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Presidential Debate


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BTW, someone clue John McCain in on the fact that Sarah Palin's son has Downs Syndrome, not autism. There is a very clear difference between the two.

Well when he has cured autism then he can try his luck at curing Downs Syndrome.


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McCain spent more time attacking Obama and his policy issues and less time actually outlining what he'd do, and how it differed. I had hoped to see that from him. I thought considering the position he's in, he'd realize how steep this hill is he has to climb and do something to at least reassure his base and the right-leaning Independents that he hasn't lost complete grasp of his sanity. Following the Ayres/ACORN/Lewis section, he completely lost it. Obama was obviously prepared to discuss it, realizing that it's the only card McCain had left to play.

I thought -obama was able to keep to his message without having to address some of the issues brought up by -mccain, or -palin. I just think that intelligence and common sense is sounding so clear here.

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^^ Yes a couple of things: the autism discussion was just out of nowhere. And though I commend BO for being so clear and measured, I would have loved for him to have said more about Palin. It was left out there, handed to him, and he wouldn't have had to resort to insults, just more facts.

Edited by Patrycja
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I uhh will do uhh everything uhh possible to uhh........

Gimme a break, McCain made Obama search for words and all Obama could do every time he opened his mouth was uhh, you see it's uhh like this, uhh.


And? It's better than dead air. I've seen too many debates where a candidate is asked a question and rather than say "uhh" or "umm", they just stand there staring into the abyss like they're on a Thorazine drip. And every time they need to formulate their answer and make sure that they hit all the necessary points, they continue to say absolutely nothing.

That hurts in couple ways. One, it gives the appearance of not paying attention or what the kids like to say "zoning out". Two, it makes it look like you don't have an answer and are therefore compiling some bullshit to spew out. Three, it makes you look ill-prepared and poorly coached. No one will call Sarah Palin a great intellect, but at least when she was asked a question, she started responding immediately, whether the answer was even relevant to the question or not.

When people use this as a valid "criticism" of Barack Obama, that tells me there's not much there to criticize him about. I think most Presidents of my lifetime have "uhh"d and "umm"d during debates/speeches.....I don't recall anyone really commenting on it. Pick a new poorly thought-out GOP talking point, please.

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When McCain asked BO whether he wanted a health system that Canada and the United Kingdom have, I thought, SO? That's not being defensive. All people should be so lucky to have such a health care system. It really is fundamentally a wonderful system, flaws that need fixing and all. When I needed care for my heart, first degree burns or stupidly stepping on a rusty nail, I walked in with a problem and walked out with compassionate medical attention well on my way to health. All three from different hospitals. When my uncle who was visiting from Poland was diagnosed with cancer here in Canada, he received incredible care. Again a different hospital. Total charges? Zero. Respect, appreciation and unequivocal support for the physicians and for the system.

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John McCain appeared stiff and aggitated. I don't think he won over any voters tonight. If people were making a decision based on tonight's debate, there is no doubt in mind they can see who the obvious leader here is... it's Barack Obama by a landslide.

McCain has lost it. I just can't believe how much he has changed from the John McCain I once admired.

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^^ Yes a couple of things: the autism discussion was just out of nowhere. And though I commend BO for being so clear and measured, I would have loved for him to have said more about Palin. It was left out there, handed to him, and he wouldn't have had to resort to insults, just more facts.

The things that were brought up out of nowhere were handled best by -obama. I dont care about -mccain stammering around alittle bit, but to follow the whole thing on cable news...i wish there should be some sort of law regarding debates, being that its important and its "government"! Mccain has been caught in lies and total misjudgement during this campaign.

In regards to -sara palin...i've heard on cable news that she has shot wolves.

holy crap thats bad karma!

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And? It's better than dead air. I've seen too many debates where a candidate is asked a question and rather than say "uhh" or "umm", they just stand there staring into the abyss like they're on a Thorazine drip. And every time they need to formulate their answer and make sure that they hit all the necessary points, they continue to say absolutely nothing.

That hurts in couple ways. One, it gives the appearance of not paying attention or what the kids like to say "zoning out". Two, it makes it look like you don't have an answer and are therefore compiling some bullshit to spew out. Three, it makes you look ill-prepared and poorly coached. No one will call Sarah Palin a great intellect, but at least when she was asked a question, she started responding immediately, whether the answer was even relevant to the question or not.

When people use this as a valid "criticism" of Barack Obama, that tells me there's not much there to criticize him about. I think most Presidents of my lifetime have "uhh"d and "umm"d during debates/speeches.....I don't recall anyone really commenting on it. Pick a new poorly thought-out GOP talking point, please.

And you can't even "prepare' enough to move out of your Daddy's house.... shut up! My son has already been to Afghanistan and fought for his country while he defends your right to speak freely...and stupidly..... an education might do you some good. :blink:

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And you can't even "prepare' enough to move out of your Daddy's house.... shut up! My son has already been to Afghanistan and fought for his country while he defends your right to speak freely...and stupidly..... an education might do you some good. :blink:

Rude man. who are you to be talking like that?

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And you can't even "prepare' enough to move out of your Daddy's house.... shut up! My son has already been to Afghanistan and fought for his country while he defends your right to speak freely...and stupidly..... an education might do you some good. :blink:

,said the rude father who likes to feel better by insulting young women.

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And you can't even "prepare' enough to move out of your Daddy's house.... shut up! My son has already been to Afghanistan and fought for his country while he defends your right to speak freely...and stupidly..... an education might do you some good. :blink:

This issue has come up a few times now and while it is directed at another poster, a few facts might help clear up some misconceptions.

