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Jimmy and Krissie Wood


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Are you confused yet, SteveAJones? :D I'm cracking up at this thread.

If anything, this thread further proves the theory of Six Degrees of Separation:

Six degrees of separation is the theory that anyone on the planet can be connected to any other person on the planet through a chain of acquaintances that has no more than five intermediaries. The theory was first proposed in 1929 by the Hungarian writer Frigyes Karinthy in a short story called "Chains."

In the 1950's, Ithiel de Sola Pool (MIT) and Manfred Kochen (IBM) set out to prove the theory mathematically. Although they were able to phrase the question (given a set N of people, what is the probability that each member of N is connected to another member via k_1, k_2, k_3...k_n links?), after twenty years they were still unable to solve the problem to their own satisfaction. In 1967, American sociologist Stanley Milgram devised a new way to test the theory, which he called "the small-world problem." He randomly selected people in the mid-West to send packages to a stranger located in Massachusetts. The senders knew the recipient's name, occupation, and general location. They were instructed to send the package to a person they knew on a first-name basis who they thought was most likely, out of all their friends, to know the target personally. That person would do the same, and so on, until the package was personally delivered to its target recipient.

Although the participants expected the chain to include at least a hundred intermediaries, it only took (on average) between five and seven intermediaries to get each package delivered. Milgram's findings were published in Psychology Today and inspired the phrase "six degrees of separation." Playwright John Guare popularized the phrase when he chose it as the title for his 1990 play of the same name. Although Milgram's findings were discounted after it was discovered that he based his conclusion on a very small number of packages, six degrees of separation became an accepted notion in pop culture after Brett C. Tjaden published a computer game on the University of Virginia's Web site based on the small-world problem. Tjaden used the Internet Movie Database (IMDB) to document connections between different actors. Time Magazine called his site, The Oracle of Bacon at Virginia, one of the "Ten Best Web Sites of 1996." In 2001, Duncan Watts, a professor at Columbia University, continued his own earlier research into the phenomenon and recreated Milgram's experiment on the Internet. Watts used an e-mail message as the "package" that needed to be delivered, and surprisingly, after reviewing the data collected by 48,000 senders and 19 targets (in 157 countries), Watts found that the average number of intermediaries was indeed, six. Watts' research, and the advent of the computer age, has opened up new areas of inquiry related to six degrees of separation in diverse areas of network theory such as as power grid analysis, disease transmission, graph theory, corporate communication, and computer circuitry.

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It was Heather and Roger who introduced them.

Were you there? Can you cite a source? Roger didn't marry Heather until '71 so they were still dating. Charlotte was Eric's girl but Eric and Jimmy were friends in their

teens. So why would Roger and Heather, a couple, introduce Charlotte to Jimmy

when she's Eric's girl, Eric is Jimmy's friend from way back, and he's right there?

I'm certainly willing to look into it further. I appreciate anything that you can add.

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My sources claim that the lease was purchased in 1975, but the shop did not open until 1976. The publishing house and the Equinox were separate entities. The publishing house operated well before the Equinox opened.

I'd like to delve into this further with you, if you don't mind, but it's a bit off the topic of the thread. You don't identify your sources so perhaps anonymity must be retained. Fair

enough! Please PM me at your convience.

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I mean that celebrities associate with each other in the same circles or come into contact in six degrees. Then some write their biographies and tell all. Some sell, some don't.

We're assuming Charlotte wasn't with anybody that night she was introduced to Jimmy.

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I mean that celebrities associate with each other in the same circles or come into contact in six degrees. Then some write their biographies and tell all. Some sell, some don't.

We're assuming Charlotte wasn't with anybody that night she was introduced to Jimmy.

Oh, I see. Well I for one am saying I believe Charlotte was standing next to Eric Clapton when he (Eric) introduced her to Jimmy. Roger Daltry & Heather Taylor attended with

them. You know, the more I start thinking this over the more I'm starting to think Eric wasn't there. I just can't remember now. We'll get it sorted!

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Truthfuly Ally I don't know what statement you mean, but as for Patti's lovelife and that of the men in her life, I'd just call it reflective of the times, the substances, and the people they hung about with. I'm old and wise enough now to know that judging someone else's life and relationships is foolish. Patti certainly still has a lot of respect among the circles she mixed in.


Very well stated. I think that we are all products of our times - our lives and the way in which we live them reflect those times. When people look back at those times through the lens of today, they end up (mis)judging things because they're considering them by today's values/morality/standards.


Whatever their faults the celebrities of yesteryear are far more compelling/sophisticated than say Britney Spears, for example. The lives they lead seem so much more authentic.

Warhol was right when he said in the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes.

Indeed they were. I remember being a child and then a young teen during those years and I thought that the English rockers and their women were extremely compelling and sophisticated people who led very interesting lives!

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Just to further muddy the water concerning Jimmy's introduction to Charlotte at the Royal Albert Hall on Jan 9 1970, my notes show Yorkie's 'Definitive Biography' claiims Jimmy &

Charlotte travelled for about a month to Spain and Morocco prior to the start of the 1969 European tour. Clearly this is not correct, as she was still Eric's girl at the time. Perhaps

he meant prior to the start of the 1970 European tour, which would put this after the

May '70 Bron-Y-Aur sessions, during which Scarlet was conceived. I have already placed

photographic proof she had accompanied Jimmy on tour to the US & Canada in April '70.

