, it's because of the way I see things and the confident manner in which I express it. I'd be much better off avoiding the General Forum altogether but I don't think the world could take the loss. Everyone seems to need a boogeyman and I guess I fit the bill perfectly for some. Hey, if this doesn't work out we can always have a second American Civil War. Keep your powder dry. 



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Come now, Steve.  You know that what you refer to as "The Left" doesn't have a monopoly on politicizing everyday life.  Conservative busybodies routinely champion laws that impact  other people's personal choices under the guise of religious beliefs.  Hobby Lobby's president went to court because he didn't think his company's insurance plan should pay for employees' IUDs or morning after pills.  Even worse, the U.S. Supreme Court sided with him.  What gives Steve Green or Antonin Scalia the right to inject their religious beliefs into other people's medical decisions?  Shouldn't these be left to the individual employee and her doctor?  Talk about politicizing everyday life! 

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About Fidel Castro...some Cubans are glad that he is dead; others mourn his death and still others aren't sure how they feel about him.  Back when I was in grad school, one of my professors was married to an Afro-Cuban biologist.  He left Cuba during the early 1980's because he ran afoul of Castro's government.  He was critical of the Castro regime, but at the same time he believed the Cuban Revolution was, on balance, a positive move for the country.  The way he explained it; before the revolution most black Cubans wouldn't have been able to attend university and enter the professions.  His grandparents were illiterate laborers on one of the sugar plantations. 


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56 minutes ago, Disco Duck said:

What gives Steve Green or Antonin Scalia the right to inject their religious beliefs into other people's medical decisions?  Shouldn't these be left to the individual employee and her doctor?  Talk about politicizing everyday life! 

The issue here isn't the medical decisions being made between a patient and her doctor, it is the UNCONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT MANDATE (Affordable Care Act aka Obama Care) that the health insurance plans of religious employers (in this case Hobby Lobby) be required to pay for (or make a referral for) contraceptives if that is incongruent with their religious beliefs. The First Amendment of the United States Constitution gave Steve Green and Antonin Scalia, and three other US Supreme Court Justices, the majority vote and right to rule in Hobby Lobby's favor.  


I don't think I need to remind you who championed the Affordable Care Act (hint: it wasn't conservatives).

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1 hour ago, Disco Duck said:

About Fidel Castro...some Cubans are glad that he is dead; others mourn his death and still others aren't sure how they feel about him.  Back when I was in grad school, one of my professors was married to an Afro-Cuban biologist.  He left Cuba during the early 1980's because he ran afoul of Castro's government.  He was critical of the Castro regime, but at the same time he believed the Cuban Revolution was, on balance, a positive move for the country.  The way he explained it; before the revolution most black Cubans wouldn't have been able to attend university and enter the professions.  His grandparents were illiterate laborers on one of the sugar plantations. 


In other words if you were a poor, illiterate Cuban without a pot to piss in and nothing to lose in the first place then sure, on balance the Cuban Revolution was a positive move for the country. Initially, there was a whole lot of taking from the haves and giving to the have nots, and a Cuban National Literacy Campaign fueled in large part by 100,000+ volunteers.

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Tweet, tweet little birdies!  Just about time to fly away...

First flight from Orlando to Cuba this past week - guess things are looking up!  Time to join the 21st century and leave the 50's, early 60's.   Lesson to be learned, everywhere, especially here.  

Homophibic? :hysterical:  I'm not even going to go there....  Besides who have you settled anything with? Me?  I haven't read any of your bullshit in quite a while, until stumbling upon this train wreck of a thread.  Instead of trying to get sympathy by announcing you're leaving, just leave?  Or better yet start a thread about you leaving like someone else, ZeppFanForever, did years ago...  ✌?️Out!


Edited by Walter
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1 hour ago, Walter said:

Tweet, tweet little birdies!  Just about time to fly away...

First flight from Orlando to Cuba this past week - guess things are looking up!  Time to join the 21st century and leave the 50's, early 60's.   Lesson to be learned, everywhere, especially here.  

Homophibic? :hysterical:  I'm not even going to go there....  Besides who have you settled anything with? Me?  I haven't read any of your bullshit in quite a while, until stumbling upon this train wreck of a thread.  Instead of trying to get sympathy by announcing you're leaving, just leave?  Or better yet start a thread about you leaving like someone else, ZeppFanForever, did years ago...  ✌?️Out!


