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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. David's stunning good looks are only a small percentage of what makes me think he's attractive. His talent is the far overriding factor. And I don't care how much or little hair he has, as long as he sings and plays as well as he does.....that's what counts. But yeah, he carries aging well. Not all guys do.
  2. I put this thread title into Babelfish, translated it to Spanish and then back to English and got the following: "why `t of didn corrects the touch of horn of of the plant in the track of the alive rock-and-roll in the song do not continue being the same new edition?" That makes more sense.
  3. I saw this kid walking around the mall with a Pink Floyd t-shirt on (the DSotM album cover) and I mentioned to him in the elevator that I was a huge fan of the band too. I asked him what his favorite album was, and he looked at me and said "who?". Sure enough, I went into the Hot Topic and saw that shirt there. I really should move this to the Pet Peeves section, but that just annoys me.
  4. I came across another picture of David, this one far more recent......but he still looks damn good. He sort of has that impish smile like he's done something wrong and you need to figure out what it was. Love him.
  5. My hair. I straightened it earlier today and already it's starting to kink up again. Argh.
  6. I'd be willing to bet that her and all the other dorks that buy those shirts at Hot Topic don't know shit about Led Zeppelin.
  7. Yup. I love cooking. Not anything overly complicated, but it's fun.
  8. To be fair to spats (as if possible), it was pretty common knowledge around the time of their divorce that Brad wanted children but Jennifer didn't, because she thought it would stall her acting career. She didn't want to interrupt her career by having children. Which is pretty selfish if they didn't discuss that before they got married. If one person wants children and the other doesn't, you don't wait to talk about that until after you tie the knot. So I don't condone Brad for cheating on her with Angelina Jolie, but he's clearly got the life with her that he had wanted with Jennifer. That's her loss, not his IMO.
  9. Doing laundry. It takes so little to make me happy right now. LOL
  10. A lot of women scream "throw me something, mister" and then flash the parade floats. I have friends that go to Mardi Gras every year and that's pretty much what happens. Not saying all of them do that, but mostly your drunk sorority shitheads.
  11. Yup. Another example of that would be: "You know, I don't mean to be rude but that dress makes you look heavy." If you have to qualify it, you are going to do it anyway.
  12. We don't really give a rat's ass if your random gay friend is laughing at us. Seriously. Totally don't care. BTW, do you ever notice how when someone is called out for making racial jokes or jokes about sexual orientation, they always have to follow it up with "I totally have a gay/black/Jewish/Muslim/etc,. friend so I'm not a bigot/homophobe/racist/etc.,." I have always found that interesting.
  13. About Angelina Jolie......I like her. I think what she has with Brad Pitt is amazing and they're both clearly devoted parents. Not only did he adopt the 3 kids she had before they got together (which he didn't have to do, he wanted to do it) but from everything I've read, he's a fantastic dad. I don't really care how many kids you have, you should be able to care for them. If you can do that without relying on the tax payers (I'm talking to you, OctoMom) then so be it. Considering the fact they have such a blended family, I really do believe they take the time out to make sure no one feels left-out or made to feel like they don't belong.
  14. Let me see if I get the last few posts: --having to click on links to find out what they are is time-consuming and therefore, a safety hazard --PCs and Macs have the same functionality in many ways --learning to make text links to off-site finds is beneficial --apparently ninelives is stupid? Is that all? I want to make sure I didn't miss any of the witty repartee.
  15. Kate was the Susan Lucci of the Oscars. She had been nominated 5 times prior and hadn't won.....I was really hoping this was her year.
  16. I have a friend who finds no issue with people using the words "c*nt" and "twat". To her, they're just words. Obviously some women (such as myself) find them offensive, so I don't go around using them here or elsewhere just because I have a friend who wouldn't care if I did. My friend (and by extension, her friends) are not here, so I wouldn't be using those words around people whom I already knew wouldn't care. I would be offending every female here, and for what? Hence why I said "know your audience". It's great that your friends are that.......linguistically-evolved.....but they're not here. We are. So keep that in mind.
  17. Have you read Slaughterhouse-Five? I personally really enjoyed that one.
  18. I'm reading this one now. So far, I like it. I knew if it would be anyone, it would be you. LOL
  19. It's not being over-sensitive. It's called "knowing your audience". This site is not the place for you to extoll your opinions of gays or your belief in some gay/Jewish conspiracy to control Hollywood. What next, the Jews control all the banks too?
  20. Heath Ledger won. His family accepted the Oscar on his behalf.
  21. Congrats to the Wings' Tomas Kopecky.....his second child was born today, a boy named Tobias. And he just scored for him!
  22. Good to see you posting again, Suz. To the person that suggested Ayn Rand.....that was bold. It seems like every time I have this discussion with people and they choose either Atlas Shrugged or The Fountainhead, a political flame war ensues. I hope something like that doesn't happen this time. LOL Another book that I think is really good and often misunderstood is The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. I think if you read it for what it is, a scathing indictment of the meatpacking industry in Chicago around the turn of the 20th century, you'll find yourself able to enjoy it more than if you choose to read it as a scathing indictment on capitalism. I personally don't see it as being that way in toto, although I can understand where some parts of the book would lead people to think the whole book reads the same way. BTW, I'm really impressed by a lot of your lists. Thanks for contributing, I hope this thread keeps growing.
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