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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Thanks, you guys! My parents have been married almost 38 years and this has been the first year they've been married and didn't have a dog. So.....when my dad did the grocery shopping he saw an ad for some basset hound puppies being sold by a breeder about 30 or so miles from here. So later, he and my sister went and bought the dog while my mom was taking a nap and surprised her with him! Next week we're getting him his harness for when we take him for walks, and making his vet appointment since he's due for another set of puppy shots.
  2. Our brand new puppy!! Meet Theodore Roosevelt.....Teddy if he's not being a trouble-maker. LOL
  3. I have one, and they work pretty well for me. I don't do the whole pedicure thing because well, I've never been into them and I don't want people touching my feet. Eww. So for keeping my feet looking nice and cute when I wear flip-flops or sandals, it does the job.
  4. I use Pantene Ice Shine shampoo and conditioner and that's it. No other hair products other than that.
  5. Telling my sister I won't be going to Cozumel and the Cayman Islands with her. One, it's $452 not including taxes for my ticket and my passport. I don't have that kind of money and neither do my parents. Two, I don't speak Spanish and I'd be afraid to leave the boat out of fear I'd get lost or something and not be able to get back. Three, spending 5 days with my sister and her friends during Spring Break watching them get drunk and act like effing morons is not my idea of a good time. Since I don't drink, go to clubs, bars or any parties where the only thing to do is drink, what the hell would I do while I was there? Sit on the boat and stare at the water? Four, spending God only knows how long in a car driving from here to Miami with a bunch of people I don't know to get on the boat is insane. I don't know why she lied and said she was told to ask me if I'd like to come with but I feel so much better now that I told her screw it, she's going without me. I don't even know why my dad is letting her go, she's a fucking flake.
  6. 73 °F / 23 °C Mostly Cloudy Humidity: 81% Dew Point: 67 °F / 19 °C Wind: 5 mph / 7 km/h / 2.1 m/s from the NNE Pressure: 29.82 in / 1010 hPa (Rising) Visibility: 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers UV: 0 out of 16 Clouds: Few 8000 ft / 2438 m Mostly Cloudy 10000 ft / 3048 m (Above Ground Level) Elevation: 968 ft / 295 m
  7. A lot of much larger high schools had larger graduating classes, I'm aware of that. However for my school, 120+ in the senior class was a lot. It saddens me how much that school dropped off, because it was a damn good school.
  8. I know there's one that's cherry-flavored and it's not too bad. It'll at least make you able to swallow food and liquids without wincing, at least until you can get to a doctor if it doesn't go away in 3-5 days or gets significantly worse. Get better soon.
  9. I don't know if they have this in England, but if they do get some Cepacol or Chloraceptic. The first one are lozenges the second one is a spray. It helps deal with sore throat pain by basically numbing your throat.
  10. Do you think it could be related to your tonsils? That is if you still have them, I don't know if you ever had them removed when you were younger. My sister used to get sore throats a lot as a kid and finally my mom took her to the hospital and they gave her antibiotics for tonsilitis as that was what it turned out to be. I hope it's nothing serious.
  11. I may be going on a cruise to Cozumel and the Cayman Islands with my sister over Spring Break. Of course that means I'd need to get a passport, only I have no clue where my birth certificate is. Or if I really want to go, for that matter. I mean, spending Spring Break with my sister and her drunk friends doesn't sound very appealing to me. :-\
  12. This story about my high school --> http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-notre-dame-city-zone-14-aug14,0,132398.story It's depressing. My 10-year reunion is next year and I won't be able to have it in the place I actually went to school. Their total enrollment this year was 218 girls - I had 120 in my graduating class 9 years ago. I think we were close to 1,000 students that year. Now the whole school will be on one floor of an elementary school. Tragic.
  13. Three Times A Lady - Commodores
  14. Hydrogen peroxide =/= rubbing alcohol. The latter burns, the former doesn't. Hydrogen peroxide bubbles. My mom used to use it to sterilize cuts and scraped knees when my sister and I were little. It would just bubble and fizz like an Alka-Seltzer.
  15. Okay, I demand photographic evidence of your Nikki Sixx years.
  16. I had a similar experience to that myself earlier this summer after I got back from the coast. I plugged my iPod in and the first song that came up was Cluster One by Pink Floyd and listening to that as we drove along the Atlantic Ocean on the way home was amazing.
  17. Well then, if the question is Cubs or Braves, the answer is neither.
  18. The Braves play in Atlanta and the Bears are Chicago's football team. I'm from Chicago anyway, so even if I wasn't a Yankees fan, I sure as hell wouldn't root for the Braves! I've been a Yankees fan since 1994; that's pre-strike, pre-dynasty, pre-Jeter, pre-Torre, pre-everything. Wouldn't trade it in for anything. They frustrate the hell out of me sometimes, but I live and die by the pinstripes.
  19. At the current moment, The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton. It's one of the 5 or 6 books on my bookshelf that I've probably read damn near 50 times or more. It seems that whenever I get bored and feel like reading a book, rather than grabbing one I haven't read yet or haven't read in a while, I reach for that one or one of the other 5. I guess it's like a comfortable pair of jeans or something.
  20. There's different formulas of Noxzema. If you have dry skin, they have a specific cleanser for dry skin, same with oily skin and normal skin. Try the one for dry skin and see if it helps. Face washes that are meant to deal with acne have salicylic acid in it, which can dry the skin out. If you don't have acne, I would stop using it. See how your skin reacts to say, a couple weeks of using a completely different face wash. If you see marked improvement, then you'll know what was causing it. For blackheads, I use Clean & Clear's Deep Cleaning Astringent. I found that of all the Clinique products I use, their astringent didn't do what I needed it to, so I tried another brand.
  21. I use good old Johnson & Johnson's Baby Lotion (the one in the pink bottle) after I shower. I love the stuff. I smell good AND since it's made for babies, there's no allergens or stuff in there that would make me break out. It's cheap as hell, as far as lotions go. For moisturizers, I use Clinique. I've been blessed with perfect skin; by that I mean, I don't have acne problems and I never did as a teenager. I want to keep it that way. I wash my face with Noxzema every night and use the Clinique moisturizer in the morning after I wash my face.
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