Apologies to Mr. Yorkie if my notes concerning his book are incorrect.

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Word has been received Eric Clapton wasn't there at the Royal Albert Hall Jan 9th 1970. Charlotte had gone along with Roger Daltrey and Heather Taylor (Roger's girlfriend).

Roger & Heather were married the following year. Charlotte & Jimmy never legally married but remained together throughout the '70s and into the early '80s.

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Pattie Boyd writes in her autobiography "Wonderful Tonight" that her ex-husband George Harrison had an affair with Charlotte Martin, but it doesn`t write in the real name, she just says "The French girl who was going out with Eric Clapton".

Both George and Eric had said about it in interview in the 70's, but they had never said this girl's name.

Eric said: "The reason why I deprived him of the wife is that he had put out his hand to my girl first. I thought that I revenged it on him".

And George said: "The reason why he deprived me of the wife is that I deprived him of the girl first. He revenged it on me".

In 1967 Eric and Charlotte together moved into a flat called The Pheasantry at 152 Kings Road, Chelsea, an historic Georgian building. Eric writes in his book that George Harrison had been a frequent visitor to The Pheasantry.

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I have heard that the relationship between Jimmy and Charlotte was not going well in the first half of the 70's. In fact, Jimmy said''I have a lot of difficult problems that I can't solve'' in the first Zeppelin's official biography(written by Richie Yorke )published in 1976.

It seems that Jimmy had the relations with a lot of women to escape from the stress. But he disposed of those women soon. Because he wanted to avoid a definite catastrophe with Charlotte.

When becoming passing of middle of the 70's,their relationship got better. Jimmy began to call her ''My Lady'' in those days. I thought that was so romantic!!

Jimmy had escaped to foreign countries for the tax problem about from 1975 to 1976.

But when Charlotte became bad health, he immediately returned to Britain, and he nursed her. Jimmy himself had said about it in the ZEPP book in the later of '70s.

I don't know why they broke up, but I think they lived happily together about from 1976 till 1982 or 1983.

Though various women talk about the relationship between them and Jimmy, his 'real' partners will not speak anything(including current partner).

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I have heard that the relationship between Jimmy and Charlotte was not going well in the first half of the 70's. In fact, Jimmy said''I have a lot of difficult problems that I can't solve'' in the first Zeppelin's official biography(written by Richie Yorke )published in 1976.

It seems that Jimmy had the relations with a lot of women to escape from the stress. But he disposed of those women soon. Because he wanted to avoid a definite catastrophe with Charlotte.

When becoming passing of middle of the 70's,their relationship got better. Jimmy began to call her ''My Lady'' in those days. I thought that was so romantic!!

Jimmy had escaped to foreign countries for the tax problem about from 1975 to 1976.

But when Charlotte became bad health, he immediately returned to Britain, and he nursed her. Jimmy himself had said about it in the ZEPP book in the later of '70s.

I don't know why they broke up, but I think they lived happily together about from 1976 till 1982 or 1983.

Though various women talk about the relationship between them and Jimmy, his 'real' partners will not speak anything(including current partner).

I agree with everything you've said. I believe Jimmy was unprepared for fatherhood as it

undoubtedly conflicted with fulfilling his musical ambitions. He has of course expressed regret that he missed much of young Scarlet's earliest years.

There was a birthday party for Charlotte at Old Mill House on the Saturday (20th) before

Bonzo passed away. They were still together for certain through August 1981 but then as you've said sometime in '82 or '83 they parted ways.

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I agree with everything you've said. I believe Jimmy was unprepared for fatherhood as it

undoubtedly conflicted with fulfilling his musical ambitions. He has of course expressed regret that he missed much of young Scarlet's earliest years.

There was a birthday party for Charlotte at Old Mill House on the Saturday (20th) before

Bonzo passed away. They were still together for certain through August 1981 but then as you've said sometime in '82 or '83 they parted ways.

Thank you,SteveAJones.

I am always admiring your detailed information.

I personally think that Jimmy is(was) basically a conservative English man who grew up in middle class of London suburbs.

On the other hand Charlotte Martin is a French woman.

Though I do not know so much about her character,she seemed to be a woman not controlled by others.

Even if Jimmy was not there,she was bringing up their child alone until about the middle of the 70's.

I personally think that she is a woman who has a strong intention and doesn't depend on a man.

"Problems"might have been their personal matter that others could not understand.

I remember that Jimmy had received the interview of the Rock music magazine of Japan called 'Rocking On' in June, 1982.

The interviewer asked him at the end,

''Please tell me about it though I heard you are a marriage system opposite disputant''

(This was a considerable foolish question!)

Jimmy answered '' You had better ask my lady and my daughter about it.I am not attaching importance to the system.

I have been living with the same woman for the past 12 years. You should understand my idea from that ''

Nowadays I think that this was not his true idea.

It is said that French people has an idea different from other countries for the marriage system.

I think that Jimmy might have matched it to her idea.

Whenever it started, anyway they lived together with their child.

But even if they were not legally married, I do not think what it is other than the marriage.

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