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Pet Peeves


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It doesn't take long for a turd to start smelling like shit! So, Like someone said, one bad apple don't spoil the bunch!

My point is that if people don't want to tell the forum at large their age or gender, they aren't required to. It's not important. This is the internet, not a job application. No one needs to know that badly who they're talking to unless it's eHarmony.com.

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That's the way it should be in a relationship, I scratch your back and you scratch mine. But it is usually one person has the upper hand and it sucks for that person, when the tide turns.


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The opposite is also true. She's was young and attractive, why do I need to let her go first? I sensed she was surprised I didn't yield to her, because I'm sure every manweenie has been programmed to give in to her good looks and youth.

I have experienced the exact same thing with women. Whether it be the opening door routine, or giving up a seat on the bus, or the stairs at the subway station. You can just tell by the look on their face that they were expecting you to do something. You should not expect it. If i choose to do it, fine. But' don't expect it. The only people i usually do that stuff for are old people or handicapped people.

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My point is that if people don't want to tell the forum at large their age or gender, they aren't required to. It's not important. This is the internet, not a job application. No one needs to know that badly who they're talking to unless it's eHarmony.com.

Who is asking for anyone to fill out an application? Fuck sake! It is on your profile. I did not say put down your address or where you hang out. Don'be so fucking up tight! The world isn't that far gone yet, is it?

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Quick! Tell us what she had for breakfast that day and what her mother's middle name is.

You know, since you're so good at knowing what other people are thinking since you don't even know them. You don't know squat about that woman, dude.

Who says they're trying to hide anything? Maybe they don't feel like filling that info in. They're not required to. There's a former member here who had inappropriate conversations/relationships with underage girls, so perhaps there's a reason why some people haven't filled their age or gender in. Maybe they don't want to be that turd's next victim.

If a woman walks into a grocery store and steals something, and you as the check-out person see this and are scared she might be packing heat or something, does that mean every time a woman walks into the store, you should cower in fear? Ummmm, no. Replace the word "woman" with any other demographic and the same thing applies.

You shouldn't punish the whole for the actions of the part.

Practice what you preach!

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Practice what you preach!

That made absolutely NO sense at all. Nowhere in that post did I say that everyone here were predators. I said that someone here WAS (and they keep coming back under a myriad of new screen names) and that for that reason, some people may feel they don't want to share that information, lest they be targeted. Furthermore, I never stated they WOULD be targeted. I said that keeping that info out of their profile might be something they'd do to keep from being contacted by that person.

You took a post dealing with one, completely unrelated subject and applied it to people not wanting to disclose certain demographics on a message board? Smooth move, Ex-Lax.

Who is asking for anyone to fill out an application?

Not me, and if you actually read the post you quoted you'd know that.

Edited by Electrophile
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That made absolutely NO sense at all. Nowhere in that post did I say that everyone here were predators. I said that someone here WAS (and they keep coming back under a myriad of new screen names) and that for that reason, some people may feel they don't want to share that information, lest they be targeted. Furthermore, I never stated they WOULD be targeted. I said that keeping that info out of their profile might be something they'd do to keep from being contacted by that person.

You took a post dealing with one, completely unrelated subject and applied it to people not wanting to disclose certain demographics on a message board? Smooth move, Ex-Lax.

Not me, and if you actually read the post you quoted you'd know that.

I read the post and I think you say one thing in one post but can't back it up in another.Isn't that what you call a hypocrite? What are you afraid of really? Are you a man or a woman? If you don' want to reveal what gender you are just say it, don't blame it on some perv!

Edited by Dancin'Days
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That made absolutely NO sense at all. Nowhere in that post did I say that everyone here were predators. I said that someone here WAS (and they keep coming back under a myriad of new screen names) and that for that reason, some people may feel they don't want to share that information, lest they be targeted. Furthermore, I never stated they WOULD be targeted. I said that keeping that info out of their profile might be something they'd do to keep from being contacted by that person.

You took a post dealing with one, completely unrelated subject and applied it to people not wanting to disclose certain demographics on a message board? Smooth move, Ex-Lax.

Not me, and if you actually read the post you quoted you'd know that.

Oh, and by the way, nice comment, I haven't heard smooth move Ex-lax since grade school!

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You have absolutely no clue what the hell you're talking about and if you go to my profile, you'll clearly see what gender I am so I have no idea why you're asking.

You do not know what has gone on with this person on both this board and the previous incarnation. Furthermore, I never said it was the ONLY reason why someone might not disclose age/gender on this board. I said it was one of many reasons. Some people just don't want to and you have absolutely no right to demand it of them or to make them feel lesser because they haven't.

What a ridiculous thing to get unnerved by.

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You have absolutely no clue what the hell you're talking about and if you go to my profile, you'll clearly see what gender I am so I have no idea why you're asking.

You do not know what has gone on with this person on both this board and the previous incarnation. Furthermore, I never said it was the ONLY reason why someone might not disclose age/gender on this board. I said it was one of many reasons. Some people just don't want to and you have absolutely no right to demand it of them or to make them feel lesser because they haven't.

What a ridiculous thing to get unnerved by.

Do you know what this thread is? I did not demand shit! This is one of my pet peeves, DUH. Please don't get so upset, life is too short for that. I will go to your profile to see what you are, OK?

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You have absolutely no clue what the hell you're talking about and if you go to my profile, you'll clearly see what gender I am so I have no idea why you're asking.

You do not know what has gone on with this person on both this board and the previous incarnation. Furthermore, I never said it was the ONLY reason why someone might not disclose age/gender on this board. I said it was one of many reasons. Some people just don't want to and you have absolutely no right to demand it of them or to make them feel lesser because they haven't.

What a ridiculous thing to get unnerved by.

Went there, saw your personal info, that explains everything. :D

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Ah, you must be talking about my custom user title. That was given to me by someone banned about 6 or 7 times now for saying racially and culturally degrading comments. He keeps coming back, in fact I'm sure he's lurking right now as I type.

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Ah, you must be talking about my custom user title. That was given to me by someone banned about 6 or 7 times now for saying racially and culturally degrading comments. He keeps coming back, in fact I'm sure he's lurking right now as I type.

I'm sory, I guess you have had some bad experiences here? It was nice chatting with you!

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