I thought it was settled because for many months you never brought it up again but you just couldnt help yourself.  Its like you are Archie BUnker and refuse to accept the words that come out of your own mouth meant something.No grown man likes being called "boy". No Black man likes being call "boy". No straight man likes being called  "boyfriend" to another man who others assume is asexual or possibly ungendered. Walther you dont get to decide which things you say are taken as offensive. I dont need a safe space but if this was a college campus today somebody would ask you to stop making assertions about other peoples status or their sexuality. So no you dont have to apologize but you just need to stop with the "boys" comments because I asked you to. The line is because I asked you not to do that Walter and somebody who really claims to be progressive would just be respectful of that and not make the comment again on purpose. That is all i asked of you Walter.

I am not leaving this wonderful forum because two people gave me hope this week. IpMan and Steve Jones who are two people with opposite opinions. They both gave me hope because both of them treated me with respect even when they both disagreed with me. Walter Im glad you had a safe trip to Cuba and back and I wish only good things for you and your family this holiday season.

peace to everyone

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Meant no offense by it, just glad you two had befriended one another.  I honestly haven't been back to many threads as things have been crazy hectic.  If it makes things better, I take it back - sincerely.  I'd like for us not to be advisories.  Olive branch extended. ✌?️ (I don't know why the font changed in mid-post)

5 hours ago, kipper said:

I thought it was settled because for many months you never brought it up again but you just couldnt help yourself.  Its like you are Archie BUnker and refuse to accept the words that come out of your own mouth meant something.No grown man likes being called "boy". No Black man likes being call "boy". No straight man likes being called  "boyfriend" to another man who others assume is asexual or possibly ungendered. Walther you dont get to decide which things you say are taken as offensive. I dont need a safe space but if this was a college campus today somebody would ask you to stop making assertions about other peoples status or their sexuality. So no you dont have to apologize but you just need to stop with the "boys" comments because I asked you to. The line is because I asked you not to do that Walter and somebody who really claims to be progressive would just be respectful of that and not make the comment again on purpose. That is all i asked of you Walter.

I am not leaving this wonderful forum because two people gave me hope this week. IpMan and Steve Jones who are two people with opposite opinions. They both gave me hope because both of them treated me with respect even when they both disagreed with me. Walter Im glad you had a safe trip to Cuba and back and I wish only good things for you and your family this holiday season.

peace to everyone


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11 hours ago, kipper said:

I thought it was settled because for many months you never brought it up again but you just couldnt help yourself.  Its like you are Archie BUnker and refuse to accept the words that come out of your own mouth meant something.

I dont need a safe space but if this was a college campus today somebody would ask you to stop making assertions about other peoples status or their sexuality. 

I knew Archie Bunker. Archie Bunker was a friend of mine. Walter is no Archie Bunker.

If this was a college campus the powers that be would mandate name changes (Walter to Weiner, kipper to skipper and apantherfrommd to apartnerfrommd).

panther, please bring your girlfriend to the Forum Holiday Party.


Edited by SteveAJones
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The man of the people. 4 legs good, 2 legs bad.


Fidel Castro/Net worth
$900 million
Former Cuba president, Fidel Castro has an estimated net worth of $900 million.
Castrol is a Cuban politician, socialist revolutionary, and former political leader of the country.
The 'Castrol' typo is not mine. :lol:
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12 hours ago, Walter said:

Meant no offense by it, just glad you two had befriended one another.  I honestly haven't been back to many threads as things have been crazy hectic.  If it makes things better, I take it back - sincerely.  I'd like for us not to be advisories.  Olive branch extended. ✌?️ (I don't know why the font changed in mid-post)


okay Walter and thank you.



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6 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

I knew Archie Bunker. Archie Bunker was a friend of mine. Walter is no Archie Bunker.

If this was a college campus the powers that be would mandate name changes (Walter to Weiner, kipper to skipper and apantherfrommd to apartnerfrommd).

panther, please bring your girlfriend to the Forum Holiday Party.


Very funny Steve.  and if you bring Yoko there will be magic in the air.:P

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6 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

I knew Archie Bunker. Archie Bunker was a friend of mine. Walter is no Archie Bunker.

If this was a college campus the powers that be would mandate name changes (Walter to Weiner, kipper to skipper and apantherfrommd to apartnerfrommd).

panther, please bring your girlfriend to the Forum Holiday Party.


So long as the party is in Germany, it's a deal.

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