In the early 80's about 40% of people aged 20-24 were living with their parents. By 2001 that percentage has risen to just over 55% within the same age group. There is also an almost exact correlation between those who are getting a post-secondary education and those who stay longer at home. So while I have complete respect for your son's choice to enlist, your insult is deflated by the notion that those who stay home are childish or do not/will not contribute. Stats consistently prove these are the people who do better when they leave home in terms of both for themselves, their parents when they age, and for the nation, because the education they get affords them better paying jobs and a broader understanding of their place and responsibility in the world. That is not insinuating that those who do leave home earlier or who do not pursue a post-secondary education do not contribute, but meaningful engagement cannot be simply measured in terms of people's living situations.

Edited by Patrycja
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This issue has come up a few times now and while it is directed at another poster, a few facts might help clear up some misconceptions.

In the early 80's about 40% of people aged 20-24 were living with their parents. By 2001 that percentage has risen to just over 55% within the same age group. There is also an almost exact correlation between those who are getting a post-secondary education and those who stay longer at home. So while I have complete respect for your son's choice to enlist, your insult is deflated by the notion that those who stay home are childish or do not/will not contribute. Stats consistently prove these are the people who do better when they leave home in terms of both for themselves, their parents when they age, and for the nation, because the education they get affords them better paying jobs and a broader understanding of their place and responsibility in the world. That is not insinuating that those who do leave home earlier or who do not pursue a post-secondary education do not contribute, but meaningful engagement cannot be simply measured in terms of people's living situations.

I'm not inferring that at all. That's your opinion. I'm tired of reading posts by someone who thinks that they are qualified to argue a point from the perspective of an adult and yet "ignores" those who disagree with her...basically ...slamming her bedroom door... but shouting through it how "righteous" she is.

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I'm not inferring that at all. That's your opinion. I'm tired of reading posts by someone who thinks that they are qualified to argue a point from the perspective of an adult and yet "ignores" those who disagree with her...basically ...slamming her bedroom door... but shouting through it how "righteous" she is.

Hey -jimmypage1977, i dont think you should talk/post anything personal and insulting like you did a few posts back.

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And you can't even "prepare' enough to move out of your Daddy's house.... shut up! My son has already been to Afghanistan and fought for his country while he defends your right to speak freely...and stupidly..... an education might do you some good. :blink:


...and a pleasant and cheery good evenin' to you too my fine sir.

...erm, yes, anyway...

I watched... haven't changed my mind on who I'll vote for, but I didn't expect to anyway.

I didn't hear the word 'maverick' even once... and I was listenin' for it, you betcha.

I wonder if Joe the plumber is any kin to Joe Six-pack.

Anyway, that was all so exciting that I think I'll go to bed. I've got class in the morning and no matter how late I'm up, 6 a.m. always shows up at the same time every morning. Hell, I could set my watch by it.

edited to add... sheesh, y'all type fast... or I type slow or somethin'

Liz can call herself whatever she wants... we all know that I am THE bitch... cuz it says so, right in my sig.

Edited by Lake of Shadows
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...and a pleasant and cheery good evenin' to you too my fine sir.

...erm, yes, anyway...

I watched... haven't changed my mind on who I'll vote for, but I didn't expect to anyway.

I didn't hear the word 'maverick' even once... and I was listenin' for it, you betcha.

I wonder if Joe the plumber is any kin to Joe Six-pack.

Anyway, that was all so exciting that I think I'll go to bed. I've got class in the morning and no matter how late I'm up, 6 a.m. always shows up at the same time every morning. Hell, I could set my watch by it.

Good evening, m'dear! I'm still voting for ....


.... MYSELF!!!

I'm the best candidate!!

I'm going to tax you all... balance the budget.... our kids will get educated... and won't be in debt!!! :D

Good Night!

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I don't think that Electrophile should either, but I don't see you piping up when she is a rude bitch.

Yeah i'm piping up. You should just keep the discussion to the discussion...when you get all personal, you throw a monkey wrench into all these other folks discussions. know what i mean?

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I'm sorry, do you think I give a rat's ass about your opinion of my living situation?

I work. A lot. My mother is unemployed. Right now, every single dollar that comes into my house has to make sure our bills get paid. Which means any money I would be squirreling away to move to Richmond with my former roommate has to go to making sure our fucking mortgage gets paid every month. My mother is 59 and has no college degree, no one will hire her. My dad cannot be expected to shoulder the full burden of making sure we don't get thrown out onto the fucking street. So rather than moving out and leaving my dad hanging by his dick, I'm sacrificing FOR MY FAMILY so we can keep our nice home. I don't particularly feel like living in a tent in the park.

I don't know why I even bothered explaining this, it's not like you care and/or can even empathize, but whatever.

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I'm sorry, do you think I give a rat's ass about your opinion of my living situation?

I work. A lot. My mother is unemployed. Right now, every single dollar that comes into my house has to make sure our bills get paid. Which means any money I would be squirreling away to move to Richmond with my former roommate has to go to making sure our fucking mortgage gets paid every month. My mother is 59 and has no college degree, no one will hire her. My dad cannot be expected to shoulder the full burden of making sure we don't get thrown out onto the fucking street. So rather than moving out and leaving my dad hanging by his dick, I'm sacrificing FOR MY FAMILY so we can keep our nice home. I don't particularly feel like living in a tent in the park.

I don't know why I even bothered explaining this, it's not like you care and/or can even empathize, but whatever.

I feel bad for your family's financial troubles, but when you lash out at people, expect it to come back on you.

I really feel badly for your parents and sincerely hope that they will do better in the next few years. It's tough out there for a lot of us.

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