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Zep fans on here should all meet up if we live close to some others.


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Afternoon peeps,

This topic may not go very far but it's worth a try.

So if some of you on here lives near me maybe one day we could all hang out and talk about the cool things in life, music, zep, sex, drugs & rock & roll!!

See ya

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It's a nice idea, Matty. Where in Dorset are you? It's where I was born and where my parents live. Let's see what other responses there are here and if there are many people around the South and South West on here...

Hello numbers!!

I live near the capital of Dorset, Dorchester. About ten mins from there, does that mean anything to you?

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Hello numbers!!

I live near the capital of Dorset, Dorchester. About ten mins from there, does that mean anything to you?

Hello Matty,

Dorchester? Yes, I know where that is. I was born in Weymouth and grew up in Poole and Bournemouth. Haven't really been to Dorchester for a long time, other than to change trains when I visit my dad in Poole.Used to go there quite a bit as a child. My main memory of it is a lot of emphasis on Thomas Hardy and it being the Administrative Centre-or Capital,as you put it-of Dorsetland. Big hoardings and posters with 'You are in HardyCountry' seem to be linked with Dorchester, for some reason. Maybe a brewery?

Good to see another Man Of Dorset,or Dorsetman, on here! Not too keen on the suggestion for the Dorset flag,though.Are you?


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Good to see another Man Of Dorset,or Dorsetman, on here!

Perhaps either of you could confirm or deny the oft-told rumor that JPJs home in TSRTS was once used as a film location by Stanley Kubrick prior to JPJs ownership of the home? Personally, I don't think it was.

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