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Everything posted by SteveZ98

  1. Sat outside with my wife by our pond on a beautiful late summer day.
  2. Wow, what a great up close view of the first show of the '77 tour..
  3. According to a post at the hotel, the sample that was posted to YT is a cellphone recording of the tape as it played over regular speakers, so the final version of this should sound much better than the sample.
  4. I'd love to have been a fly on the wall when he told Peter and Jimmy that they were going to have rent a soundstage and pay for a reshoot because he couldn't produce a finished movie from all of the film he shot.
  5. It's definitely still relevant. Thanks for all of your hard work.
  6. Setting it in a live version of the bar from the album cover was genius.
  7. I'm impressed by his willingness to play relatively small venues and not let his stadium touring rock star past stop him from playing in front of much smaller crowds than he did back in Zep's day.
  8. What are your favorite rock songs that you forgot about only to rediscover them and realize they're awesome? Here are two of mine:
  9. That was cool to see. Thanks for posting it.
  10. It's a really good teenage rebellion movie, or at least it was enjoyable when I was that age. I believe it's also Matt Dillon's first movie. Nice catch by Robbie to notice Hyde's tshirt in the movie.
  11. I got to listen to this show a ton when I was working on it and came to like it a lot more than I had before I started. Hopefully the improved audio quality will give a lot of folks a chance to re-evaluate their opinion of the performance, which I think is way better than the video leads people to believe it was.
  12. I believe I sent links to everyone who requested them. If I missed somebody, please let me know.
  13. Apparently it's a professional cricket league. I didn't even know we had a professional cricket league.
  14. Thanks. Glad you're enjoying it. Just a general heads up that I'm going busy with work for a couple of days and will have limited availability, so it may take me a little longer than usual to send out links to anyone who requests one.
  15. Thanks. Hopefully the stereo mix gives people a reason to revisit the show to hear what I think is a really good performance.
  16. Here's the latest release in The Stereo Project. This is just the audio from the video of this show. Send me a message if you want the link.
  17. My favorite song from one of my top five favorite albums:
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