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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I wish he'd move to the US......we need more educated voters like him registered and active. Shit, he's not even from this country and he can carry on an intelligent, well thought out conversation about our political system better than probably 2/3 of this country.
  2. "Oil and coal? Of course, it's a fungible commodity and they don't flag, you know, the molecules, where it's going and where it's not. But in the sense of the Congress today, they know that there are very, very hungry domestic markets that need that oil first. So, I believe that what Congress is going to do, also, is not to allow the export bans to such a degree that it's Americans that get stuck to holding the bag without the energy source that is produced here, pumped here. It's got to flow into our domestic markets first. - Sarah Palin, 9/17/08"
  3. Funny thing about socialism: Universal Health Care? Hell no, that's socialism and socialism is bad...BAD!!! Unless it's stupid socialism that costs a lot of money, like nationalizing failed investment banks and bailing out investment insurers. Then it's OTAY!!
  4. Quick, someone send him a note about Led Zeppelin or something. Maybe he'll get THEM back on stage.
  5. I listened to Us and Them, Echoes and then Wish You Were Here.
  6. Republicans care about human beings when they're in utero. Once you're born, you're own your own. No health care, no Head Start, no school lunches, no after-school programs, no tutoring intiatives, no career services help, no nothing. If you're male and 18+, they give a shit because then you're valuable to them. You're a tool they can use to carve this country up a little finer amongst themselves. I'm not saying Democrats are the bastions of human rights, because for the longest time the party of racial oppression was the Democrats. I'm hoping this party makes further strides to distance themselves from that past and forge a new future that is far more all-inclusive. An African-American in the White House would be a good start.
  7. I would venture to say that most animals are better than humans anyway. You don't see a rooster beating the shit out of his hen, do you? When was the last time you heard about a ram beating the lambs because his ewe was late with dinner? Yeah, you don't see that. Humans are the WORST kind of animal sometimes.
  8. I don't get my marching orders from anyone, much less N.O.W. They are basically fascists.
  9. Nothing is happening in 2012 except the Summer Olympics and the next Presidential election.
  10. If you don't like One Drop's posts for whatever reason, put him on ignore and shut up. There......no more having to read them.
  11. One Drop, Obama's lead has now increased to 2.2% on RCP.
  12. Sarah Palin on her foreign policy experience/qualifications: "But as for foreign policy, you know, I think that I am prepared and I know that on January 20th, if we are so blessed as to be sworn into office as your president and vice president, certainly we'll be ready. I'll be ready. I have that confidence. I have that readiness." Is she incapable of answering even the softest of softball questions lobbed to her by even her supporters? The video is here: http://www.crooksandliars.com/2008/09/18/e...n-hall-meeting/
  13. I won't be comfortable with poll results until after all the debates are over. I think then we'll have a better picture of what November 4th will look like.
  14. Let's see here.....say Clinton wasn't elected twice. Bush 41 got reelected in '92 and Clinton ran again in '96 and Dole won. So that means this is the following set-up: Reagan Reagan Bush Bush Dole Bush Bush Goodnight, America. It's been great. After 232 years, we're closing up shop. One last drink on the house. Last one out, get the lights.
  15. I would like to question all the candidates, Democrat AND Republican. I think the opportunity to sit down and ask each of them one question would be something I'd relish and look forward to. I'm no professional pundit nor do I claim to be, but I think for someone of my age group, I'm more knowledgeable than people would think. Thanks in part to my parents, I'm able to at least hold my own in discussions with them and their friends and not look like.....well.....Sarah Palin.
  16. Even Del, whom I dislike with a passion and never agree with about anything, at least backs up what he says. At the very least. That much I can respect, if nothing else. This guy posts nothing of substance. It's actually an affront to people of his own party who take the time to post something they took the time to think about first. And I'm being serious about that.
