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Everything posted by rm2551

  1. Real Time. What an opening show. One if his best.
  2. We almost made a whole week of sun (albeit a lot of overcast still) but alas - today gives us heavy intermittent showers. Unreal it's on the downhill to Autumn now and haven't had a full week of sun this summer. WTF is going on. At least it's Friday.....
  3. Be careful elites. Even the great unwashed masses have limits.... https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-01-16/report-finds-billionaire-wealth-increased-since-covid/101857686
  4. Bonfire of the Vanities I thought satired this point beautifully, although the movie itself was a massive flop, I always enjoyed it.
  5. I get it, the US did not need this "proxy war". I don't agree for various reasons, but now I better understand what you meant. That is not what I meant, sorry I was not very clear. I struggled with that example and should have dropped it. LOL... Don't agree with almost all of this. Syria, Libya destabilised themselves via their so called leaders choices on how to rule over their countries. Not saying the west did not play their part, but mate, seriously, geo-politics is not limited like it or not. In fact I reckon it should go further (we should stop trading with and dealing with outright cunts FULL STOP - but that's a pipe dream) Authoritarian regimes like theirs always end the same way sooner or later with very few examples - and I'd say countries like the US are well positioned to turn the screws on these psycho cunts to help bring them to an end *special shout out to the Kims for one... At least I hope so. Fucked if I want to see a world where that kind of "Government" becomes the norm and democracies are largely abandoned. Australia bullying the Solomons???? LOL.... We couldn't even bully Fiji when there was a military coup. We just huffed and puffed with a lot of bullshit empty threats like a midget shaking their fist at a UFC fighter threatening violence. A better and much more accurate example you should have called on was what we did to the emerging nation of East Timor. We acted like utter cunts in regards to the gas fields and negotiations (illegally wire tapping them during negotiations and the like) and there was practically no accountability. It was, and remains, absolutely shameful and criminal. I get your view more, cheers. I still cannot get past how it is irrelevant how Ukraine views this war. I get what you meant, but fucking hell, that's a weird way to say it (no offence). They got (and continue to get) fucked in the arse through no fault of their own. Not even the most generous analysis could have Ukraine as ANY kind of threat to Russia. Fuck Russia. If they are so scared of being invaded, or the world ganging up on them and even invading (such a bullshit view) then they should build their own wall. I don't think a single citizen or Government of any other country gives two fucks about Russia in terms of going to war with it let alone actually invading it. Their fear of NATO is nothing more than the paranoia of a dictator who only gets "yes, you are completely correct sir!" replies to any/all questions or views Putin poses to his circle. Who is going to give that fucker bad news??? And who gives a fuck as long as they are contained in that they are not (I should say do not continue to be) a threat to other nations. Go Ukraine. I hope you push them off every centimetre of your land. And I am glad the west helps.
  6. A product of the system the Russian forces represent. Broken and wholly corrupt.
  7. Really? It is irrelevant how Ukraine views this war when they were the ones invaded??? I don't quite understand how it is irrelevant for them - or what exactly you mean by that. They are fighting for their survival as a country that want to determine their own direction/policy/society - NOT be sucked back into the misery they once existed as. Isn't that like saying it is irrelevant how the US saw the attack on Pearl Harbour, it was simply about a proxy war between an emerging Pacific power and the US which seemed to have no interest in fighting against fascism? I am not looking for a fight, I just cannot understand this view - or how this could possibly be irrelevant to Ukraine. Do you think to avoid being a player in a "proxy war" they should have just rolled over to Russian aggression? I can't see another choice. By the way, of course it is a proxy war, most are for larger players in the game. But wars are also local.
  8. My holidays pretty much come to an end tonight. It is Sunday tomorrow, but having the inlaws over for lunch means not what I would call a relaxing care free afternoon. So I'll smoke a nice tasty joint tonight, sink a Corona or two, stream Alice from Friday night, and enjoy my last night off before the 2023 working year begins. I hope everyone had a great Christmas and new year break. Best wished to all of you Zep heads.
  9. I heard Anne Wilson's unusual cover of Immigrant Song last night and randomly though: I know Heart and Rush have great raps on Zep, I have seen Billy Joel talk about seeing Zep and it changed him, I wonder who else that is highly successful has the mighty Zep as their #1 band???
  10. Happy birthday to a true legend. The #1 invite for my fantasy dinner party.
  11. 36c (97) with mad afternoon storm cells now passing through, but missing us. #toohottomow.
  12. We have 10 chooks. We're constantly giving eggs to family and neighbours.
  13. Home made steak sandwiches for lunch with the obligatory cheese, egg and beetroot with a tasty Sav Blanc.
  14. Tackle work head on as it's going to be a monster year. Tightly control alcohol intake. Less junk food.
  15. A very merry Christmas to all. Ham, chicken, prawns, with a home made fried rice for lunch. Sensational.
  16. haven't heard this song since I was a young child. It came on the radio at mums Christmas day and for some reason got me quite emotional. Quite a nice piece...
  17. Is it just me? Watching and listening to TSRTS is vastly different to just listening to it (even if an identical version). TSRTS - listening only easily wins. I think this is down to me listening to that album and wearing it out before really getting into the film, and mostly listening to it over watching it for a LONG time, but I'd love to hear others views. RAH - watching and listening easily wins. Knebworth - not sure.... I think if there was ever a release of pure concert footage of MSG '73, watching + listening most likely wins, but that's pure speculation and unlikely to occur, sadly.
  18. I - like almost anyone (I imagine) can pull off a decent Sean Connery.... A book fell on my head. I can only blame my shelf.
  19. Ancient Apocalypse. Interesting enough, but some cringy directing.
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