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Everything posted by Anjin-san

  1. Hi Conney,all, Who is the dame? Nice voice,... KB (it is the little things)
  2. Hi Steve,all, Did you notice the sand on her bum? KB
  3. Hi Stever,all, I *think* that Bebe(and Liv) were living in Maine at that time,... KB
  4. Anjin-san

    Helen Thomas

    Good answer. My link
  5. Anjin-san

    Helen Thomas

    Hi Danny, That is funny! You mean the ones who were fleeing the Nazi's?Or the British,who opposed the splitting of Palestine into two states,which the Arabs rejected? KB
  6. Anjin-san

    Helen Thomas

    No,your absurdity knows no bounds.
  7. Anjin-san

    Helen Thomas

    My point in arguing that Truth, rather than recourse to violent means, is the path to solving the current inequities and instabilities of the modern Levant is that the Israelis have no need to strut around with a bristling arsenal of nuclear weapons backed up by the overgrown US Imperial Military Industrial Complex in order to be secure. The Palestinians are not going to start randomly killing Jews just their Rights of suffrage are upheld. These people would get along famously if the Zionist hate mongers would just step aside.
  8. Anjin-san


    Hi all, Happy Fathers Day mate! Me 'wife' is a V-rod. Now what make of bike is that?????? KB(colour commentary by BIGDAN)
  9. Anjin-san


    Hi all, Conney,what make of bike is he riding? KB
  10. Anjin-san


    Hi all, Charlie,miss you Brother.How about giving me the finger once and awhile? KB
  11. Hi all, Mr. Plant,being the lyricist for the band and having read LOTR,used those influences in his writings.He was quoted as saying; "After I read Tolkien,I had to live in the country." Have you read the book?The Ring wraiths were clocked in black,...see FOTR. KB
  12. Anjin-san

    Helen Thomas

    Hi all, Shall we get back to what Helen said to the Rabbi? KB
  13. Hi Dan,all, A very thoughtful answer.I added you as friend,I hope to live up to that. KB
  14. Hi all, If you can't see that the unions have become just like the corporations,....you'd better open your eyes. KB
  15. Hi all, Did Jimmy didn't bring his guitar? Maybe, like any musician,you like to sit back and listen to someone else play(?) And who wouldn't want to sit back and listen to Jeff Beck! I agree Wolfie (may I call you that?),JP sounded and played great at O2,IMVHO and that was from cell phone/video clips. Short story: I saw Buddy Guy and Junior Wells at a small club called Sandy's here in Beverly,MA.You know Buddy is a monster on the guitar,yet Junior was hot that night and Buddy lean back and let Junior wail,I mean wail!James Cotton and Magic Dick would have wet their pants! Moral of story,kick back and enjoy,.... KB(I'm doing it.)
  16. Hi all, Strider! Well told and a worth while trip down memory lane!Thank you for sharing. KB (Go Celtics! )
  17. Hi all, Brother Ally, And you'd enjoy all 30 seconds of it! KB
  18. Hi all, I had less gas today,watched the caloric intake.Did not offended one customer.No,...I didn't take Beano! KB( It's the little things)
  19. Hi all, Nice guitar,PRS? KB
  20. Hi Reg,all, True,it could be.But Aq,has a point and wasn't BOE,about Scottish border wars? Any who,good discussion! KB
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