  17. Re: Biden's gaffes......he puts his foot in his mouth sometimes. We all do. Raise your hand if you've never said something stupid at any time in your life? No one? Got it. The difference between Biden and Palin is that when Palin does it, it shows off her inexperience and lack of actual knowledge of the subject. Biden is neither inexperienced nor lacking knowledge of a subject. I could care less about Biden's slips. I really could. Unless he calls Obama the n-word or Palin a "c*nt", I really don't care. And we all know neither of those things will ever happen.
  18. There was a rumor that the questions for the Town Hall were preticketed (read it on Fox News, take it for what it's worth), so if that rumor is true and she STILL couldn't answer the question....a question she knew in advance.....if this were happening to Biden, I'd be cringing right now. If McCain/Palin win, the US deserves every last ounce of shit they reap from that selection. I mean that. If that many people really believe that nothing is wrong and that everything is hunky dory, they deserve the hell that will be coming. Like George Carlin said, "garbage in, garbage out". We get what we deserve. I don't hate America, but boy oh boy do I hate the 28%'ers. I've said it before; Olympia Snowe and Kay Bailey Hutchinson would have been much better choices for a few reasons. One, they'd energize the base. Two, they would have pulled in more women and Independents. Three, they are more socially liberal, yet fiscally conservative. TRUE fiscal conservatives, not this shit you see passing for it nowadays. Four, they would have shown McCain to be serious about "change" and intent on not thinking with the pack. Five, he would have started to trend the core of the Republican Party away from the far right-wing Fundies, which is what needs to happen if the REAL Republican Party is ever going to make a comeback. This isn't the party of Lincoln and TR. As long as the Fundies still have a stranglehold, you're going to see more and more Republicans leaving the party. Hell, this isn't even the party of Barry Goldwater who was quite progressive and ahead of his time.
  19. It's not even a cute nickname. And strangely inaccurate. If he really was brilliant, he would have chosen Olympia Snowe to be his running mate. Now THAT would have been a woman to worry about.
  20. Party before self. I mean, Palin is forcing her 17 year old daughter to get married. How many shotgun weddings do you know of that lasted more than 3-4 years tops? You think either one of them want to get married.......they're not even out of high school! An unwed teen mother looks bad on her mother's political resume.......if she's married, suddenly it looks like the Cleavers are on stage.
  21. I can't believe that fool thinks I'm (or anyone else here, for that matter) threatened by some misogynistic Fundie. I mean, that's patently laughable. She doesn't scare me! I've got nothing to fear at all with her. She's got no shot to overturn Roe or Webster, and if GOD FORBID she becomes President should McCain die in office, she'll have a Democratic Congress blocking everything she attempts to do. She won't get shit done to save her hide. And I'm not a feminist, I just firmly believe that women deserve rights that are not controlled by the government. And trust me I know......she wasn't chosen for me. Here's the funny thing: According to new poll results that are coming in, more Republicans now feel that Palin was picked solely to win in November than she was picked to help McCain lead. Also, Obama has picked up 21 points in the polls with white women, as opposed to one week ago. He's also leading with women overall, by about 15 or 16 points. Sure she energized the Republican base, but so far that's all she's energized. Obama has gained with Independents more than McCain has.
  22. Please tell me that's not true. She needed McCain to jump in and CHANGE THE SUBJECT TO SPORTS?! Yeesh. No wonder my dad is leaning toward voting for Bob Barr. He won't vote for Obama, but he's pretty much not voting for McCain either, and he's been voting Republican since 1976. Does she realize that short of wearing a wire, a la Bush 2004, when she debates Joe Biden there will be no one to jump in and change the subject when she can't answer basic questions about the economy/war/national security/health care/education system/veterans' benefits/social security/environment/energy policy? I mean not only didn't she know what the Bush Doctrine was, she qualified her "foreign policy experience" by saying that if you stand on an Aleutian Island, you can see Russia. Really? When I was in Detroit I could see Canada, does this mean I can be VP too?
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