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Everything posted by rm2551

  1. Killing it greengrass. 🤣
  2. Finally a day of sun. You put solar on your roof and what do you get? A week of solid overcast. 🤬
  3. Solar install is now underway. No power for 3 hours, but solar!!!!
  4. Booked a cabin in Cotton Tree for two weeks in December. Can't freakin wait. We used to camp there regularly before Covid on a powered tent site with the kids.
  5. That last solo and outtro is as good as they have ever played I'd say. And it's a decent recording!
  6. 100% - and the following night is great as well. Jones is inspired and the outtro and final notes from Page are insane. The Plantation afterward sounds like they were all but rioting, and when you listen to the power that the band transferred to the crowd, it's no wonder. Edit... Exactly my sentiment. They really did deliver both nights. I'm with you for the 30th edging out the 29th, but this may change back for me as my Zep lists are always subject to change! I'd say highlight of that tour was Trampled. there were a few highlights, but Trampled really shone.
  7. beach weather tomorrow which is where I'll be! 🏄‍♂️
  8. Inglis was a GOAT. These are State of Origin highlights, not even club level - of which there are tons more.
  9. The Wanton Song. What a masterpiece. How is this not one of their most well known/popular pieces outside of this community? It's just so damn good, and it is easy to listen to and suitable for rock station radio play.
  10. I haven't seen this yet, was planning to. I was all zombied out from The Walking Dead. I think I made it to season 6 or 7 and just gave up as it just got too damn depressing with the narrative seemingly stuck/looping. I do love a good Zombie flick though. Dawn of the Dead is king IMHO. Starts at the start, and doesn't try to "solve" shit.
  11. Again, too hot to mow. Hung clothes out on the line and needed a cold shower. Feels like we're in Cairns with this gawd awful humidity.
  12. 38 (100.4) today, 36 tomorrow. Me think's I'll head to the beach tomorrow.
  13. Hi Steve, I'd also appreciate one if you could. I have a version that simply states on it's info file: note: This is the best version of this show. No mention of Night Owl. Cheers.
  14. Everyone should always have an external back up of pics/vids/docs etc. I'd go so far as to back it up to a second external drive once a month and keep that offsite. And yeah, I reckon there is little doubt Microsoft play the same cunty games that Samsung and Apple have been found guilty of when they release "patches" for their phones that completely fuck them up in order for that upgrade purchase.
  15. HOT as fuck and I'm pulling down ye-olde-chicken coup and placing a new one in chickenlandia. it's just too fucking hot.
  16. Real Time. What an opening show. One if his best.
  17. We almost made a whole week of sun (albeit a lot of overcast still) but alas - today gives us heavy intermittent showers. Unreal it's on the downhill to Autumn now and haven't had a full week of sun this summer. WTF is going on. At least it's Friday.....
  18. Be careful elites. Even the great unwashed masses have limits.... https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-01-16/report-finds-billionaire-wealth-increased-since-covid/101857686
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